Freitag, 22. Dezember 2023

Viennese upper class is a genetic Nazi trash can still on the hunt and looking for race and genocide, the entire Viennese upper class is a genetic Nazi trash can with a mass murder plan all over Europe, looking for us.

I was never registered as unemployed until 2009, between 1989 and 2009, since 2009 nothing has happened, not a single chance, work/job/career/money/capital, I have been isolated without a wife or girlfriend for 7 years, this bastard is passing me by after 20 years of the stasi system and looks at me like a muslim terrorist, like a criminal and crazy. this inferior origin bastard Neanderthal

This is Austria and its statement: Anyone who gives the victim evidence of the past 20 years will be murdered, regardless of the person, group, organization, authority or nationality

Eastern European foreigners in Vienna shouldn't look at me like a muslim terrorist and criminal. Vienna is a criminal with a mass murder plan in Iran. a Vienna with smiling and friendly faces. There are tens of thousands of victims, children, girls, boys, women, men, old and young men and women

Austria was and is a psychopathic mass murderer, proven in the 20th century, what are you doing with us today? you lead us to poverty, depression, isolation, sterilization, psychosis and death you bastard mass murderer and race hunter.All the relatives in Iran and abroad were bought with millions of euros

By killing and ruining our existence you have brought which people to wealth and excessive prosperity!?

Do you see the case with my mother and sister in Vienna? Austria has a tradition of racial persecution in Iran with close connections to old Iranian and Ayatollah families for 150 years. The Austrian military even has relatives in Iran, the judges have closer ties to Iran

آقا این جاکش چوس ریش پیچ و مهرش چجوری تو ایران َسفت بوده با خواهر مادر ما هم این کارو کرده!؟ کیرم تو دهنت احمدی نژاد، کوسکش عوضی با اون قیافش، داروینیست خوارکوسده. عمو محمود مارو هم گرفته زیر دستش آدم شده، مگه نه محمود فراهانی کونی؟

with mossadegh the iranian darwanists said: now we are at the helm leave us alone LOL so mosadegh cannot be compared with nelson mandela. Iran has been taught, trained since the 19th century: Luristan and Elam are too much for our understanding and unbearable, to this day. Ghaemmagham Farahani was a victim of this intrigue

Without reporting dozens of human rights violations, our situation remains forced sterilization and genocide

There is a Neanderthal world dictatorship, their free playing field is Middle East and Iran, Palestine, Lebanon and Syria but in the EU this

Scum Nazis in Vienna have given birth to thousands of children in the last 24 years. A dirty crime against humanity is running around on the streets of Vienna and they are carrying out forced sterilization against us. the crime is 24 and policeman today

آقا داروینیست بیشتر از آب جام از آب کیر ما میترسه: تو کدوم کوس و کون رفته کی حامله شده! 😭😭😭😭

رژیم و آخوند هر کاری با مادر و خواهر من کرده بیار بیرون، فقط همین

چپ و کمونیست هم از همتون مادر جنده ترن، کوسکش های داروین پرست، مادر کونی های قاتل، نژادپرست های حیوون چپ نما، نژاد فروش قاتل، بیشرم، زن و بچه کش، داروین پرست، فاشیست کوسکش

بیا همه تپه عن، سنده تاپاله، پشگل، ریدمون ترکمون، شاشخالی، همون لاشی:

آقا ما بیست سال پیش میگفتیم هر کجا این پرچم شیر و خورشید باشد ما نمیآییم، امروز میگم چرا: این پرچم لاشی هاست، فهمیدی؟ پرچم مجاهد قحبه، جبهه ملی جاکش شاهی بیناموس قاتل، پرچم فاشیست های نازی ناز نازی

سگ لا پا ننه هاتون میرید بهتر بود تا اسپرم پدر حیوونتون، شاهی دنبال پول و نژاد کشی، چپی قاتل بیناموس مجاهد قحبه زن و بچه کش، رژیمی کیری تر از همتون، راستی مادر قحبه آدم فروش... من شاشیدم به پرچمتون جبهه ملی، اکثریتی، توده ای، شاهی، چپی، مادر قحبه های نژاد فروش، آدمخوار کثافت.... آدم فروش، وطن فروش

Islamic government of Iran and Austrian government have an anti human policy, anti race policy, anti genetic policy with plans for sterilization and mass murder. UN helps to hide evidence everywhere and strongly denounces anything that could harm both states

The UN organization is a uniform collective of fascism, the employees have nothing to do with the basic idea of building the UN, only anti-Semitic fascists work in UN buildings

The smartphone photo from last night is at least 40 percent sharp. Apart from antiques and the carpet business, magic has been a recognized profession in Austria since the 19th century. Is there somewhere where Vienna and Tehran haven't ruined me and my existence? with thousands of fake clips, voices and scenarios, with the message: we determine the salary and standard of Jewish families from Iran

The fair social distribution of money from the Stasi murder system is National Socialism, racial madness, racial murder and mass murder, how did Austria earn money? In the last 6 years, another 250,000,000 have been distributed to Iranian and non-Iranian and Iranian opposition

سازمان مجاهدین خلق کوسده مادر، رژیم و پلیس رو بیار بیرون، خواهر و مادر من آدم نیستند؟ نه؟ اجنبی مادر کوسده ها

This blood and vmat2 is Persian history and the Greatness, everything else is monkey and low intelligence and intellect. We have Darwinian Aryan enemies, as you see today, everywhere

the statement from the Vienna police:"There is nothing here" is a collaboration between Austrofascism and the current Nazi movement in Iran and outside Iran

Austrian Police glorify Iranian terrorism and current anti-Semitism and Nazi movement for mass murder, Viennese police as an autonomous organization carry out racial persecution and mass murder

I have to go but monkey origins can also study economics for 100 years, but the only idea it has in economic crisis is: mass murder, war, race murder and misery to get out of the crisis

Because of the economic crisis, Zionism helped in the mass murder of 6 million people, today we also see in Vienna: consumers need money for consumption

I am a terror victim, the Iranians in this city are terrorists, and Viennese Austrians are chanting: We are the master race, we will kill his mother and sister and rid this world of Jews! Iranians should keep their mouths shut just that, our country, our priority, our necessity. listen to the chat rooms

Does anyone know this Baba and his foreign minister? Smartphone Photo raw