Freitag, 2. Februar 2024

no ambition is willing to talk, no matter what the ambition. The money is a bastard, the amount and proceeds are too high because of our race

I am human, my family is human, and there are dozens of human rights violations. Who wants to claim anything other than that with mass violence and state power? do you want to die? do you want to die Europe?

It all started here: this is a Jewish business for exploitation. The whole state has established it internationally together: this gene DNA and race is to be exploited!

Freitag, 2. Februar 2024

I was born in Tehran and Austria says: this race is to be exploited! Look at the last 45 years: what is left of Iran? what else does Iran have

Amnesty International Vienna is a gathering of anti-Semitic Nazi whores, I was there in 2018: she sat there with 2400 euros of clothes, shoes, pants, shirt, sweater and jacket and said: go to a psychiatrist, we don't have anything here

I am human, my family is human, and there are dozens of human rights violations. Who wants to claim anything other than that with mass violence and state power? do you want to die?

An Austrian is an incorrigible branch of evolution that is ashamed of being useless material, or only useful for mass establishment.

A Christian Müller, an atheist Nazi pig, is sitting at home right now with a pig face and says: hahahah you crazy, there is nothing, there is no scene, you are just ripe for the madhouse

What do you say about this reality? my reality and world? a left hand 3 balls and a grail? Do you know what SPÖ Nazi animals say? INFERIOR NAJES THAT IS NOT HUMAN AND HUMAN RIGHTS ARE FOR HUMAN

In the 16th century, the Danube Monarchy helped the Safavids find a nickname for us: NAJES! it means dirty thing.Mola sadra didn't take it seriously and continued working. I have an invitation to Stonehenge for some projects as an important person, no chance, I will be spied on with secret cameras, followed every minute

امروز رفتم نشستم یک جایی شلوغ، شوخی دارم؟ نه! مادر قحبه ها، هالیوود دستگاه هاش کار نمیکنه، همش پلاستیکیه، دکوراسیونه، مگه من هالیوودم؟

I saw deep hatred and antipathy and aggressive envy every day for 7 years. aggressive deep envy and hatred.

If I construct something today, a blueprint for something, and do it alone and independently, then they will no longer kill me, but the idea and prototype will be turned into shit. What do you think is Austria's racial madness and racial hatred?

I need the evidence from nazi spö and michael häupl the fascist from 2001., nazi spö and michael häupl the fascist

چرا چیزی نشون نمیدی تو رو بکشن، باری فشنگ ده بزن در کونشون قشنگ،

I never write without evidence, until 2018 I never showed extraordinary things and never did anything, no phenomena or unnatural phenomena. Azadeh already knew at 18 that I had old genes and VMAT2, certainly from the state. She stayed until 2017. But she never saw anything special, except my cock and my stroking with my left hand. I think my cock sometimes moved paranormally, otherwise nothing else happened

Donnerstag, 1. Februar 2024

it's enough for today, anyway:one pillar is Albert Einstein and the middle one is Mesing, if you also have the third one then you have it. but don't walk around barefooted and on the water. These are worse times, worse than Rome

The Viennese judges act like they did back in the good times: either we are the owners of Jewish science (ethnicity, race, genes, DNA) or we kill this science. Being Aryan means being superior, everything else is invalid

My grail photos can also be edited with negative option, new coloring, new contrast and you can discover a deeper meaning again. I've been doing it for 5 years with my tablet, without Photoshop, just with color and contrast changes, like the photo from the last posting

دهن گاییده آخه این چه وضعشه؟ بفرستینش دکتر حلق و بینی میگه آدمه سالمه، بفرستینش پیشه آخوند میگه خواهر ماست مجبوره، بفرستینش تو گور قبر کن میگه..... راستی قبر کن چه خواهد گفت؟

Jacob, am I a crystal clear case of clean carnal purity to find the Ark of the Covenant or are you? FOTO: 2019 dabrab saghahani

اتریش سر عادی سازی داره میره جلو، بیسواد جاکش ایرانی بیشرف خارج از کشور

جریان اینه: عن لجن "ایرانی" داره سر حزب سوسیال دموکراسی گردشگری میکنه، خوشگذرونی میکنه، حقوق میگیره، زندگی میسازه، بچه بزرگ میکنه، خرید خونه و لباس میکنه، و سر همین جریان آدمکشی دست جمعی هم شروع میکنه. میگی نه؟ جنازه پیدا کردن در مملکت ما در طی این 45 سال گذشته عادی شده! عادی شدن میدونی یعنی چی؟ یعنی اوج فاجعه قتل دست جمعی.

All Austrian judges young and old are invalid because of their participation in the burning of existence of race and ethnicity.As a perpetrator, no one is allowed to decide! Because of the condemnation of Austria, all files and contracts from the post-war period with the Allies should be taken into account

A family has been exploited in the most vile way because of VMAT2 genes, millions of spectators have been collected for further projects and it should remain unpunished for: masses should torture and kill masses, like in Iran

As a Nazi perpetrator, no one is allowed to say: I am an honorary citizen, with a state honor medal and should not be arrested. The victims are inferior material and are to be killed or taken to concentration camps

What should I do? Every photo of me is different, with every sip of water something changes in me. This topic of "the spirits I called" was different in the Persian Empire than what they claim here today

Viennese society, the masses have been well trained to torture and kill masses for 40 years. Unemployed, workers, civil servants are a large part of this project

Heinrich was like a foster father for the SPÖ and spö youth, a legendary mentor and father, so he talked about his experiences in concentration camps: vmat2 is highly intellect and intelligent but has no subtleties! vmat2 relies on his feeling, charisma, acts instinctively, innovatively and believes that no one dares to hurt or kill him. be clever, sneaky and enthusiastic, we are the winners

Michael and all his gang are old useless inferior material, I have new sensational and 38 projects, something never seen before

All of Michael Häupl's chat rooms in Vienna were attempted murder, racial madness, racial hatred, experiment, so he said: death sentence from Iran?, my Vienna knows what he has to do. Heinrich was a Spö member from 1954 and led a massive campaign against VMAT2. I said today the masses have been well trained for at least 40 years

ایرانی خارج از کشور، سیاسی خارج از کشور، اپوزیسیون خارج از کشور یه عن بیسواده که باهاش همه کار میشه کرد، یه بیشرم بیسواد که خر هم نیست، فقط بیسواد بیشرفه

Hacking mass murder plans can only be achieved with simple language and images! What these three pillars mean is an endless explanation, incomprehensible to 99%. why am I taking photos of a grail?