Freitag, 2. Februar 2024
In the 16th century, the Danube Monarchy helped the Safavids find a nickname for us: NAJES! it means dirty thing.Mola sadra didn't take it seriously and continued working. I have an invitation to Stonehenge for some projects as an important person, no chance, I will be spied on with secret cameras, followed every minute
I saw deep hatred and antipathy and aggressive envy every day for 7 years. aggressive deep envy and hatred.
If I construct something today, a blueprint for something, and do it alone and independently, then they will no longer kill me, but the idea and prototype will be turned into shit. What do you think is Austria's racial madness and racial hatred?
چرا چیزی نشون نمیدی تو رو بکشن، باری فشنگ ده بزن در کونشون قشنگ،
I never write without evidence, until 2018 I never showed extraordinary things and never did anything, no phenomena or unnatural phenomena. Azadeh already knew at 18 that I had old genes and VMAT2, certainly from the state. She stayed until 2017. But she never saw anything special, except my cock and my stroking with my left hand. I think my cock sometimes moved paranormally, otherwise nothing else happened
Donnerstag, 1. Februar 2024
جریان اینه: عن لجن "ایرانی" داره سر حزب سوسیال دموکراسی گردشگری میکنه، خوشگذرونی میکنه، حقوق میگیره، زندگی میسازه، بچه بزرگ میکنه، خرید خونه و لباس میکنه، و سر همین جریان آدمکشی دست جمعی هم شروع میکنه. میگی نه؟ جنازه پیدا کردن در مملکت ما در طی این 45 سال گذشته عادی شده! عادی شدن میدونی یعنی چی؟ یعنی اوج فاجعه قتل دست جمعی.
All Austrian judges young and old are invalid because of their participation in the burning of existence of race and ethnicity.As a perpetrator, no one is allowed to decide! Because of the condemnation of Austria, all files and contracts from the post-war period with the Allies should be taken into account
Heinrich was like a foster father for the SPÖ and spö youth, a legendary mentor and father, so he talked about his experiences in concentration camps: vmat2 is highly intellect and intelligent but has no subtleties! vmat2 relies on his feeling, charisma, acts instinctively, innovatively and believes that no one dares to hurt or kill him. be clever, sneaky and enthusiastic, we are the winners
All of Michael Häupl's chat rooms in Vienna were attempted murder, racial madness, racial hatred, experiment, so he said: death sentence from Iran?, my Vienna knows what he has to do. Heinrich was a Spö member from 1954 and led a massive campaign against VMAT2. I said today the masses have been well trained for at least 40 years
Everything that an Austria does in collective unity is tradition, culture, religion: a bounty was placed on Albert Einstein, tenfold on Wolf Messing, and on others, signs of our origins are everywhere
Die japanische Anthropologin Emiko Ohnuki-Tierney erklärt die Redewendung saru wa ke ga sanbon tarinai (猿は毛が三本足りない, „ein Affe ist [ein Mensch] minus drei Haarsträhnen“): „Die wörtliche Bedeutung dieses Sprichworts ist Folgendes.“ Der Affe ist ein niedriges Tier, das versucht, ein Mensch zu sein, und deshalb muss man darüber lachen. [1]
Mittwoch, 31. Januar 2024
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