Samstag, 27. Januar 2024

Everywhere this shitty Europe has set its foot, the country has become a cancer, on whatever continent, a sick bastard race that never, I say never, wants to stop with mass murder and torture, a sick evolution biology that should never exist , but it exists:, sick bastard breed

Iranian Savak children of the 2nd and 3rd generation sit in NSA and in CIA buildings, which are part of the VMAT2 mass murders and torture in Iran, also involved and financially involved in live shows from Evin prison and other torture chambers of the Iranian regime. torture financial business

why NSA spies in paltalk and listens to the active every day admins: because even the biggest mother fuckers in this world made grandiose statements: blonde monkey, baboon asshole, empathyless bastard origin

There is no good white blonde bluexeyed person, there is no good person on this shitty European continent, there is a reason why I say this, and backstory: South Africa suffered for decades from disenfranchisement, illegality and oppression, foam rubber screamed loudly, but said: we can't do anything. blonde foam rubber that always imitates us! the deceitful: we scream and that's the only thing we can do. also today in Vienna. dirty good animals, dirty good bastards

I'm back from the hospital, read what Shahab Suhrawardi writes about light women: in the case of darkforce, she is weaker than male light bodies (vmat2).Torturing and killing a light woman (also vmat2) in a panic and nervous breakdown brings in hundreds of millions of euros. The audience: UN elite, international authorities, international judges and capital fascism networks, politicians and intelligence networks. a sick virus, a sick biology, a sick existence and a fascist

She has been suffering from panic attacks since 2002, she has medical records

I'm taking my sister to the hospital right away, in an acute condition. heart pain, circulatory disorder and severe depression with panic attacks. The Viennese doctors: Killing would be better, in this situation reporting human rights violations costs a lot of money.

Freitag, 26. Januar 2024

I'll post more photos tomorrow morning. good night

Psychological torture until death is a state mandate and a police order!

آزداه خانم هم از رومانی با این عقیده اومد ایران: دمپایی ام رو در میارم، کفش پام میکنم میرم دانشگاه، هیچی هم به رو خودم نمیارم، مگه دیوونم بذارم من رو بکشن. اتریش هم همینه:، مگه ما دیوانه ایم چیزی به رو خودمون بیاریم یارو مارو بکشه؟ کوسکش قاتل های پنهان، مادر جنده های روانی

What does this cat, shaman figure and ISIS or goddess NUT mean?

An Austrian is the dirtiest creature ever seen on this earth. 1.5 million children murdered?! 1,5000,000 children....

Nobody in this country is willing to hand over the evidence, absolutely nobody, even if you torture and kill the children live. These animals in Austria are convinced breed torturers and breed murderers and mass murderers

Both governments have a history of mass murder and racial murder. Both governments have a history of child murder, women murder and family murder, both in the 20th century

I write every day because nothing has changed since 2013: murder intent

mincontrol program turned many into psychopaths as early as 2013: it's too late, we can't do anything! I need evidence against inferior mass murderers, who gave me the evidence? Wiener and the Ayatollahs are inferior mass murderers with a history, what does too late mean?

Disenfranchisement is the intent of murder, usually: cause of death unknown

آقا سیاهی که در این بچه های عمه ما هست مصمم بر این شد که بهشون بگیم در پیتی، محسن، مهدی، پری، اعظم، پروانه، والا قاتل که در فامیل داری میشی بشکه عن حالا عن نه بشکه مربا فرقی نداره.. کوزه کجا بود... آره؟ هی میگه چرا اینطوری حرف میزنی، علت داره

در پیتی معنی داره ها، گل کوزه گران است

hey atheism what does it mean: having immediate intuitive access to knowledge about the future, also called “second sight” or precognition? Contemporary Carl Jung thinks my name is Shadabad, the millions make him a comedian

Too little light, too much flash, few pixels, otherwise the scene in Kristal would also be a phenomenal event that no one has ever seen

There we have a shaman with his cat, shaman cat

I noted in 2003: I feel with skill anti-regime chat rooms but the anti-regime users, well-known faces become mortal enemies. MEK people sazmanmojahedin were worse than leftists, leftists worse than monarchists and monarchists worse than liberals. Nevertheless, until 2012 I had full rooms, fully booked every day

آقا یک روز در پالتالک سال 2006 نشسته بودیم اتاق فکر مجاهدین خلق ایران، خلاصه، نشستیم گوش کردن و سبک سنگین کردن حرفاشون و دیدم نمیشه، زدم به بد ذاتی، گفتم: ببینم علی خامنه ای وقتی میره برینه کونش رو کی باید پاک کنه به غیر از یک ایرانی؟ با این گوهی که شما خوردین!؟. شما پدر این مملکت رو خودتون در نیاوردین؟ بله جواب که ندادن هیچی مارو پرت کردن بیرون و شروع کردن به مزدور مزدور رژیمی گفتن و دهن ما رو سرویس کردن

حاجی امام علی تشریف اوردن ایران به ما نگفتن در پیتی ها... شما از زبان خدا گفتی! به به به.... کی آدم شد کی در پیتی

Is there a connection between star Sirius and Cyrus? There are only mythology reports from Egyptian Greek and Nordic cults

I have to go and will come later, I didn't have time to sort photos. I'll post the photos later

I am burned too, a burned existence. At the age of 26, I systematically built a business without any capital, look what happened: Mansour says I'm humane, he's not humane. This is not an Islam or prophet problem but an emigrant problem. his ex-wife is half Romanian,Afsaneh's mother was brought home out of pity and made into a wife, 74 years ago

This only happens in Iran: a hospital burns for hours, then people say to me: you are hostile to immigrants and you are a racist

آقا الان از خواب پریدم دیدم یکی از لرستان مسجد سلیمان داد میزنه: شاشیدم تو خاک روح ارواحت که خوار مارو گاییدی، خوب بیا: ریدم تو اون دمپایی جد و آباد ننت که پیاده از صربستان تا ایران با یه دمپایی اومدی ولی خوار یه مملکت رو گاییدی...