Mittwoch, 27. Dezember 2023

این مادر جنده آریایی امروز بهش پلیس وین پا میده، ببینید فردا قماش کوسکش آریایی رضا پهلوی بیان ایران با سیا و موساد چه گوهی میخورن، همین آریایی شاهی مادر جنده، گدا گشنه شاشخالی

inferior pig blood austrian aryan nazi, mass murderer bastard race and tribe, a scientific explanation to this mystical event in water grail you bastard origin, anti human animals, bastard nazi pig austrian

تف به کوس ننه جنده آریایی ایرانی، توف به کوس ننت مادر جنده فاشیست

They call my blood Jewish and since 2002 they have been plundering my existence and distributing it to Aryan Iranians. this dirty meat and blood Aryan Austria, dirty blood and meat Aryan Vienna, dirty blood and vein Austrians

تف به کوس ننه جنده آریایی ایرانی، توف به کوس ننت مادر جنده فاشیست

no one can close my website because of the truth, I insult current proven fascism in Iran, and a current well statistically calculated Austrofascism 88%. you dirty scum nazi pig iran austria, animal origin nazi pigs

Dirtiest fucking Aryan race Viennese police, dirtiest fucking race: we had Judansau family and the ritual Jewish blood money remains hidden, dirtiest Aryan tribe Austrian Aryan police. Huankind abschaum NAZIS, huankind Faschisten

Vienna police to Iranian Aryan poverty psychopathy: Judensau also wanted to work and have money, Barbad Farahani and his sister Judensau family

تف به کوس ننت آریایی لجن خوارکوسده، پلیس وین فاشیست عن نبود تو چکار میکردی گدا گشنه، آریایی فقیر کیری، لجن آریایی شاهی، چپی، مجاهد،جبهه ملی کوسکش، کمونیست بیناموس آریایی کیری، شاشخالی نژاد، قبیله کوسکش، مادر جنده های لجن زاده، گدا گشنه شاشخالی آریایی فاشیست

Austrian government: Pakistani Sinti Roma gypsies, balkan romano aryan race from Iran have earned legal money, anyone who reports them and submits a complaint with evidence will be arrested

جریان فقیر روانی در این شهر وین میدونی چیه در این بیست سال گذشته؟ فقیر آریایی، فرض مثال در ایران هستی و زندگی میکنی: یک میلیارد دستت باشه میگن کسی نیست، رقمی نیست. دو میلیارد دستت ببینن میگن ببین داره دم در میاره، تا بیست میلیارد زندگی داشته باشی میگن داره جلو چشم ما ستون فقرات قبیله ای سفت میکنه، خلاصه به ۱۰۰ میلیارد برسی قبیله ای میان جلو: مادر جنده مگه تو دیوانه ای این پول هارو جمع کردی جلو چشم ما میذاری. جریان پشگل و سنده و تاپاله آریایی شهر وین هم با ما این بود و هست

What the Viennese police do to my sister is tradition, this girl screamed loudly: I'm not a Jew, the Viennese police shouted back: You're Jewish when we say you're Jewish, she was murdered after a short time

فرهنگ، معماری، علم، دانش این همه دستآوردهای مهم مملکت ما همه شده آریایی، این همه قبیله این همه نژاد، این همه آدم ولی فقط یک قبیله آدم بوده، آره؟ آریایی میمون! نون حروم خور خارکوسده. به جون تو آب کیرم رو بریزم تو جام با کریستال قرش بدم یه بچه خوشگل بزنه سرش بیرون میگن: این چند درصد خون آریایی داره از طرف باباش، وگرنه نمیشد

جهود اهریمنی، همون صهیونیست اهریمنی با تو آریایی مادر کونی دیو پرستید، دیو پرست، شاشخالی آریایی، اینم علامت مادر جنده آریایی

مادر جنده دروغ اهرمینی هستی کوسکش آریایی، آریایی یعنی دیو پرست، اهریمنی، گوشت خوک، اجنبی، جاکش، جنایت، قاتل، کوسکش آریایی، دروغ اهریمنی،

هر چی سر خواهر و مادر ما جنایت کردن نشستن به ما میخندن، شاشیدم به کوس جنده آریایی حیوون مادر جنده های لاشی میمون

see Vienna Germany America Europe Iran: Aryan was always just a pig, my mother and sister are Elami Jews? You Aryan animal and pig, you dirty origin

Thousands of young people have died, including children, so that you can sit on the balcony of a cafeteria and say: My loose hair is freedom, today I will find a good fuck with this outfit. after 40 years of struggle, sacrifice and torture. aryan pigs, iran was aryan, and iran is aryan!? aryan whore pigs

The channels are open, satanist networks and our spies of God's creatures Elam's eagle, buzzard, falcon: who died and who benefits from it for what?

My political ambition included armed struggle and defense, the result of the political struggle of the reformists and monarchists leftists liberals and neoliberals abroad and at home: millions of women walking around without headscarves, after tens of thousands of deaths and victims. Pistachios are a dream, onions are a luxury for soup, meat is unattainable as food for children. Aryan pigs

Everyone in the Iranian opposition knows my activism since 2002 and everyone listened to Austria and Ayatollahs: he is a native and Jewish Armenian, a "crypto Jew" hidden Jew with VMAT2 he brings us all money. Aryan pigs

Dienstag, 26. Dezember 2023

Scum whores, dirty Aryan race dirty children sons and daughters bastard scum animals


This uterus is a symbol of Iranian mother, mother Persia, Luristan Elami artifact and very old: Austrian is inferior to anything you know to criticize this uterus or to call it superfluous not normal or a danger, and even less inferior is bastard American, bastard animal American. Stasi secret camera actions are sterilization and so genocide

I have to go, I'll take photos and post them tomorrow, but Austrian women are no less animals than American bastard women. The only difference is: concentration camp prehistory, otherwise we would be dead long ago.

That's what Viennese women and Austrian women in general establish: we don't need art, music, invention, progress, science, renewal, modernization, overhaul: we have enough people for all of that, who needs vmat2 paranormality? Ruining and killing brings billions, look at our country! my aunt TARA killed in Washington 1990

Arabs and Turks are worse than Austrians, do you know why? . Do you know: primary sector of the economy? Like Iran, they also have a lot of vmat2 raw material, they don't know what to do with raw material, so they think: let's bring several thousand to the west every year for......... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Not a single person will be punished because of two women, Austrian citizens, because this is a fucking precise murder plan and genocide plan

this is a precise genocide plan vienna, with the help of inferior Aryan Iranian scum, slaughter of native tribes, inferior Aryan trash from Iran

see what they do with the Iranian Aryan race in Austria: Azadeh and Rahim you are Aryan you are worth more than 1800 euros salary. to an accountant and German trainer. try to oppress his mother and sister with masses and kill these vmat2 elami whores

European leadership and NATO states are garbage, EU Parliament is a garbage container, European human right activists waste and garbage,International courts in Europe are garbage and shit, otherwise these genocide actions and terrorism would not be possible