Sonntag, 4. Februar 2024

آقا ما بریم، میگم اجنبی ها هم رو کردن تو کونشون، رژیم از یه طرف، مجاهد از یه طرف، رضا پهلوی از طرف دیگه، چپ راست آلترنانیو..! خلاصه هر چی لات بی فندک و کبریت بی‌خطر رو جا داده تو کونش! ولی ما یکی رو گذاشته رو شاخ کیرش، بعد حاج آقا ببین مردم چی میگن: ما آدمیم این اگر آدم بود یکی به دادش میرسید....

have you seen? Two balls lie on a pillared table, design and edges and corners represent Persian brutalism

cold blue with two chinese meditation balls.

آقا ما بریم بخوابیم،ولی ببین عن دماغ جاکش عقده ای، عکس میخوای بندازی اینطوریه جریان، بی ناموس کیری، بچه کونی فرزند کوروشی؟ برو عکس بنداز ببین چه عنی هستی، میشی مثل ما

half europe and america israel turkey are in vmat2 torture business in mafia formation, with a clear statement: we kill the victims' families if they show up in court with evidence and sit there. why should others behave differently? Threats about medication are illegal but VMAT2 eradication is legal?

Do you understand, this work has to be done in mafia formation, if someone doesn't give what they should give, then their feet should be decorated with concrete and thrown into the water.

Well, 3 people cracked the joker and got 2 million each. I wasn't among them. What does common sense say? My common sense says: if the Viennese police had behaved like human, I would be smuggling medicine into Iran today, wallah! There is no Iranian that doesn't need medication because of Ayatollahs. You can get medication 6 months before the expiry date and get rid of it quickly in Iran at below the wholesale price. Ukraine war and Russia situation is ideal for this LOL

If I win the lottery today, I report it on my website. see you later

This scene symbolizes something that this city wants: ugliness! Vienna suffered from this for 80 years: why can't we be ugly?

I went for a walk in the tenth district, then I was at the train station and played the lottery, the only thing I realized was that nobody knows me, but everyone is just focused on my steps. By nobody knows me I mean God genes, by following steps I mean they know me as a person under disenfranchisement dictatorship

racial politics and anti god genes movement and humiliation establishment Europe: god genes from iran: demons, freaks, deformation, above all: they are not human:

I am an EU citizen, and EU is a trick: kill iranian, look what they are doing today with your mother and sister, I say I kill you,when human rights and civil rights are never taken into account and respected. despite evidence and files