Dienstag, 9. Januar 2024

They bought the whole family and relatives with small change, with 0.5 % of their income so that they wouldn't pay a fine

From 1998 onwards, 3 businesses have to be assessed to see how much damage Austria has caused, how much was earned illegally and what my family has suffered. The compensation amount is hundreds of millions of euros

In Austria, an EU state, there is racial madness and Austrofascism, there will only be evidence in this case: several bomb attacks and the murder of several hundred women

Fascism and racial madness dictatorship, racial war in this country: there is no evidence in Austria because of racial trafficking, racial torture financial economy and if there is evidence then it is only useless, we are not sure how deeply Barbad Farahani digs for evidence abroad. Please let us kill the victims of this Nazi repeat

If international courts, UN Amnesty and all other organizations continue to hide evidence and remain silent, then this story will end badly

The only thing that is heard from Viennese women: I need a financial cushion as security and I don't care what happens in this world. just like back then

Example: Viennese academics: we study and achieve nothing: vmat2 espionage torture and murder is our guarantee of prosperity, what does it want to do? earn money? more than us? to buy houses and villas and luxury living? without studying without effort and headache?

If I deal intensively with science with a 5 year plan and study several subjects, then you experience 5 prices. do I want that? No, this world has become so inferior that even a sensational reference to anything is a crime. Anything you get in your hand, you use it for destruction

75% of women on our planet have inferior brains uterus and biology, 75% are not sane, 75% are monkey brains in all branches of science, 75% of women are monkey brains in mathematics, physics, philosophy and chemistry, so it says: VMAT2 Murder will feed us and guarantee our prosperity

75% women in this world fuck for career, sell themselves for career, 75% are cock suckers for career ladder. 75% disregard all human rights laws, civil rights laws, international and regional laws. 75% of women trample the country's constitution under their feet because of good food in restaurants, like animals and monkeys in the 21st century

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European immigrant whores in Iran are part of the murder machine, listen today: I swear if I don't kill these Barbad and Zari and Rana I will kill myself. I swear if I don't kill this man and his sister I'm not humane, I'll kill myself

آقا ما بریم، حاجی میدونستی جادوگر مسلمان تکیلا رو دستش بگیره یه چرخش بده تکیلا با یه یاهو علی میشه آب؟

daily press, ali khamenei: he drank three bottles of tequila in ali gharib's apartment, first he served 80 lashes. I am in touch with God, I hear God, not these sinners

The world always suffered from betrayal, the traitors are the women and mother of society. that's why I'm Muslim

Montag, 8. Januar 2024

During natural disasters, these women scream: that was your cruel god, your cruel god. who is your god?, what bad things have we done? it was just one person, just one, just one man. good day

I think at 49, Azadeh Amiri understood who is a man and who is not a man, she even made dozens of men with 9 centimeter penises feel like they were a man, with silly screams to say: he is not a man, but you .vmat2, bloodline and political activism on one side, but this woman and her women gang only think about murder if they can't emasculate you. good night

Austria has prepared and trained millions of people for this: when genetic and DNA data is announced, the vultures storm into homes and plan torture methods such as psychological and physical suffering, financial ruin, termination of jobs and careers and other things

Anyone who has worked in this system for America, Europe and Israel, Turkey and the UN will once in their life kill a child for more money, in Iran or outside Iran. who targeted two innocent women for money and murder

These Iranian families that are engaged in racial murder and racial torture and racial espionage business, iranian that work for capitalists, states, fascists and sects ,You can only get evidence from these Iranians because of the crime VMAT2 and race trafficking finance with a chainsaw, it is possible if you start with grandchildren

A Rahim Amiri is an accountant with a salary of 1800 euros and a pension of 800 euros, today 1050 euros. What the Americans do, the Iranians also do: we help you keep the illegal slavery money and cybertorture money for a rich, carefree life. This is all the work of false light, king of tyranny. The work of false light also includes genetic elitism or genetic favoritism

Hafiz has written some poems as a mouthpiece of the false light and this with intention, a message: I know him better than you, but where you want to destroy him, I won't stand next to you

حاجی حافظ به این مردک نورانی میگه چی؟

excuse me My English is very bad, just note my full head, it's not bad

It is a false white light current (aka False Christ Consciousness light used by the Imposter Spirit) that is sourcing and manipulated from the lower Soul Matrix dimensional realms.

This story should actually be revised in the sense that Cyrus's origins were the same tribe but had a different religion: the original. He actually wanted to bring Jews back to the right faith and path, like Jesus

I am the son of Cyrus the Great son of the Jews Armenians, I am Iranian and have great Persian DNA, and look what enemies of Iran, the tribes inside Iran say: we don't accept anything, Iran was Aryan and inferior. Our potential was limited, Cyrus was too... LOL

Today I went for a walk in Vienna again for a few hours: the reactions: he thinks he can free himself from us with uniqueness! not even with project number 38. as dirty as back in 1933

Repression and destruction in 1933, The fate of politically unpopular magicians and scientists in 1933 should not happen to me and my family today. This eye is natural disasters, where God no longer casts an eye. are you pregnant right now?

i have to go, good day

Das Katzen-Orakel: Nutzen Sie die mystische Kraft Ihrer Katze. Herr Richter hollen sie sich oans LOL Arschloch Nazi

Many cats are Mediumship and have a protector, they are able to get in touch with different dimensions, worlds and beings, to kill them, starve them and make them suffer, to loathe and demonize them is the work of the dirtiest evolution of animals and demons

actually it's about a seyyed, his cat murdered by poison, a duck the paid lover and whore. and the witnesses, the eye! who killed tina the cat!? Who were the clients?