Donnerstag, 25. Januar 2024

Figure and metaphysics in art, metaphysics and mantics, what do you say about it? you Carl Jung of the 21st century? Report that you want to talk about me and you'll get a million euros in cash so that you can make Mimi Mama Mumu and say bubu? Baba? Badabad? I do not know him. what is his name? Shadabad?

In Vienna there is an "Academy of the Arts" you know what the parrot's opinion is?: unusually stupid, a lumpenprolet who never studied art

The photo is from October, I hadn't posted it, I wasn't sure who it was. It's mostly blurry, you can't see the details. In any case, I'm starting to take 500 photos today. It will last until 12 p.m

Hundreds of millions of internet income should keep everyone silent about this project

The Austrian especially the Viennese police monkey is a creature that wants all the freedoms like in 1932: why can you do so much and what are your 38 projects, that is behavior like 14 years of concentration camp torture and espionage

This is a repeat of 1932 with race searches in laboratories, sterilization and mass murder. Hundreds of millions of internet income should keep everyone silent about this project

He, Nasser Farahani, wants to kill me because of 5 million illegal income from Stasi torture, or let's say Veronika Weiss for the prosperity of her children.

that fits the scene. I'll take new photos today, maybe I'll get the best quality photo. I'll be back at 10 o'clock in the evening

In 2019 I was looking for stones in the forest, because of light and darkness and stories like that. that was before I presented the grail

بیا حالا هرچی قربتی ایرانی شده از صربستان و رومانی و گرجستان و هند و پاکستان و آلبانی بگه: خرمدینان مادر جنده بودن و بابک خرمدین هم خارکوسده، بگید دیگه خجالت نکشید

 با مرگ قباد یکم ، خسرو انوشیروان که شاهزاده ای ضد مزدک بود به پادشاهی رسید و اینچنین بخت مزدکیان در ایرانشهر ساسانی غروب کرد . انوشیروان تعقیب و مجازات ایشان را دستور داد ، مزدک نیز بنا بر روایت سیاست نامه جهت مذاکره صلح به همراه عده ای از پیروانش به دیدار با انوشیروان دعوت شد و در ضیافت شام به تمامی ایشان سم خورانده شده و این گونه خرمدینان در زمان ساسانی تقریبا سرکوب شدند گرچه پیروان مردمی آنان در جای جای ایرانشهر میزیسته اند.

Shiite Mazdakist sects were well studied by Hegel Marx Feuerbach and Engels and others

This scene is what the Viennese leftists calls: Marx said the greatest evil and illness are trick thieves, tricksters, populists, charlatans and magicians that only belong among pimps, whores and beggars and gamblers

Actually, the leftists are responsible and privileged to insult everyone as Nazis, so that the lumpenproletariat or let's say the targeted bohemian bourgeoisie (VMAT2) that was driven to ruin without an audience and listeners dies out. costumed comedians the leftists are dirtier fascists than anyone else

I live in a country where parties insult each other as Nazis, the SPÖ insults the ÖVP as a Nazi, the FPÖ insults the SPÖ as a Nazi and the SPÖ/ÖVP both insult the FPÖ as ultra-Nazi, but when it comes to me and my family: no one is a Nazi

The fact is that the European race is this one, this bastard, Europe is this bastard to this day and nothing will ever change, this bastard race

When these monkeys talk about art and culture like a parrot, I just laugh, I just laugh. subhuman bastards, mass murderers psychopaths animals, scum race, fucking austria, dirty bastards

I'm not paranormal, I'm normal, creation story and you inferior baboon origin, you dog shit, you scum paranormal fornication, Ahrimanic breeding, genetically manipulated ape, mass murderer bastard race scum Austrian


THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OTHERWISE WE WILL KILL BARBAD AND HIS FAMILY. you bastard Aryan Austrians, you inferior race, you dog shit


Statement: I am Austrian is worth as much as dog shit. after these actions, after these mass murders,The Viennese police elite and the Viennese police chief stand with shit: there is no evidence otherwise we will kill the family. THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OTHERWISE WE WILL KILL BARBAD AND HIS FAMILY. you bastard Aryan Austrians, you inferior race, you dog shit

I write forced stralization, and everyone without exception looks at me like wild dirty animals in the face, scum dirty origins biology and animal. dirtiest Aryan pig you shitty Austrians

Mittwoch, 24. Januar 2024

Producing children with Hindu VMAT2 really needs 6 testicles, but it is also an option. good day.

I have to go, unfortunately blurred and too much flash light

I have to go, but hey Joe, koskesh american boy how many kids have you deported to area 51?

secret Stasi torture camera is forced sterilization and genocide, I have been living without sex for 7 years. sterilization policy is genocide

In the Brandenburg special unit there were combat interpreters who were native speakers from the area of operation: How many European Iranians did Austria use in Iran for enemy races in Iran? the Viennse Iranian police officers are worse than the Austrians. There are hundreds of Iranians who work as police officers in Vienna

The Russians know it, the Americans know it, Europe and Asia, Turkey and Middle East know it, we live in an extremely inhumane country and situation, these Austrians are an acutely ill psychopathic branch of evolution

I posted this today: secret Stasi torture camera is forced sterilization and genocide, I have been living without sex for 7 years

These two are also guests but apparently very annoyed with me.