Samstag, 6. Januar 2024

It's a magical metaphysics photo, with a little concentration you can edit it and get a 45 minute script. the protectors of mother and child, guardian portal

All Iranians that live in this city are ready to die with their wives and children for only one reason: you are not human. hide evidence is therefore

Home invasion means disenfranchisement and looting, today they do it with a csber torture system

With the fall of Shah, Europe, Israel, America and Turkey, almost all NATO states have achieved their goal: Holocaust Iran, the proof: disenfranchisement of my mother and sister, also Iranian citizens, disenfranchisement and condemnation to cyber torture, which also means lynching

آقا یک نفر هست به ما بگه تاریخ ما به هندی و پاکستانی چه ربطی داره؟ به کولی غربتی چه ربطی داره، آخه به افغانی و اروپایی چه ربطی داره؟ به غزنوی و گرجستانی و لهستانی چه ربطی داره؟ آقا به رومانی و صربستانی و عرب چه ربطی داره؟ ریده شده به مملکت رفته، همه اینها شدن آدم ما نا آدم. ریدن به میراث فرهنگی رفته، یکی از شما ها ایران هست اصلا؟ یکیتون؟

گوساله، عمق آب زیاد بوده نمیتونستن حفاری کنن، از مقبره مادر زرتشت گذشته، مقبره کسی دگر هم آنجا هست که اسکندر هم به دنبالش بود و تخم سگ ولدزناهای اسکندری امروزی به دنبالش هستند، حالا رژیم رو سرنگون میکنید ما بیاییم به کارمون برسیم یا نه؟ مرتیکه بی خایه

Secret camera action also had this meaning. Was I NAJES enough?

I have to go and come back at 6 p.m., but the anti-Semitic word NAJES ( schmutzfink) was imported from Vienna and it didn't just apply to Jews.

بچه خودمون بوده ها، تیکه تهرون

آقا یه فیلم خوب بسازم؟ به اسم عادت ماهانه! داستان پدر و دختری که از بچگی این پند و اندرز و عهد قول و قرار میانشان دارند: هیچوقت تندروی نکن دخترم، به اندازه ای حرکت کن که ما همپیمانت شویم. دختر هم سر یک هفته دست از تندروی بر میداره و میگه بیا اینم عهد ما، یک هفته کپک زدم... توده ای های کوسکش با عن هایی که بار آوردند

who was kissed by Khatami at the start of his career, then it had these intentions and promise: go ahead gently, with a silk cloth. I was always a chainsaw: for one murdered activist, 10 dead regime bodies in Europe and America. for it to stop

There are recorded 25,000 discussion hours of my voice as an admin, between 2003 and 2012. Almost all the well-known faces of Iranian politics know me. All including Massih Alinejad, when she was kissed by Ayatollah Khatamie.

International courts are contaminated by convinced Darwinists and fascists. Hezbollah and Ayarollahs have been involved in terrorist actions for 45 years, UN employees and international courts have a personal opinion in all terror actions: Luristan Elam Kurdistan Azerbaijan General Iranian native tribes are not human, therefore not individuals in Europe worthy of human rights. who the fuck is massih alinejad? regime after show: "here is someone who will take care of it"

There are imitators and copies of me without 38 magic work projects that scream: my project my work. inferior plunderers nature austria. 0815 bimbos, inferior killer race that calls themselves Nazi of fascists

I can reach 4 billion viewers on YouTube while filming Grail for an hour. Equipment for this costs: 580,000 euros. Vienna wants to kill me with hide ecidence. SPÖ says: Wait, if he makes money we will sentence him to tens of millions of euros because of his website and baseless and absurd attacks on the country, there is no authority in the world that pulls out evidence, even from 2017 to today

Freitag, 5. Januar 2024

Since August no one has seen a cultured monkey with two pots. Do you know why? clear message: we want to drink blood, vmat2 blood.This is said by people who have earned between 100 euros and 100 million euros illegally

Not a single satanist, Nazi satanist, Ahrimanist or communist, socialist, atheist sees mouth, jaw, nose, lips, eyes and hair, not even an Ahriman. vatican jerusalem and qum are worse than all. because of money. vmat2 sacrifice blood money

Many shamans were guardians and anti-Ahriman soldiers, pagans were the ones who murdered shamans as heretics and magicians. Ahriman's soldiers in the name of Islam, Christianity and Judaism. I have to go and take photos today at 12:00 a.m. and post them tomorrow

حاجی این امام حسن نیست ها، اونم فاطمه زهرا نیست، جریان یک چیز دیگست، اهورامزدایست جریان، خلاصه گفته باشیم

Some details can be seen better on a smartphone, so what Sharzadeh gave me is a flower, a flying one

آب جیحون از نشاط روی دوست.. خنگ ما را تا میان آید همی... ای بخارا! شاد باش و دیر زی میر زی تو شادمان آید همی

Heas Richter net d's deppert wirst mit Oberschicht Hansi

آقا فیلم ایندیانا جونس یادتون میاد؟ اون خارکوسده اتریشیه گفت : بذار من اول بوقولم؟ من میخوام اول قولتش بدم..... حالا خارکوسده شما هم بچرخونید بقولیت

This is inherited Atlantis ability and stupid ape origin says Jewish mumbo jumbo. LOL bastard in Atlantis there were also other tribes: the Berbers and Mayas, Aztheks, Tuarek people. Dirty scum, inferior Nazi pigs

Well, a country outside of European borders that I would be safe from CIA fascism and would be protected would also be Philippines, today I thought: Duterte will probably kill me too, I need a strange mixture of amphetamine for spiritual development from time to time, Duterte will probably shoot me in the head too. The term "liberal" is a foreign word for him

I have to get rid of Austria and its dirty passport, they lick the knife before my blood sticks to it. Not only because of hundreds of millions of racial trade money, but because of my cock ... Apparently my tribe dies with me, am I the last? LOL

Instead of saying alhamdulillah, there is something new in this world where life does not appear senseless and cold, says the Turk: Another Mysterious Jew that makes nonsense actions again. If Austria had not announced my secret genes and DNA information then Turkey would give me honorary citizenship because of: Please find prophet noahs ship, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, noahs ship...

New slogan of the Viennese monkeys and bimbos, Aryan race: We are not anti-Semites and fascists, we only have one Jew and that is Barbad Farahani, and jokes about his disenfranchisement, concentration camps and isolation are allowed

I was always a fan of the sci-fi movies of the 70s and 80s... a little more realistic than today's ones

میگم آقا این پسر خدا یه پسر داره اونم چه پسری:پسر شجاع، 20 سال پیش میگفت: این هرچی میگه مرگ بر جمهوری اسلامی سوسول بازیشه، این یه کاره دیگست!