Dienstag, 2. Januar 2024

The slogan nationalism and patriotism in the sense of supporting the perpetrators against the victims is NS repetition and old fascism

Austria has presented a billion euro economic concept for the beginning of the second National Socialism with the approval of all international authorities: vmat2 torture murder financial business, ours from Iran, with the participation of the Islamic Republic of Iran

old race and vmat2 human has hidden abilities, show it before they kill you all. Vienna as the center and headquarters of fascism began with the implementation of mass murder plans

This will be my only post on Facebook for the next four weeks: Austria, the entire society is a Nazi animal with a culture of racial torture

I shit on my Austrian passport, citizenship, the red white red flag and dirty Austrian animal origins and bastard origins. I am a great native Iranian. bastard nazi animal creatures. dirty scum Austrians. Shit country, shit culture and tradition, shit brains and shit biology, shit existence

Everything I do: photography, producing, inventing, building and setting up is in honor of Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, he couldn't create a Switzerland in Iran, but that's what I do: we are the great iranian master race. He married the wrong woman with a false identity and birth certificate, so only in honor of Mohammed Reza, Pahlavie and his father Reza Shah Gholdor

The slogan nationalism and patriotism in the sense of supporting the perpetrators against the victims is NS repetition and old fascism

آقا از این فیلم های ایرانی شستشو مغزی شدم، جون تو، عصر یخبندان میگه چی؟ میگه خلافکاری که آخوند ازش حمایت میکنه باید زد کشت... دادگاه وکیل و قاضی دیگه معنی نداره،

Anyone who filmed my sister's private life for years and distributed it to Iran will receive a death sentence! Before that he gets something different: pain

آقا ما روانی نیستیم اینجوری قیافه نشون میدیم ها، فقط بعد از فحش کیر تو کوس ننه جندت کوسکش آریایی کونده خوار با این قیافه میریم بیرون، میدونی چرا؟ میگه تو پسر بابات نیستی اگر بودی بهمون بر میخورد، برو در کونت رو بزار

Capitalism says: If we come under pressure and have to increase salaries, then we will move our production headquarters to the third world. you should use human resources for prosperity, we support you. Photo today

This is a list of ski holidays for one to five days, ski equipment and hotel costs extra. 45% of Austrian children cry, 39 percent of Austrian parents suffer, so killing Rana first or me is a Christian act. So Vienna lived out of our pocket like parasites for 20 years. a sick biology, psychopathy strains, scum and dirty garbage on the streets. I just got home, blonde whores and bastards look at me like a terrorist and perpetrator, the Nazi whore and walking garbage bag

The solidarity of laughter and love in this city is only because of the end result: death and money. zombie paradise

حاجی شاعر میگه: به بالینم بیا ، یکدم نشین ، که از درد فلان و بهمان جام من چیز میز است

Political activism after 45 years of mass and racial murder: Question to the killers and scum: why is a falcon flying in a Grail with three bullets towards two sitting men

For mass murder and racial murder, both countries have hired lookalikes and invested millions of euros in relatives so that they can confirm the fake material out of court. Lynching of Jews in the 21st century. a Turkish woman in Germany, an Arab woman in Vienna and a Barbad in Iran. photo 2009 vienna

Viennese Austrians, especially the upper class, are a special killer race and scum, the deepest filth and the most horrific mass murderer psychopathy. paranormality these animals. can only be compared with Ayatolah clans that force Nasser Farahani to accept two femicides, his ex-wife and daughter

How fucked up this world is: I never wanted to say father to Nasser Farahani as a child, Veronika's children have been saying it 20 times a day for 12 years. this chemistry is incredible. fucking sick scum kids

Uninteresting for Viennese archaeology, almost under every tree in some districts of Vienna. nazi whore Immaculate Conception. scarlet child birth plan

Ritual behavior, mother and daughter stone, magic lamps for heartbeat and love. stones from 10th distict vienna

There is a difference between old MADARGHAHBE and new MADARAGHAHBE, old Madarghahbe mourns for a lifetime and makes the victim a martyr and hero, it cries for every second that was enjoyed, it licks the knife smeared with blood like a sanctuary. new madarghahbe forgets everything as if you were a stormy night

آره گاییدن ما هم چه شاعرانه بود لیست دوستان بنده، مگه نه!؟ باربد کجاست؟ او بر لابلای بوته ی پستان های او وحشیانه آزاد بود، امروز کجاست...... کدام توده های سینه اش خطرناک و سرطانی نیستند؟

Montag, 1. Januar 2024

Viennese police want to end the racial murder/cyber torture system action this year, with family murder, femicide, arrest and concentration camp for me.Nobody has moved or reported anything about racial humiliation and torture so far, everyone is contaminated with the Stasi murder financial system

Do you know the Viennese monkey Nazi show?You are guilty of being a Jew, you are a criminal! The police want to play this show today like yesterday, yesterday and today nothing has changed: you have to shoot to stay alive. The girl was influenced by monkey nazi show and she was murdered. This race remains an inferior ape race, the Aryan inferior bastard race

آقا ما بریم ولی چقدر بچه دیوونه از آمریکا اروپا کانادا استرالیا برگشتن ایران؟ سالم رفتن دیوونه برگشتن

I will take photos again today and post them tomorrow, but with my blood, origins, genes and DNA and race, no one becomes an EU citizen or American citizen, you become targets, to torture murder victims, to cybertorture stasi victims

I am an Aryan master race? Exploitation, looting, killing, robbery and murder is our Germanic law? the law of nature? the law of the superior race? I'll show you what the "natural law" is and who is the master race

I have 38 well thought out projects. All projects serve this purpose: you are inferior! I am a master breed and high quality.The capital in my hand becomes: miraculous progress, invention, magical work.

Aryan race is biological neurology psychologically sick, calling this race inferior scum is not a crime, it is a torturer, killer and mass murderer race, it is inferior animal evolution origin. look at scenes from 1928 to 1946

Illegally installing cameras in shops and ruining existence has only one reason: Austrofascism, old fascism