Samstag, 13. Januar 2024

آقا ما بریم بخوابیم، ولی حاجی مدرسه راهنمایی هویزه میرفتیم ها، هی میگفتن بگو: الله اکبر پاینده رهبر، بگو پاینده رهبر. ما هم هی به ناظم مدرسه چپ چپ نگاه میکردیم بینیم قاتل هست یا نیست، شوخی باز هست یا نیست، حالیشه چیزی یانه، مارو میفهمه یا نه، والا، هی سر زبونم بود بگم:، آقا اجازه، ما باید بریم دفتر، آقا اجازه، ما باید بریم دفتر. بخدا ایران مونده بودم ها، حتی اگر سپاهی هم میشدم، سرگرد هم میشدم این یه هواپیما رو به سقوط میاورد که فقط من یکی رو بکشه، انقدر ژن ما یعنی تخمیه، ریدمونیم آدم نیستیم که.... کیری ترین نژادیم... هواپیما یادتونه؟ چندین نفر از ما توش بودن... تخم سگ ولد زناها فکر کردن سپاه پناهگاست، شیرین عقل های دیوانه

These tribes were us, magoi race. but the date is not correct, only 12,000 years? I have to go, goodnight

میفهمی چی میگم یا نه؟ سر بچه های ما و نژاد ما همه خریداری شدند!

Terror traces and cyber torture traces cannot be deleted, the Americans: Every international judge who will be confronted with "JUDE" Barbad and does not work will receive 5 million euros, and every international lawyer will receive one million euros

ببین حاجی داره میگه: خدارو خوش میاد این طفل معصوم رو، این بچه بزغاله مارو دادی دست میمون؟ ده دیگه خودت ببین دیگه، جواب آخرت شما چیست حاج آقا؟

والا آبروی ما جلو حاجی رفته، بنده خدا هی میخواد ببینه از اونور به من چه خبری میدن به خودش چی میگن، جریان چیه، خدا از تو عوضی گاییده شده چی میخواد از من رهبر مالیده شده چی میخواد. والا، نشد یه عکس شفاف تکمیل بندازیم واسه حاجی..

In the 21st century I won't find a single leftist to lend me his or her camera, this question can be compared to this: will you give me your mom for one night to fuck?

Austria made my bloodline public in 1998 and look what's going on: the entire Iranian leftists, 45 organizations, are more son of the bitches than Hezbollah,more animal bastard scum koskesh than sepah. all iranian leftistis.

به جون تو اگر شاه میگذاشت شبان جعفری با زبون خودش با مردم حرف بزنه شاید انقلابی رخ نمیداد، والا، خارکوسدست سرمایه دار اهریمنی با گله و قماش کوسکشش. چشم قربان، بله قربان، اطاعت میکنم قربان. مادر جنده های بی وجود عن ننه آدم فروش

میگم کسی تکمیل عنصری بلخی و کلیم رو خونده؟ میگه هفت خط کونده زمانی میاد بهت حال میده که دیگه پیر شدی، آخه سه بار شق کردن حرومه، میگه یه یکبارش واسه شما حلال است. خوارکوسده ها خوار مادر مارو بیست سال کردن تو کیسه بعد امروز میان تند تند این رو میخرن اون رو میخرن اونیکی رو میخرن، که آره: ما نبودیم، کی بوده؟ مگه ما میتونیم بوده باشیم؟ کسی که اینکاره بوده میاد الماس و طلا از خرش بخره؟ میاد تابلو بخره؟ انگشتر بخره. لول.. ناصر تو از من بیشتر کیر خوردی ها، جندت خیلی نامرده

Freitag, 12. Januar 2024

Good Night

The American is sick and provokes 9/11 thoughts, it provokes bad thoughts, with this announcement: every perpetrator has the right and you as a vmat2 victim are guilty, your crime: your genes and biology, race, your ethnic group, tribe, origin

There was a lot of life where I came from until 1980. Europe and America Israel are like plague, plague. and today in genes and dna hunt because of targeting. you specifically intend to commit mass murder in Iran and outside Iran. You are like the plague, biological scum, you are making the world sick and are a parasitic plague

Austrians are extremely hostile to Iran and excessively Ayatollah friendly. The money that Austria earned through the hate campaign against two women from Tehran must be disclosed

One of my grandfather was a Tehran resident in Shahre Rey as a truck driver, the other grandfather Bagher was a butcher in Shahbaz Jonoobi, What America and Europe and capital fascism were and still are afraid of are the daughters of Bagher, one dead and the other my mother is still alive. rana and I are still being held hostage in the hide evidence and stasi system

بینم چپ خارکوسده ایران، کی گفته کارگر آدم نیست؟ ها؟ کی گفته مادر جنده چپ ایران؟

آقا چند نفر در یافت آباد این کار رو بلد هستند؟ خواهش میکنم ایمیل دهید پروژه میلیاردی دارم!

Well, it's science and it has to be scientifically assessed. how is it possible? what does it have to do with? How do these moments matter? Is it a biological phenomenon? or rather a supernatural event and contact with other dimensions? Is it a visual thought transfer? or more chemical and energetic? Result: race origin and tribe must be researched! That's why fascism screams: it is useless and worthless material

حاجی سگ رو میبینی؟ با همین سگ میگه یاهو علی، یاهو علی

آقا ما هی میگفتیم ما جازمن چپی هستیم، هی میگفتن نه جازمن درویش مسلک است، سواد درویشی دارد، ما سواد مارکسیستی نیاز داریم

اوچ یوز نفر هم میکردیم ها

ایکی یوز چی شد دیوس گوز... چی شد؟ما رفتیم از پالتاک؟

The most dangerous place for old race and vmat2 is university. This is how my aunt became a murder victim in 1990, official police report in Washington: accidental death

the children are scum too, even in kindergarten. it's all genes race evolution and sick brain. mass murderer culture. Children without empathy are also killer machines

The use of citizen informant networks dates at least as far back as the Roman Empire. Delatores (informants) were recruited from all classes of society, including knights, freedmen, slaves, wealthy families, philosophers, literary men, court officials, lawyers, etc. Similar to the TIPS program, it was an "all hands on deck" approach to empire security. Setups were routine, and informants sometimes received a portion of the land of those who they helped destroy.

I have to go, but state monkey theater, orthodox science in whatever branch means: limit, line and hopelessness. look at inflation and the economy. I move onto the line and jump back and forth, back and forth, does anyone want to stay with me on the other side? Mr. Spock actually exists, I just need money and equipment

From the age of 14 onwards, I attended no school, no training and no university. I cost the state 0 cents until 2009. Education, job, political knowledge was home schooling with hundreds of books. So I said and say today state monkey theater is useless for me. Really, people go to college and can't find a job

I came to Vienna in 1986, between 1988 and 2009, I didn't demand anything from this shitty state. until the ruin of total existence with non-stop cameras. Anyone who talks about a pension and a salary of 1050 euros today is a run-of-the-mill bastard. you decide about my standard? Poverty is the only thing we deserve? One day of secret non-stop camera is a violation of human rights and costs millions of euros in damages