Mittwoch, 24. Januar 2024

Unfortunately, many smartphone photos are blurry due to flash settings and poor camera quality, there are only a few. But this one friend and guest for today is enough.

The Austrians are now doing something different, LOL area 51 has been taking pigs under their arms since 1946, they sent a few concepts to Vienna so that the Aryan race doesn't disappear. tell me, isn't area t1 a concentration camp full of my race? locked up since birth

A lot happens in the grail with different ball combinations, today I will use the crystal ball again after a long time, I used the Chinese meditation ball for a longer time instead of the crystal. for a touch more magic

میگم شکوفه ها، ورپریده ها، هرچی کتاب خوندین مغزتون گوزید، ولی این سایت تخمی تخمی مغزتون رو باز کرد، آره؟. شکوفه، آهای شکوفه خجالتی

خلاصه صمد هم متافیزیکدان بود، والا هی بر خلاف موج داریم شنا میکنیم تو این جام و هرکی هم گیر میاریم یه سازی میزنه

There is a type of evolution that reads every day, it reads continuously, a mad reader, so many hours, so many days, so many years and the result is this statement: you cannot reach my level. The guy is a taxi driver by profession, or an employee in a company, or an academic with a salary of two thousand euros. and all for one reason: why do you want to achieve higher goals when I'm better read than you? how do you want to do it? how should I kill you? you make my life difficult.

forced sterilization with secret camera Stasi system is genocide, which woman wants to become a target, which woman wants her child to become a target? Wich woman wants someone who has no rights

Mittwoch, 24. Januar 2024

I've been living without sex for 7 years, that's 12 human rights violations out of dozens. But human rights are for human, we are not human

Viennese doctors' collectives have been in business since 1998, since 1998: genetic miracles and rarity are a weed that no one wants. There is only one human and it is the modern human, evolution origin.

Where are the AMS and social welfare office documents that I received money from the state between 1989-2009, you bastard Nazi state of Austria. where? bastard blonde neanderthal bastard, nazi pig where? When was I unemployed? from 2009 after you ruined me internationally? with JUDENSAU boycott system

This European passport is burdened by thousands of laws, especially human rights: I am an Iranian Jewish race and not a HUMAN in Europe, you bastard blonde Nazi judge, you bastard European international judge Hague Strasbourg and elsewhere. you bastard fascist and nazi. you dirty fucking UN

The prophet line was not allowed to waste a single drop of sperm, the harems were used to impregnate hundreds of women so that the race would not die out. the original.

فاشیست ناز نازی، نازی های ناز نازی همینن دیگه، میگه:......

Minoo Shams is extremely anti-Semitic and anti-Jewish, extremely fanatically anti-Israel, apparently the entire tribe has found a Jew as a torture victim. They didn't care about my own attitude towards Israel, I was a Jew for Shams and Amiris and a SAUJUDE for Vienna. The difference is the Iranian Aryan race behaves differently: we have to swallow the sperm and shit it out, that's the real mass murder, and KZ camp

جهنم و کوس آزاده

امروز یاد سهراب افتادم واسه این: 18 سالم که شد این خاله آزاده رو باهاش آشنایی پیدا کردم، بابک و علی گیلانی رو آماده کرده بود برای این جریان، چهار تا پسر دیگه هم در سوئد برای تبلیغات: باری کیرش کوچیکه آزاده ی ما ارضا نمیشه! کی بود؟ ۱۹۹۳. حالا امروز میگه با کتابی که نوشتم پولدار شدم. خوب بگم چی؟ نگم سهراب گفته تو عنی؟ از سهراب شعر دکلمه میکنی؟ علی و رضا نصری هم که سر کیر ما شدن حقوقدان بین‌المللی تیم جواد ظریف، اصلا تو بگو سرکیر ما از طایفه شما کی کاره ای نشد!؟ والا، سر کیر بنده و ارضای کوس آزاده کی کاره ای نشد؟ حاجی خدا من رو پانزده روز میفرسته جهنم، میگه تو سر شیطان رو هم برو کلاه بذار، بددهنی میکنی که صدای من نشی؟ لول.
 پانزده روز خلاصه کار دسته ما داده شد باید بریم شیطان رو کیر کنیم و بینیم بعدش چی میشه

