Samstag, 10. Februar 2024

terrorism, state terrorism, terrorism,Active National Socialist Stasi race trafficking is never subject to the statute of limitations

I have to go to sleep, but what the European Orthodox state archeologists think about it: We don't screw anyone and don't put stones in the water and illuminate it with a cell phone camera setting change. This isn't scientific work, it's just crappy. They say that even when I prove that the tons of stone blocks for pyramids were transported with tea spoons, or similar to spoons: it can only be proven if we can recreate and manufacture it today, then it can be proven. LOL good night

If you place this stone sculpture in the water with spot lighting and change the contrast and white balance of the tablet camera, then a unique scene appears. This photo and work has been a global sensation since 2020. This is how third-class the EU has become with Vienna: which stone? what work?

In every respect the Austrian is third class, in every respect, look what they do..., with their "facial features", uniformed in hospitals in police stations in civil service and in general: inferior fascists, third class genetics, Nazis...

Neanderthal origins hate our facial features, whatever nationality, Austrians hate us like concentration camp guards. I was already in trouble with police officers when I was 19, here I was 19. Then women do genetic tests: where does he come from!?This does not mean the land but the tribe

People have psychological problem regarding their short life, is it my problem that someone becomes a salary person? or do I owe someone something? ebay 2003

I'm counting from 2017: 25 expensive vacations, excessive consumption, living in wealth, the best healthcare system financed through racial torture, racial espionage, racial humiliation and attempted racial murder

Because of vmat2 there has been national socialist activity in EUROPE and even radical leftists human rights activists don't take it seriously since 1998

No matter what I write, do or show or plan, this bastard says: we have the right to oppress, disenfranchise and torture races and ethnicities.

In 2018 I showed anti god genes disease smoke photos...well, how do these scenes happen in the Grail by hand rotation? bastard race destroyer race torturer and race murderer Austria

There are millions of anti god gene hate disease in Europe,Millions in America, millions in Iran, millions in Asia and Vienna says: billion euro business was only one-time with this family.

In a mental hospital a fire extinguisher is reassuring, when there is a fire alarm there are fire extinguishers, in the waiting room I am burning with anger, which fire extinguisher helps?

hey EU Marx radically rejected this Abuabdalhcination fascination, he called me the opium dealer of the lumpenproletariat.

Well, I looked at the photo for the first time today, one of six thousand, and I'm not surprised: Project 39. Cost point: 98 million euros: the fountain of youth

I sit in the mental hospital and look at my own abucination, there is no other academic medical term, it is not a hallucination but rather fakir abuabdalahcination

Freitag, 9. Februar 2024

In all medication prescriptions in Austria, the vmat2 gene in the body is not taken into account, patients are given psychotropic drugs and lead to more problems

I have to take my sister back to the neurological hospital, my prediction: atheists will soon become victims of mass murder themselves

vmat2 studies especially in the field of neurology and psychology and brain research are the reason why the police know how to behave and how to teach society to behave: you are not important and normal inferior existence

This system is currently my sister's condition, the only thing doctors prescribe is psychotropic drugs that make her condition worse.

They are capable of learning, they study at universities, speak with perfect articulation, they become academics and yet: they never stop throwing bananas and coconuts. all against Zara's children

I take my sister to the hospital, if the thorax and thyroid doctors don't do a complete examination and torture my sister, then you know what I will do with Nazi, Austrians and Nazi doctors., the most rational behavior against race exterminators and Nazis

every Iranian, American, European, Turk and Arab and others laughs. when you kill them it laughs when you torture them it laughs when you beat them it laughs when you saw off their bones it laughs.!!???!?!?! ?!?!?

Iran has millions of immigrants with the idea of being Iranian, what CIA Vienna and Europe are doing is the dirtiest way after 45 years of mass murder with this system: inciting immigrant races against native people and committing even more murders alongside the regime. fuck you CIA nazis and eugenics fascists

There is not a single person in the world who made magic pictures and proved magic, I am the first and only one, and look at journalists in Europe and America: you are the most ridiculous idiot that we know.

Over 120,000 victims is not normal, not a small thing, not to be digested, Neither does my situation in Austria

آقا سال ۲۰۰۹ یکی از این بچه سبز هارو گیر انداختم یه گوشه، پرسیدم:، جوجه زرگری حاجی میچوسه شانیل شماره چند به مشامت میخوره لجن؟ آقا انقدر بد شدن با ما انقدر با ما بد شدن.... خودتون میبینید دیگه. ببین زرگری حزب‌اللهی رو پنجی ها، این جوجت درجه اش پایینه ها هنوز سبز مونده

آقا ما موندیم این حاجی چرا هرچی آشغال کله است کشیده بالا!؟ اونم با خلاف کاری اونم با حروم خواری، اونم با مرده خواری!؟، این یارو خشایار محسنی رفیق علی دایی و عزیزی و کریمی و غیره رو من از بچگی میشناسم، یه آشغال با مدرک قلابی. هرچی آشغال رو کشید بالا بعد به شاملو گفت خفه شو بشین سر جات، قاطی داری ها، گردن کلفت عن رو میندازی پایین، عن رد پایین رو میبری بالا..!؟ علی دایی یا کیکی یا همین خشایار محسنی... کم عقلی حاجی؟ نه! شیطنتی مثل آزاده جون خودم جیگر

ایران ایرا اااهاهاهن ایراا اهاهاهان چرا تو نمیرقصی کو اون کون داش مشتی عجب تن لشی هستی، تو چرا دیگه نمیرقصی هاهاهاهه ایران ایراااااهههها ههههان، علی دایی بتکون اون خارکوسده کون، چرا نمیرقصی. بیشرف های بیناموس کوسکش

There is not a single person in the world who made magic pictures and proved magic, I am the first and only one, and look at journalists in Europe and America: you are the most ridiculous idiot that we know.