Mittwoch, 10. Januar 2024

آقا اومدم خونه دوتا فیلم ایرانی نگاه کنم، بیشترش هم شاعرانه خطاب به عیسی است، من میگم کوبیسم تحریکی، شما بگویید کوبیسم تحلیلی یا ترکیبی، خلاصه کوس شعر آزاد است

در یک جنایتی گیر کردیم که اگر مثل بختیار حرف بزنیم بهمون میخندن، مثل حاجی حرف بزنیم بهمون میرینن، مثل مسعود رجوی حرف بزنیم بهمون میشاشن. خلاصه چاکر شبون بی مخ.. خیلی مخلصیم

i have to go, agis la magie ! la Terre reagit

عکس زیاد خوب نیفتاده، ولی باز به خودم گفتم: اجی مجی لا ترجی ایول داااااا

دارکفورس خارکوسدست، ما چیزیم، چیز... میگم شاشیدم به روحت اگه بگی چیز یعنی چی

والا. این الماس خام رو فقط رو طلای بی معنی فکسنی و ریقو میذارن ها، توجه کردید؟ والا، بعد واسه خودشون هوای عوض شده که چه عرض، کنم خر شده نگه میدارند که به خودشون بگن آدم.... خلاصه در رو باز بگذار که هوا عوض شود، به به به به به عجب خری! آدم بود نه؟

viennese stone. You can call him, it's an old spirit

There weren't many sharper photos that came out last night, I'll try to sort them out and post them later. The Candyman Spirit story only has one catch, it attacks certain white women: Nazi whores. Hollywood sometimes understates things

The contracts regarding our death and silence were signed in 2014, with all relatives in Vienna, Iran, Sweden and elsewhere. Bounty cake 5 million euros that will be distributed to everyone

It means enlightenment, no grail and smoke and other things until 2018. Suspicion of magic workers and magoi crimes. Well, I was there as a suspected Crimean citizen

Dienstag, 9. Januar 2024

I'm not talking nonsense, I sat in police headquarters for an hour and two sentences came out of that one hour: Why don't you leave the city? for example to Berlin. the second: why doesn't anyone talk to you about it if it's actually the case? your uncles and father or friends and acquaintances

Before I go to sleep: the police only talk about family murder when everything against the police will be proven, the police are illegally at work, fascists are illegally at work, women and girls torturers are illegally at work

I'll send some photos tomorrow, the quality is unbearable, but the faces are still visible.

آقا باطری موبایل خالیه، وایسادیم که پر بشه، آخه فلش با باطری کم کار نمیکنه، خلاصه ما هم یک الماس نتراشیده بودیم ولی درخشان، از زمانی که از رو عن گوه تر طلا بلند شدیم، حواس پرتی گرفتیم... والا گوه گیجه گرفتیم. وایسید تا ساعت یازده و نیم

آقا یکی بگه این فلسفه علوم اجتماعی و جامعه شناسی خونده میرینم به هیکلش ها، من مریضی شیزوفرنی و پارانویا دارم. خلاصه یکی و چنتا با من حرف میزنن، حالا کی به کیه جریان چیه حاجی بهتر میدونه... چه میدونم کیه

خلاصه، شاعر میگه: بار سنگین است و من کم‌طاقت و دنیا حسود.... خم شدن را عار می‌دانم، دعا کن بشکنم... ما بریم سراغ جام...

دارم فیلم نگاه میکنم، یه چیزی از گودرزی و شقایقی بگم یا نگم؟.. لول.. و.. عکس ساعت 11

Between 1998 and 2018 I had dozens of blood tests, the answer was negative, regardless of the infectious disease. til today. what was distributed worldwide?

Austrian secret services only need one confirmation from Hague for familicide and one signed confirmation from Strasbourg for familicide. The UN and Amnesty International have already signed because of the silence

The mostly inferior Aryan tribe calls itself the master race, and it only produces dirt and calls itself the master race to this day. I haven't started my great projects yet, you dirty nazi garbage inferior master race

Austria only produces useless material, but nevertheless, for 80 years it has still called itself a master race, with the right to breed and vmat2 trade

Thoughts of hurting my sister? Burning kindergartens will be the answer. burning bastard scum nazi children. Biological bastard Nazis of the future

hey asshole, aryan bastard, inferior nazi scum, inferior filth: sensation sensation sensation in a grail with VMAT2 GENE SIGNS

There is no one in this world dirtier than Austrian children, youth and students, a sick biology that is constantly multiplying. from sick uteruses, killer race and scum

The whole thing relates to raising children: what we are not, namely the old race, should be destroyed. or do you want to feel like a monkey?

dirtiest inferior scum race gives his opinion on vmat2 and old tribes and races, inferior dirtiest scum beings in this world: the country of Austria

There is no other breed that is inferior and dirtier than the Austrian breed. Shit Austrian scum, look what they've done worldwide

There is nowhere more inferior than the Austrian race, look what they do, there is nowhere more inferior and dirtier than these monsters

Austrian secret services only need one confirmation from Hague for familicide and one signed confirmation from Strasbourg for familicide. The UN and Amnesty International have already signed because of the silence

Austrians want to die for this money, that's the slogan like World War II. Austrians abroad are more convinced than Austrians at home