فاشیست چپ نما مفهوم هست؟ چپ نما یعنی چی؟

I have to go, but the fact is: the so-called Viennese leftists, an inferior useless scum should be fought with weapons, racial murder is their hobby. The list of crimes against my sister is long

They take our genetic data out of our hair and blood and take DNA samples and say: go to prison and die, the exiled Iranians are just waiting for more money: you are worth much more dead, we need money

Dienstag, 23. Januar 2024

جنده خارکوسده های پولکی همه دکلمه شعر هم بلدند، یعنی که چی؟ آدمی؟ با دکلمه؟ سهراب میگفت تو کیری تر از این حرف ها هستی، خفه شو

جنده اجنبی خوارکوسده پولکی، مادر قحبه قاتل، زن شاشخالی اجنبی ایرانی جنده، جرم این مادر و دختر چه بوده؟ نژاد؟ ژن؟ قبیله؟ کوسکش زن ایرانی پفیوز پولکی

They take our genetic data out of our hair and blood and take DNA samples and say: go to prison and die, the exiled Iranians are just waiting for more money: you are worth much more dead, we need money

جنده لاشی مادر من آدم نیست؟ خواهر من آدم نیست؟، پولکی جنده، جنده سازمان سیا، جنده قاتل

I repeat once again Mohammad Ghobadlou was convicted and murdered according to the country's laws, Austria wants to find a way to kill us in silence, illegally and according to the laws of 1938

این جنده ها و خارکوسده ها همگی با هم قاتل های سازمان سیا هستن، به توچه مادر جنده، تو که بدتری. پول پولکی، پولکی جنده

I repeat once again Mohammad Ghobadlou was convicted and murdered according to the country's laws, Austria wants to find a way to kill us in silence, illegally and according to the laws of 1938

I restored the broken grail, photos will be available tomorrow. I live in a country where 2,478 Iranians work as informants for the Austrian intelligence services. Mostly it's about researching and spying on Iranian native tribes. good night


آقا یه روز رفتیم کنسرت گوگوش، دیدیم خوب نصیر گیلانی که هست، ارسلان توشمالی هم که با سامی نشسته اونور و چگینی هم که داره به همه میخنده.... زرگری هم هی میخوره هی میخوره
 فقط متوجه شدم همه این ایل وتبار میان ما ایستادند ولی تکیه دادن به دیوار، این جریان رو آن زمان نفهیدم چرا. بعد ها فهمیدم این سنت و آداب و رسوم ژنتیک فرهنگیه، والا ما 25 میلیون مواجه هستیم با 60 میلیون تکیه دهنده به دیوار. ول نمیکنن مارو، تو چکار میکنی، سوادت چیه، درآمدت چقدره، اصلیتت از کجاست، بابات کیه مادرت کیه، خونت جریانش چیه، چند تا خونه داری، کار و کاسبیت چيه. همین! بعد غرور عجیبی هم به این دارن:، ما پشتمون پره تو کون ما که نمیتونید بذارید، ما میدونیم شما کی هستی، شما مارو نمیشناسی، پشتمون پره

45 years of crime and mass murder in Iran and outside Iran, terrorism, poisoning, terror murder, persecution, espionage, stalking because of this origin in us: Elam Empire. fucking europe dirty america asshole israel blonde blue eyed nazi scum

Austria has 400,000 millionaires, all involved in this business. Was that poverty or envy, inferiority and murderous desire?

During 2012 to 2017 he (Nasser Farahani) and his wife (Veronika Farahani Douda weiss) profited 5 million euros from this race and private life trade. The woman had 12. million euros in real estate in 2012. Was that poverty or murderousness?

Personal opinion of international judges is a sign of great personality disorder, feelings of inferiority to no end, these officials are illegal at the workplace. Nazi pigs, European pigs

Check out my posts and statements today: I can prove dozens of magic practices as a Magoi race. in front of the camera. magic stories, miraculous events from history and reports. The European bastard journalists are even inferior. journalists the bastard lackeys of Zionism

Austria and large parts of Europe suffer from inferiority, genetic research is making progress, so do feelings of inferiority. Israel worse than others