Montag, 22. Januar 2024

میگم اگر گفتید کدوم تهرونیه هی میره قمارخونه به خودش کیر میزنه؟ که کسی دیگه بهش کیر نزنه؟

Today it is the case that Nazis discuss this topic as an elite in UN buildings: the entire relatives have been bought up, in the event of death the relatives receive three times the amount. but who else does he have!?

The fact is: I will be 49 in February and have no money even to treat my teeth. as an antique dealer, antique carpet dealer. A job that you can do until you are 85, of course in a normal, healthy environment. Since 2002, the police with Interpol and Europol have marked me as a target in Europe, Iran, America, Canada, Australia, Asia. total ruin, total damage

جعبه؟ یعنی جعبه؟ نه جون تو اون جعبه است؟ کدوم جعبه؟ جعبه تقسیم نیست که؟ برق بگیره از کون میپره؟ نه! نکنه جعبه شیرینیه؟ دهن تلخه؟ نه، جعبه پاندورا نیست که؟ ترسم بگیره؟ ،

For 24 years I behaved normally and also said: I'm extremely normal, they didn't leave me alone. With this statement: we have your laboratory tests, your DNA and gene samples, you are not normal! Today: you are nothing special, your past and future projects are worthless, we knew: you are useless and not normal

I was forbidden to let the stone fly after a nervous breakdown and cunt and pimp bastard insults, I should wait for Emam Zaman. Wait, you dirty whore, you cunt and Nazi bastard

Can someone explain what the Arab wants from me and my family? These are old sects, dynasties and satanists that control the masses, birth control and sterilization is part of it, because of messiah madness

What was going on in Sasanian times: Arash Amiri worked for Roman CIA, and Reza Nasri his cousin for Aryan aristocracy, Azadeh was supported by Greek whores and Maziar by Wahabies. a sea of blood was HAGH. otherwise mass murder could not have been stopped

آقا اومدم خونه یه چایی بخورم و یه چیزی بگم: آخه من ریدم به هرچی ضد اسلام و فولادوندی و نمیدونم خسرو فروهری و غیره. کوسکش ها خروس لاری مادر جندست، کوسکش خانوم بیار نموده مارو در تاریخ، چی میگید شما؟ مگه امروز از آخورش و دخلش و دخترش نمیخورید آریایی های کونی، چی میگید شما؟ جاکش های خروس لاری

Sonntag, 21. Januar 2024

خلاصه، ما به امام علی هم گفتیم، این کوسکش های اتریشی جاکش حرف حالیشون نیست، اومدن ایران ننه مارو بگان. حاجی خونت رو ریختیم ها، از بس کون لیسی کردی

I have to go, but Austria has many fascists with a lot of capital. Austria's current status: 420,000 millionaires. That's a power that can also be felt in Ukraine, not just in Iran's mass murder business

For the first time in my life I became unemployed in 2009 and tried hundreds of ways to rebuild my business. What do you mean it's not torture? Psychological torture is worse than physical torture

It's 8 a.m. and the deep sleep was a place full of intrigue. Date 2011 Azadeh Amiri, Mansour Farahani Mohsen Karimi, Mahmoud Farahani, Ghassem Farahani and others...terror client tehran america vienna. once 15,000, once 25,000 to Mansour, once 5000, once 30,000 paid out by the SPÖ party

Sterilization with non-stop secret camera Stasi system is genocide. good night

Sonntag, 21. Januar 2024

There is complete detailed evidence everywhere from the last 22 years, cyber torture, racial torture and Stasi torture system evidence. Just not for us, not even in the UN, amnesty and international courts. It's about billions of euros of racial torture and racial humiliation money, the goal is to make genocide and racial murder and sterilization lucrative

I live in Vienna and am a rarity among 1.6 million, unique, a special person and race and ethnicity. one in almost two million and this inferior bastard animal state says: we don't know anyone who does anything

I started several projects among 1.6 million people, as a unique and rare personality and human being. For 4 years the state has been handing out black torture stasi money to vegetable, shit, worthless and inferior. on 0815 and under 0815. bastard inferior state, scum state, monkey bastards

I'm writing about an atheist fascist, about an evolution fanatic who is trying with all his might to convince the world: vmat2 is worthless and to be laughed at. the methods are like 1932. same shit, different time

Azadeh Amiri is still being paid tens of thousands of euros today for: I see nothing there, no man, no woman, no demon and nothing, Barbad is sick and has hallucinations

I started several projects among 1.6 million people, as a unique and rare personality and human being. For 4 years the state has been handing out black torture stasi money to vegetable, shit, worthless and inferior. on 0815 and under 0815. bastard inferior state, scum state, monkey bastards

I've been taking photos with a smartphone for 2 years, only the most inferior scum beings say: it's worthless. although clearer details are valuable scenes.. it's science. only the dirtiest existence, first the Viennese then the Americans

I came to Vienna at the age of 11, more characterless, more pig, more scum, more inferior and more dirt is an American. Even the Germans aren't as dirty as the Austrians, just Americans

tabloid press Vienna fucked Nasser Din Shah for 6 months, he also came to Vienna with a serious face. At that time, 80% of Iranians were infested with lice. is anyone laughing at me today? I mean the inferior Aryan Nazi race?

Many people in Iran live with seriousness, being serious means having both feet firmly planted in life, yes really, being serious is a character, something that you see in the facial features of many Iranians, they look serious, very educated and serious, just very few are childish, vulgar and a clown like me. That's how it happens: the situation in the country is also serious, seriously critical acute serious

خلاصه هرچی هست زرتشتیه، چیز نیست، اون چیزه، دروغگو

This is a photo from Thursday night, does anyone understand the meaning? Read a lot, thought a lot but am faced with a puzzle

آقا یه شاشخالی هیچکاره نشسته تهرون الان صداش رسید،جوک میگه: باری سنده جفتک میزنه به عن ولی میرینه به تاپاله ای مثل تو. شاشخالی بیخیال. حیف موج و دم و دستگاه که صدا تو رو بشنویم!

آقا یکی شعر بنویسه: چه شد پایه دسته خر شد! ررررر بده

آقا ما بریم گوگرد بریزیم تو دسته ی جام بینیم باز میچسبه به هم یا نه! آقای جواد ظریف به غبغبه جنابعالی بر نخوره ها، تو هم ریدی هر چقدر بهت گفتند آدمی! ولی خوب رفیقت احمدی نژاد به عمو های ما هم گفت آدم حسابی، نمیدونم که به بچه های آبجیشون گفت آدم حسابی، بدبخت تر از احمدی نژاد اون بوده، مگه نه آ موجی مافیایی؟ پسر حاجی

حاجی مملکت مارو 45 سال اینطوری کردی: عن به سنده جفتک میزنه و میگه حالا برو بگو ما آدمیم، ریدین.. خوار مادر مملکت رو با این شاشخالی ها گاییدین

اینه دیگه، فرق اینجاست، ما دانشگاه نرفته پروژه میلیاردی با کیر خر درست میکنیم، همه بهشون بر میخوره میزنن مارو میکشن، تو اون جد و آباد عنتون سگ برینه

abe, wien meydan sheytan nee abee, alle wir unschuldig abe. du in meydan sheytan nix gut abe