Montag, 15. Januar 2024

Police announcement: Before we kill, we turn the victims into psychological wrecks for years. dirtiest existence dirtiest race dirtiest bastard, fucking sick austrian subhuman, fucking subhuman Austria, fucking Austrian children, fucking Austrian youth, fucking mothers fucking garbage uterus

dirtiest aryan animal, the austrian, sees the money from burned existence as property and the victim as a terrorist.

I was out in Vienna again for an hour, these animals and scum, inferior Aryan race, these dirty Austrians looked at me like a terrorist. It sees the money from burned existence as property and the victim as a terrorist.

inferior useless bastard breed you trash

Most disgusting dirt with a history full of crimes and racial murder plays street theater for me, most disgusting biological dirt, shitty Austrians, bastard psychopath

These passers-by in Vienna, especially the whores young and old want to make a murderer out of me with street theater, with hide evidence and street theater. This dirty scum of a psychotic race with a garbage container between their legs

Austria has always been and always will be: a useless animal. It also doesn't help if the Americans from Area 51 send ideas and projects to Vienna for polishing up: we are inventors and Aryan. you are a piece of shit

My function with my projects is more important than this shitty president of Austria, a useless green neoliberal scum. look what the country is doing

میگه: دوست پسرم ایفون نداشته باشه آدم نیست. لول...! خوب من شاشیدم به کوس ننه تو آریایی قحبه

Europe is thirsty for our blood: Jiroft is older than stated, and this sculpture is older than dated, our bloodline is older than dinosaurs. shit Europe, Vienna and America bastard scum killer. SCHEIß ÖSTERREICHER BASTARD ÖSTERREICH

Scheiß österreicher du hurenkind du huansau du bastard rasse. Dirtiest breed, shitty Austrians

آقا شما از زمان صفویه تا به امروز مادر جنده این، 600 سال با این اتریش و اروپا کوس مادرین، اجنبی خارکوسده تو سیدی؟ من شاشیدم به کوس ننه هرچی سید مثل شماها، به کوس هفت جدت خندیدی سید باشی، آدم فروش جاکش، شاشیدم به اون عمامه های سفید و سیاهتون

علی خامنه ای من شاشیدم به کوس ننه مجتبی، کوسکش من رو گیر فاشیست انداختی مادر کونی

Du scheißdreck du, hurenkind bastard rasse abschaum scheiß österreicher:: warum seid ihr so alt und wir affen. du sau du, du bitch monkey mama

wer ist ein judensau du scheiß österreicher du hurenkind du huansau du bastard rasse. Dirtiest breed, shitty Austrians

This scum race Austrians this dirty biology and inferior shit is himself a terrorist and race murderer and develops apps to locate Stasi Nazi victims as a potential danger. I am a danger after 20 years of exploitation. Dirtiest breed, shitty Austrians

What Viennese (bastard inferior animal race) passers-by are: GPS apps for Barbad Farahani the monster (Judensau): He moves on this street. I haven't taken a smartphone with me in my phone for six years because of non-stop surveillance and a murder plan

Sonntag, 14. Januar 2024

in the last 20 years, I brought my sister to the hospital with acute panic attacks five times, all 5 times Azadeh Amiri was a witness alongside the hospital staff. you animal race, you garbage race

scum aryan race, bastard origin

scum race how does this happen in water and grail

I have to go, but you only sent scum race to Iran. aryan race like azadeh. in the last 20 years, I brought my sister to the hospital with acute panic attacks five times, all 5 times Azadeh Amiri was a witness alongside the hospital staff. is that human?

The unfair natural death has one meaning, the criminal death caused by vultures collectively has another meaning

Well, apparently all our tribes were barbarians, and Europe and Greece were humane. We tried to humanize you monkeys with our cock. in vain until today. The answer was: we will humanize you with mass European immigration to Iran

what vmat2 elam drank last night

این مجموعه شامل اشعاری است که با عناوینی هم‌چون "بی‌تابی"، "دل از دنیا بریدم" کلبه‌ی تارم"، "منبر"، "دل دیوانه"، "چشم‌ به راه"، "درد دل"، "همکلاسی" و نظایر آن سروده شده است

well, it won't be a dishwasher, but it'll definitely be something wonderful. open is better than closed, whatever it is

I'll take photos now and post them tomorrow. good night

The Americans will achieve this with Iran the more the gap between rich and poor increases: driving people into poverty until no one sees the poor as a human being. That will work with boycott system, leading people into poverty until death

آریای یعنی لندهور عن، یعنی شاشخالی

We have a bunch of inferior animals in politics who say today: if society doesn't kill him then we will kill the family. Vienna parliament is an animal zoo, inferior, dirtiest Aryan animals

National socialism cyber torture and lynching intention means being the filthiest animals, the inferior, filthiest Aryans. iranian and austrian, dirtiest animals and bastards, dirtiest uterus

خری؟ آخوند مادر جنده لندهور اینهارو نگه داشته، دیوانه ای؟ این کوسکش ها فاشیست رژیمی هستن الاغ، همین نجفی پفیوز، خسرو جاکش، یا عن یامین نمیدونم چی چی..... آریایی یعنی حیوون، خسرو رو نگاه کن، شاهین رو نگاه کن، آریایی یعنی حیوون

For 20 years, Iranian national socialism in Iran and outside Iran has been insulting the Prophet Muhammad Emam Ali and all other 12 imams and Islam in general, all of whom are protected by LANDEHOOR ayatollahs. I have been genetically targeted like some others, like MEK, mujahedin organization. because of ethnicity, race and origin

Iranian National Socialism is placed under state protection with the justification: political activist and “regime opponent”. All are under the offender protection program