Montag, 29. Januar 2024

ممد چریک

کونی سیاسی الان میگه: طرف خیلی بیسواده، من ندیدم به این بیسوادی، سواد سیاسی عمیق اگر داشت میفهمید: جامعه زیر ظلم و ستم لمپن نمی پذیره، فحش نمی پذیره! کونده خوار خارکوسده که این حرف رو میزنی، لاش کون زن ننه خوار جنده سیاسی، جامعه نگاه کردن کوس کون کردن مارو می پذیره، نابود کردن زندگی مارو می پذیره، حق و حقوق شهروندی رو له و لورده کردن و نابود کردن رو می پذیره، ولی فحش نمی پذیره؟ خارج از کشوری سیاسی آدم خوار، آدم فروش چوس ننه کونی فاشیست خجالتی؟ مار خال خالی کونی شاشاخالی سیاسی

خوب ما بریم، امشب عکس میندازیم و فردا میفرستیم. دلار هم که رفت بالا و یورو هم چه دیگه هیچی.. سال 2002 گفتم بریم سر جنگ مسلحانه همه مار و به کیرشون گرفتن، الان من هم میگم شیرآب مارو بستن، جریان مهمیه، از جریان شما مهمتره، بکیرم که رفت بالا، میخواستین بیاین بریم جنگ. الان دیگه دیر شد

So, Fatima and her father are disappointed, the goat has a more realistic opinion: fucking is not a crime, and neither are paying for it. The problem is you can no longer enter Fatima's tent, Fatima's father doesn't want to and doesn't allow it

Well Munch painted the walk and panic attack and the scream: this one is a bit out of focus, visiting an erotic studio under observation: also a scream and panic attack

I never lie, most women use 14-16 centimeter dildo for feeling of realness

For years I have been constantly posting photos, a defense against hate propaganda and doppelgangers, the result: I turned many women into dildo wankers. For 7 years I've been seeing smiling women from afar: dildo wankers

The al Baghdadi takes away our master race claim, the Al Baghdadi iiiiii

heas ötzi: barbad ist a al baghdadi, al baghdadi, net woar? a terrorist a al baghdadi LOL

heas Ötzi jung, wer bin i? woast des oder net? wie schmeckt A million du oarsch?

Moderne psychologische Interpretationenbearbeiten

Der Psychologe CG Jung erkannte in der Geschichte von ibn Umayl die Fähigkeit, einer Seele durch die Interpretation von Träumen Selbstverwirklichung zu bringen, und konzentrierte seine Arbeit ab den 1940er Jahren auf die Alchemie . In Fortsetzung von Jungs Herangehensweise an die Alchemie stellt der Psychologe Theodor Abt fest, dass Ibn Umails Buch vom silbernen Wasser und der Sternenerde einen Destillationsprozess beschreibt, der als Bild für einen Prozess des „kontinuierlichen Nachdenkens über die verschiedenen Symbole“ gedacht ist ", wodurch Bewusstsein (symbolisiert durch 'Licht', 'Gold') aus der Realität von Materie, Natur und Körper ('Sternenerde') geschaffen wird. Dies zeige, dass „der alchemistische Prozess tatsächlich eine rein psychologische Arbeit ist, die auf der Auseinandersetzung mit der konkreten Materie und der körperlichen Realität basiert

بچه مسلمونیم دیگه حاجی، اینکار هارو ما نکنیم شما میکنین؟

Who needs third world persian halal kiri kiri medication? Austria Europe Germany Iran don't need it. LOL

I will call it Persian Halal kiri kiri tablets.

Ultimately I can only make 500 tablets in one night, do you know which ones? a mixture of spices plants vegetables and chemicals. Do you know how? with a round diamond, yellow round sapphire and round brilliant turn into grail. houuuuuu medication MACHINE ELAM.The problem is I'm scared myselfIt should be tested for side effects before taking

nane kiri europe: we don't need a third world abracadabra

dog dog dog in grail heyyyyyy dog dog dog heyyyyy demon china, japan, Korea heyyyyyy dog dog 0815 kiri, nane kiri dog dog dog

This inferior 0815 bastard Nazi says next to inferior Iranian bastard Aryan: human rights are as they say for human beings, this mother daughter and son are not human. 0815 inferior pig vienna theran

replaceable run-of-the-mill bastard walk past me and look at me like a criminal because you are a run-of-the-mill bastard. Scum bastard Austrian you don't see anything? 0815 son of the bitch, evolution nazibastard race

Vienna police are salary people, judges are civil servants, politicians and others are salary people, everyone is a replaceable 0815. garbage, replaceable garbage, Austrofascist 0815 garbage. My work is so important because my other 38 projects are statistically one person's ability among hundred million. I am a unique person among a hundred million.

Our relatives were also bought with over 5 million euros including NASSER FARAHANI: Rana and Barbad Farahani: cause of death unknown

They illegally kill people every day in Iran, in Iran corpses are found every day with the cause of death unknown, in Vienna the police have prepared the society: keep quiet and take money. This is genocide, this is racial murder and ethnic cleansing

Like our friends in Austria, we do not respect human rights and civil rights is the glorification of ethnic and political murders. They call us all Jews or Armenian Jews

We Iranians actually have the problem: Romano Aryan gypsy race Iran sees itself at eye level with Austro and German fascism: native Iranians are not human

Nobody can legalize crimes against humanity, it is the case that Austrian fascism sits illegally at work and does not want to work for two citizens, the same applies to the Romano gypsy fascism in Tehran: we do not work to the advantage of JEWS blood and DNA

I have to go, but see my mother's cousins,They are also gypsy Domari, Afsar and Afsaneh Erschadi from their mother's side! hostile to my mother because of race, because of money and because of wealth

Sonntag, 28. Januar 2024

We Iranians are confronted with trained racial madness and racially hostile gypsies from Europe, schooled and taught in matters of mass murder, torture and sabotage, espionage and hunting. A total of 15 million pure-blooded tribes and 40 million mixed race, father or mother part. in Vienna 12,000

Do you see these two gentlemen? and then the cat bird and the shaman from another photo: in the best quality it costs a lot of money,This work is worthless and turned into waste with the justification: we can't give up billions of euros from the racial business. It remains like this: inferior breed from Iran


Not reporting human rights violations in inhumane and racially hostile situations is the second holocaust: you are not human

What an Austrian says is not relevant, what they do every day is relevant, I am confronted with it every day: anti-Semitism, hatred, aggression, discrimination (even in Caritas). I was even rejected for an apartment of 35 m2 by the SPÖ

Lure elami don't come to Austria as a child, you'll become SAUJUD here

I went to school in Vienna in 1986, I got to know a lot of teachers, which I observed: in history lessons they talked about the Second World War as if it had happened on another planet, so they thought: it had nothing to do with us! "It happened but that wasn't us! Well, I also made another acquaintance as an antique dealer with Austria: beautiful photo albums decorated with flowers and silk, each person described in detail - officer, lieutenant general and soldier, well smelling and preserved. Also proud dated 1934 OUR HANSI we are proud of him

I have other photos sorted but I will send them tomorrow, the series of photos from Friday turned out well, the clicks were less than 500 but good photos. good night

I'm telling you, this mother fucker Austrian is thinking of ways to kill me and Rana. forced sterilization is in danger. In a world where even a Kim sits in North Korea and thinks: for the prosperity and progress of our country, we should breed such children. But I point this out to my military: only we remain men, he should only jerk off three times a day and give us his sperm, no woman is allowed to be fucked

Good Night

I have to go to sleep, but first I will explain to you what Austrian citizenship is and how you get it: an old Turk goes to the exam for Aus...