Sonntag, 31. Dezember 2023

All European and American animals are involved in Vienna's genocide program, including UN, Amnesty International and all international courts.death, misery and illness over you animals in 2014. Die European animals

My wish for 2024 is a 9/11 action against Hague. for participating in global racial murder vmat2 torture and ethnic cleansing. I would like to see animals jump out of the window, of course not as a terrorist but as a TV viewer

Sonntag, 31. Dezember 2023

bastard nazi austria death disease and misery for you 2024, bastard dirt nazi austria, austrofascism animals, bastard scum land death and disease for you 2024

I will send the rest of the photos tomorrow, it's just before the new year and Vienna is still laughing and grinning in my face, it started in 2002 and hasn't stopped to this day. This whole garbage society and city and country has not yet been punished for hundreds of millions of euros and what's worse: the cyber torture murder money has been spent to this day on excessive wealth. Photo 2002

Photo two: Old aristocracy line and the traitor

Photo one: Nice Friend. Professor of Economics. fuck the economy. bastard economy. I want to see crash

I'm going to take photos now, but: until the late 80s, photo albums and ancestry books were the sign of noble origins, today laboratory reports... who is from which tribe and dynasty, who has the aristocratic blood, or noble origins

It doesn't matter where you are, in which city in Yazd Isfahan Tehran, Vienna Berlin or Rome, or in Washington or New York: the capitalist has bought the city and controls it. his and her problem: genes and dna and biology. a 2 cent character that is raised all over the world and all doors are open for this character. even in the International Court of Justice or Geneva. look at vienna my life since 1998

This speed is incredible, in a stationary state, then I received a few messages, I hope today too. I hope the photos will be a little shiny and better

read the reports, genetic engineers deal with ethnicity and race in laboratories, who did the Romans and Greeks talk about in a negative sense?

Austro Nazi Paranoia and My Tribe: What does he do when he throws cough syrup with banana and ginger and garlic and chicken liver into the Grail and turns the mixture with the balls😭😭😭🤣🤣

آقا این سپاهی ها و حزب اللهی ها یه چند سالی یکی رو هی مینداختن دنبال من، علیرضا نامی بود، این یه سه هفته ای سر یه جریانی سه پیچ دست از سر ما بر نمیداشت، گیر داده بود و هی سوال میکرد: باربد خط دارویی میتونی جایی پیدا کنی؟ خط دارویی سراغ داری، خیلی بهت پول میدن ها بچه های ایران!، آقا ما هم هی خندمون میگرفت چون میدونستم این بویی که میاد از در کون کدوم کونده ای میاد و هی میگفتیم نه، نه، نه بابا مگه من داروسازم.....! آخه دارو تنهایی تولید کردن جرمش خیلی سنگینه دا... کوسکش ها مگه من خلافکار ببو مثل فیلم های پلیسی دوزاریتونم.... بیگی منو، ده بیگی منو سروان، اینجام تو خونم بیا بیگی منو. کیرم تو فیلماتون

Unfortunately, due to the quality of the smartphone camera the picture is not perfect, for example the full facial features, flash setting is also very important. What is the Vienna police trying to establish in order to murder whom through the masses?

I have to go, but citizens need money for shopping centers: how does it work with these unemployment statistics and current salaries in general? Should everyone bring a target home? a child or a woman or girl for live torture? like azadeh?

this is nothing else than to show solidarity with murderers after 45 winters. This is not spring but the end. Today racial cleansing is more important for the Nazi regime than anything else, the new oil fields: old race and VMAT2. and that only works with the consent of the citizens

45 years of fighting death and ruined existence, depression fear psychosis was because of this profound meaning: hijab!

The governing system is good, it is becoming European, but hijab is Islam and we don't want that. after 45 years of struggle blood torture murder and misery: the governing system is good but hijab is...

میگم این صحنه های فروشگاه های هدیش مال رو واسه کمپ اشرف در یوتیوب پخش میکنید یا واسه ما؟ حرف زیاد دارم اگر برای من پخش میکنید ها

I received a confirmation that my message has arrived, in imagery: origin conflict between evolution and creation, they are looking for us genetically in the laboratory because of mass murder. Hey Joe, call Will Smith to get ready for Independence Day

For us, Islam was liberation and salvation from scum.What is desired and chanted today: free secular Iran. after 45 years of satanic nazi republic of iran. We should be freed from something that was originally our liberation

For 2000 years we have been confronted with Aryan crimes and denial, a scum of nature for 2000 years. See for yourself the 21st century, databases and Aryan judges, human rights activists and politicians: scum of nature. shitty origins, shitty tribes, shitty existence

آریایی کیری شاشخالی ایرانی فقط سر جنایت آمادگی همبستگی از خودش نشون میده، فقط سر جنایت! این مادر کوسده جنده آریایی، این عن، این عن نژاد کوسکش فاشیست، این رگ و ریشه شاشخالی آریایی، کوسکش، جاکش،خانم بیار آریایی،

In the year 2000, if 500 Viennese Iranians would set up a network and each put 100 euros into the pot every month, then after 5 years everyone could become millionaires by founding a company. 500 millionaires. I am confronted with Aryan animals, inferior biology, inferior brain and existence, inferior existence

There are three Iranian Aryan tribes that have been working for Ali Khamenei for more than 20 years, in embassies in mosques, but also families that live in Vienna: Don't insult us, we weren't the ones!

شاه نعمت‌الله ولی میگه چی؟، میگه یک.... بگو دو... حالا سه.. درسته؟ بگو پنج،... بگو شش، حالا بش...

I'm tired of tagging every photo, if someone sees something then ok. if not fuck you with stasi sterilization murder and torture money you whore and bastard. I call the photo SUFI dance: Charkhesh