Dienstag, 26. Dezember 2023

One minute of secret recording of a citizen's private life, marketing it for financial gain, is legally punishable by a fine of up to 100,000 euros and a penalty of up to 2 years in prison. Isn't this anti-Semitism, fascism and mass murder?

we asked for love emam ali so that this sick brain whore will be destroyed by the millions, see what's going on again today: an Aryan sick brain whore is dragging millions of sick female animals behind her because of a mother and a daughter. With the sword of Islam there was peace until Ali Khamenei and Ayatollah Khomeini came

The new phenomenon Grail with three balls is an Eylamic work, Eylamic Iranian, Elami Iran

آقا از این مارک جام ما قابلمه هم موجود است، برید کوفته شیرازی درست کنید یه تخم مرغ هم بگذراید وسطش، بعد ببینید زایشی بوجود میاد یا نه آریایی های اهورایی

من شاشیدم به کوس هرچی زن عن ایرانی آریایی:، نبوده، نبودیم، آدم نیستن اینها، ما نبودیم

Preventing and blocking dozens of human rights violations in Europe is this behavior: we reduce then we kill. Human rights are for valuable people. There is one thing: the trash can uterus sees vmat2 uterus as a trash can, its children zombies and robots as humans and vmat2 children as God's animals

آقا یه زمانی میرفتیم دیسکو هی آب معدنی سفارش می‌دادیم میخندیدیم به جاکش ها، یک دفعه کف کردم پشت سرم چی میگن: این بدبخت بیچاره شده، برید یه شیشه ودکا باز کنید بذارین جلوش، زشته با این قد قامت و سرو وضع و تیپ اومده پول نداره. حاجی ما هم 3 تا شیشه خالی میکردیم، بعد میدونی چی میگفتن؟ این بشکه عن خوار مارو گایید، این چرا مست نمیکنه؟ یعنی ما انقدر عنیم دو پیک میخوریم قبله مون رو گم میکنیم این مادر قحبه بحث فلسفی بعد از دو شیشه راه میندازه

As far as the mysterious images are concerned: solve it and tell how it happens, puzzles are expensive, unsolved mysteries are worth hundreds of millions of euros in media business

Dozens of human rights violations are not reported because the Aryan scum evolution sick animal not only has psychological problems with genes, race DNA and history, but also with our faces, Aryan scum evolution sick animal origin

Iran has 15 million gypsy Romano race and 25 million Indian Pakistani descent Iranian. If the face profile, body size, non-verbal behavior and lifestyle do not belong to these tribes, then you are called as: "not from us" or "not of Aryan origin" which at the same time means: you are not Iranian

The Viennese Aryan Iranians could have ended this racial murder operation with secret cameras on a single day and demonstration in 2009, you see: contaminated Aryan blood and meat, killer race and sick brains in the name of Mohammed Reza Pahlavi! a nationalist who never allowed to humiliate a single Iranian abroad

خلاصه ایران آریایی بوده و پرنده ها هم ضد ما غیر آریایی ها. والا جهود ارمنی کیر نداره، پرنده هم چون خودش کیر نداره میره سراغ کیر کلفت ها با کیر آریایی کوس بکنه.... مادرتون رو گاییدم چوس تفکر های آریایی ضد بشر، مادر قحبه های چوس مغز.


در فرهنگ مردم باستان پرندگان دارای نیروهای ماوراء الطبیعی و شگفت هستند. گاه نقشی سمبلیک به آنان می دهند؛ آنان را موجوداتی ارزشمند ، قابل احترام و دارای تقدس می دانند و گاه نیروهایی ضد دیوی به آنان نسبت می دهند. در اساطیر، عناصر و پدیده های آسمانی به شکل و هییت پرنده توصیف می شود

Montag, 25. Dezember 2023

We are Austrian women and are what? What have we done with other women? You inferior piece of meat, you shit, what have we done to other women, you piece of shit meat, inferior dirty meat. fucking sick biology fucking sick brains

good night

I've been sitting at home for almost 7 years and see women in this society are worthless pieces of meat and shit, I mean your race of course: evolution race. woman against woman also against my mother and sister. worthless piece of meat and shit you fucking ape origin woman

When it comes to this, I understand: the depth of a woman biologically or emotionally is as interesting to me as a donkey's ass. Fuck you all, if a man no longer sees any point in sticking his cock in a piece of meat then it really is the end of the world

Containers are either a symbol of economy (transport or storage?) or technology and progress

The visionary, the old man who slides or flies downwards, is the main role

greed is a pig

One drop was good, I don't dare swallow more, more than one drop is greed

I have now opened portals, the chat rooms are loud: Austrians and many Iranians talk in chat rooms as perpetrators, killers and torturers, not as humane. but as aggressive animals. How contagious was Azadeh every time I checked myself? hiv and hepatitis negative!?

I'll take photos in an hour, as long as the mystery is unsolved it's valuable:, new messages, new hope, new worlds, a proven friendship, respect and loyalty. My grail is Made in sweden

میگن خواب تکمیل واسه قند خوبه، ما هم از بس میخوابیم حاجی شکلات کیت کات گذاشتیم کنارمون بیدار میشیم ضعف نگیریم، امروز یه پانصد کلیپ نگاه کردیم ولی فقط یکیش به ما چسبید، بگو کدووم؟

Bastards only with a scientific explanation can someone say the photos and work and idea are worthless, a scientific explanation beforehand, bastard monkeys

Both governments say: we see nothing. That means: if you see something, we won't let you earn any more money illegally.

Austrian murder program with cyber torture: if it works in Iran and nobody does anything, why not in Austria!? Now I ask, am I the first or the last with my family? It's about billions of euros

The satanic republic of Iran is pressuring Austria, it is even blackmailing everyone: take everything from him, lock him up and kill him, the only one who has a path to higher beings and God is Ali Khamenei!

در و سوراخ توقیف شد😭🤣😭😂

آقا حساب کن در و سوراخ به اونور ساختیم 3 متر بعد یک دفعه این صداش جلو مردم دربیاد: خفه شو ابله، بذار بچه کارش رو بکنه مرتیکه.... جون تو مملکت ریده میشه بهش بره، سپاه گوهی میشه، حزب الله از کار میره بیرون... وضعیتی جون تو. آخه این جریان سوتی هم میشه یه کارهایی کرد، میکروفن غیر عادی میخواد

حاجی یکم از سرمایه ات بده پروژه درست کنم، البته قبلش فیلم درست کنم:، مهمانان زیر آب و حضرت الخضر و الیاس، این فیلم دیشب با ایده اصلیش رفته تو اعصابم، جزیره به درد پروژه متافیزیک-توریستی میخوره، پرواز زیر آب