Donnerstag, 21. Dezember 2023

A very well edited part of the Stasi system against magoi and magic workers in the 21st century is: we don't see anything, are you crazy? what stupid imaginations are you showing us? do you have psychological problems? no, I need a better camera! what do you need? better camera! Why does someone like you need an expensive camera? are you sick? No, I just need a better camera! What?

Faces have many meanings, a message, an order, a signpost, a flow of energy through the gate

Ali Khamenei has radical enemies, iranian, but in this one story they are in solidarity with Ali Khamenei: murder of our race, all it takes is a grin from Ali Khamenei and they kill! it will then be said: ayatollahs killed him. good night

حاجی شب به خیر جیگر، فردا چندتا عکس دیگه میفرستم

With a precision lens and camera it would be a fantastic trip... this photo was a good answer to the question I asked Mitra a few nights ago

Hold still without turning, nothing happens

I'm going to prepare myself now, but psychopathy with freedom of action never has a negative face, it has an open friendly face with shiny angel eyes. a heavenly sight, because it feels like it's in 7th heaven

These Iranian European tribes make money from child murders, family murders, women and girls murders and ethnic murders with the help of their close relatives in Europe and America

I will take photos at 10pm and post at 10:30pm. But this is satanic government of Iran and its demonic djinns: Arash Amiri and his wife Arabella CIA employee, Reza Nasri his and Azadeh Amiri's cousin Sepah and Iranian secret service member.

These western societies have become trash with Rahim's race, with his related tribes in Austria: genocide and torture for prosperity.

Austrian state, police, the judges and the secret services are killers. Tonight I will take photos and open gates to other dimensions, firing around in a university makes no sense like in Prague: weeds have to be pulled out from the roots, who is a higher race and being? I have 38 other unseen projects

Rahim Amiri's salary was 1,800 euros, and he has been receiving 800 euros in pension for 12 years, he stands in front of the camera and says I'm dirty and a millionaire. outrageous advertising campaign for racial murder and racial humiliation

The announcement of armed struggle from 2003 was also due to the establishment of an ahrimanic/satanic financial system, a cultivation, and because of the restoration of old traditions that were everyday life in Iran before Islam, the old slogan: normal is to say: I was always decent and hardworking and i earned a house, today even a celebrity like Asghar Farhadi says: I am dirty and i built a house, the most beautiful feeling, the most beautiful money, the most beautiful life

Today is a beautiful night called Yalda night I will take photos of the Grail and do a study myself because of my schitzopherenia attacks: where do the voices come from and why is Austria a Nazi murderer bastard according to these voices, why do these voices say you are with yours Family in mortal danger because of billion euro race trade business

Vienna wants to kill me and my family soon, not a single Iranian knows about my political activism since 2002, this genocide business brings billions, that's the only reason

هیچکس هیچی یادش نمیاد، نه ساعت ها بحث سازماندهی تشکلات و یا امور مالی، اطلاعات رسانی، عملیات خنثی کننده، مبارزه مسلحانه، هیچ کس. اتاق های 200 تا 300 نفری ما شد هیچ و پوچ. تروری هم در کار نیست و فعالیتی هم در کار نبوده و کسی به نام باربد فراهانی همان "جازمن" معروف را کسی نمیشناسد. سگ برینه به اول تا آخرتون که هر کدومتون اومد وین فقط توجه کرد چقدر پول جمع شده

یک زمانی اول این جنبش ما هستیم ما چند روز اتاق پالتالکی باز کردیم، همایون جاکش هم چادری میومد میشست اونجا و هی بیشرم بیشرم و رژیمی رژیمی مینوشت در کنار توده ای و اکثریتی. خلاصه ما این حرکت رو اینجور بهش معنا دادیم: در صف نانوایی طرف به پشت سری بگه ما هستیم، لول، خوب طرف اول به چی فکر میکنه!؟ والا، خوب مرتیکه بکن توش.دات.کام سایت داریم، این چه دکون خارکوسده بازیه تو باز کردی مادر قحبه، برو وایسا تو صف تخم مرغ به جلوییت بگو ما هستیم، برو دم نونوایی به پشت سریت بگو ما هستیم. برو وایسا تو ایستگاه قطار به کناریت بگو ما هستیم...... کوسکش مملکت شد تخمی تخمی نود میلیون مادر جنده چی چی هی ما هستیم ما هستیم

Every Antisemitic NAZI animal bastard on the streets looks at me like a perpetrator and terrorist, and the perpetrators are looked at as victims and victims of terror. Eastern bloc foreigners, Turks, Arabs, iranian others. Everyone is brainwashed under the police and Austrofascism

Whoever didn't see anything in 2003 was the international court, whoever sees nothing today is the international community, whoever wants to kill all of us in Iran and outside Iran with Ayatollahs is a network with a hundred million users

In Austria I hear old animal screams, 1932 screams: we won't let ourselves be humiliated, we won't let Jews fool us, we want prosperity

Austria wanted to start committing mass murder against our ethnic groups, our tribes, our race. with 20 years of preparation and100 million collected customers. I stopped everything.

There is also a painting with Jump Jump Song hanging in the Louver Museum! LOL jump jump calculate the ball, jump jump shake the ball, jump jump fuck her with the ball,

America is eugenics fascism and a bastard, these Jews Armenians insinuations are for only one purpose: to spy and kill jumpers with worldwide anti-Semitism

I say it's all just a fake show: we are magic workers and magoi, which the Jews are not and never will be.

It is enough if the American says to us Jews, Austria will persecute and kill us with its future 7th and 8th generations.

Vienna is a Nazi animal and a Nazi weed, look at the 4th generation, worse than the first,Today's 18 year old nazis are worse than the children of 1944. biological nazi waste

Vienna never stops with mass murder and racial persecution, they have been a firm partner of the Ayatollah regime for 45 years: we will help you with the assortment, inventory and genetic research, we will find them all

همه فحش دادن های ایرانی ها به ما هم سر اینه: ما پول میخوریم، ما پول میخواهیم!، حالا به من بگو بی ادب، فحاش، لمپن، رذل، پست. بگو قاتل کثیف، بگو با ادب جنایتکار، به من بگو باربد بی ادب

Austria is a biological weed, an epidemic, a virus, a contagious danger, a killing machine, an animal unnecessary thing in this world. It is only enough if the American reports: most Iranian native tribes have Jewish blood and Armenian blood, more Jewish than Armenian. The women only produce weeds, Nazis and killers and scum

All the money that was paid in all directions through Austria only had one goal: mass destruction system and economy, genocide and economy