Sonntag, 28. Januar 2024

what do the details say? Tomorrow is Monday morning and this will be discussed in all offices: no to mass immigration and uncontrolled migration was always a clear statement, it only brings us trouble and surprises: Islamic terrorism was not enough, and now look: one is here in Austria of any race or tribe that threatens us, why shouldn't we secretly observe foreigners? he is more dangerous than Islam

Tina coming back with a spoon beak is good news. Let's see!, this country even launders money for yakuza, I can't even emigrate to Japan, I can't talk about cartels in Latin America. No other country in Europe is so corrupt. It only works with many many friends to torture and kill Jews again

میگه این آبه؟ میگم نه این دیگه شرابه همون زهر ماره، واسه زمستون و سوز سرمای پاهامه، میگه شیطونه؟ میگم نه دیگه این پریشونه، دیگه همون نشونه: که بهت میگن خیلی خیلی دیوونه، ولی خوب شیطون هم سر راهمونه، اونم نامرده اگر پیشه ما بمونه

Which groovty wants energy from me?

80% of Viennese say to me secretly and quietly judensau, judensau, judensau. I see people in Caritas every day: you judensau, we hadn't done anything, we don't know you, you judensau in Carla Caritas. employees a church organization:Barbad you judensau blood, judensau blood we don't know you, employees and visitors

The Viennese police focused poor Iranian pigs on my shop from 2002 onwards, company sabotage and ruining my business remained unpunished.

I live in a country with 400,000 millionaires statistics, a poor person that sees NS repetition as an alternative and it glorifies it as a pig. Since 2002 the police have been saying: Judensau business, Judensau from Iran

What does it matter to me that you are poor and incompetent in your life? or what does it matter to VMAT2?

I was 27 and everyone was jealous like that day in my shop: why are you sitting like a gentleman with 4 grams of cocaine in your nose. What's wrong with you, poor pig, you dirty poor man?

Without my mother, Nasser would have become homeless on the streets of Tehran, my mother was an official with a high salary in the Iranian Ministry of Culture, he was dependent on her until 2002, then he stole everything from us with the help of the police and rich people and judges. Goods worth: 800,000 euros. Debt 189,000 euros weighs on my mother

In the 70s at the age of 24, my uncle DAVOOD bought a house with two floors and a yard in southern Tehran, through bookselling and antiques trading, his knowledge was unlimited, it started: he smokes opium, he smokes heroin, he is addicted , he is a bad person. Ultimately it was all because of this: no one in the family had a son like Davood. nobody is from our tribe. all were poor until the age of 50 or until today

تازه فقیر ظلم دیده هم نیستن، فقیر کثیفن، مثل ایل سرور شمس ایل رحیم امیری، ایل علی قریب، نادری، کیکی و اونیکی اینیکی: فقیر کثیف

It is rare for a true seyyed who was born in poverty to survive. The relatives are shit and garbage, caused by poverty

میگم فلانی فیلم می سازی باسوادی ها، ولی حواس پرتی. این جاکش ها امروز رو توالت فرنگی میشینن میرینن وفکر میکنن نه تو مستراح قدیمی. حالا بقیه اش رو ببینیم چیه جریان

According to Iranian tradition the kings were illumined by a divine light (kharra-yikiyani), that bestowed them with healing and occult powers and the skills they need to rule the country. But unlike his ancestors Suhrawardi held that not only kings canreceive this divine light and the ability to rule, but every person who is open for therevelation of God.

In addition: the mass murder program vmat2 only ends with: to secretly kill 100 children from 1% society. To this day they also want to kill my sister because of her genes and race, don't they?

I have to go, but condemnation of both governments would end the laughter. in that only fake material and doppelgängers were confirmed, for both of us, Rana and I.

No matter how high you climb, the neighborhood, the city and then the whole world laughs at you, that's Suhrawardi's relationship with "woman"

:..طرز تهیه “شیر موز” خوشمزه خانگی مرحله به مرحله: ملوک بپا نره سر حشمت، بره با نعمت بعد از طریق نعمت بدینش به نصرت فقط چیزی نفهمه حشمت

I have no way and no studio to manually adjust the flash contrast color and attenuation, otherwise the picture would have been of master quality

Bellerophon killed the Chimera with the help of Pegasus. This hybrid creature is a Luri Aryan bastard. see NASSER and his bastards goat and lion mix: GHASSEM MANSOUR MAHMOUD

That's actually: send my warm regards to:, (x)= 2-O

Samstag, 27. Januar 2024

Nobody becomes our donkeys, only the donkeys of Ayatollah Khomeini and Rafsanjani and Haj Ali Khameneii, but then we are insulted and killed as donkey drivers

Drecksau Ötzi Scheißdreck Wiener: Die meisten Gelehrten, Theologen und Juristen betrachteten ihn als Zauberer.“

Leben und Werk von Shihabuddin Yahya Suhrawardi (1154 – 1191)

Vertreibe die leere Melancholie aus deinem Kopf. Verringern Sie Ihren Stolz und nehmen Sie an
Bedürftigkeit zu. Dein Meister ist die Liebe: Wenn du ihn erreichst, wird er dir selbst in der
Sprache der Ekstase sagen, wie du dich verhalten sollst.
                                                           Shihabuddin Yahya Suhrawardi
                                                               „Über die Realität der Liebe“ 1)

Panic and fear of the future, depression, hopelessness, nervous breakdown because of a ruined existence are daily human rights violations. This system is a daily human rights violation of citizens. Yesterday in the hospital, a hundredfold because of masked Stasi psychologists, neurologists and hospital staff

The fact is, I get sick when an Austrian starts a conversation with me. fake faces, shitty Neanderthal faces, masked scum creatures.You bastards make me sick. I don't have any money to get out of this shitty hole, shitty country, shitty city. dirty bastard country

Samstag, 27. Januar 2024

give out the evidence without violence and bloodshed! my life, my private life, my money, my career. gives the evidence without bloodshed

If you only use mineral water for a coffee machine that works with capsules, then you don't need any descaling chemicals. A bottle of mineral water costs 20 cents. So, this is also a solution that ensures that the coffee machine survives for years. A sex machine with a condom also survives for decades. It is said that a man with a grail lives for centuries... somehow, but where is the fountain?

I have to go to sleep, but I'm not talking nonsense: in Ukraine there are hundreds or thousands of Austrians in the front line and behind these scum there are millions

I am hostile to Austria, I have become an anti-bastard race, this animal always wants a war, no matter how many animals die, it wants a war.

I was in the hospital for 8 hours today because this Aryan trash, this run-of-the-mill bastard financed real estate,through cyber torture finance, 24 years. My sister should suffer? Your children will suffer, you Aryan trash

Good Night

I have to go to sleep, but first I will explain to you what Austrian citizenship is and how you get it: an old Turk goes to the exam for Aus...