Mittwoch, 14. Februar 2024

Mr. Richter, this path only means one thing: you are a Nazi pig in Vienna and I am a human, haven't you seen the Indian Jones movie? you Nazi pig?

This evening I will take photos again after a long time, let's see what Vöslauer mineral water shows in the Grail

he he he he he

So i say: there is a bird bübibabdarü another bird shübida raba bü dü voodoo, a third that makes tribabrabdübü and a woman dübe dübe shübe shübe, dibabeüba shababrübe this woman is fitzbübe jüb jübe

Viennese social democracy, Viennese communists and socialists including the Viennese Greens are a large part of the atheist "God is death" society, also infiltrated into Viennese churches. vmat2 annihilation torture holocaust is therefore not viewed as 3rd national socialism and fascism, but as an essential measure to end wars, because wars are only caused by faith in God. LOL

آقا زمان ساسانی فردی به نام باربد فرهاد روشنکی رفت نشست جلو قاضی، تا اومد حرف بزنه قاضی زیر لبی گفت: تو اگر کیر داشتی دختره دزد نمیشد برو گمشو بیرون. آی من ریدم تو او انقلاب کوسکشتون که ما باز برگشتیم به زمان قبل از اسلام. مادر قحبه ها

Dienstag, 13. Februar 2024

hey atheist nazi I have to go, but I have vmat2 and you make a hashish marble cake to get a connection, this connection is what? where?

square marble from Vienna with vmat2 signs and religious behavior. The question is how many million years does it take for marble to grow?

That's why I say the plan to destroy VMAT2 from Iran and the surrounding area is worse than the extermination of Jews in the Second World War. Although I also put forward this thesis: in the Second World War, deeply religious Jews were murdered with suspicion of old race and vmat2

At the same time as these protests, I was listening to Strasbourg: We will not harm Europe, what Austria has done is irreparable damage, but through reporting and punishment, Europe will be damaged more: this family is not worth working for, or states to punish for this family. where are hundreds of illegal race trafficking money you nazi europe you 4th Reich?

BIMBO, this is how you should fill chat rooms: because of this photo there is solidarity between Tibet and China, three million Chinese and a hundred thousand Tibetans, Japanese and Koreans in the minority: chi cha na you wa ha? huaaa?

God gene hatred is dirtier than Jew hatred. It kills more than 6 million, in silent holocaust

I have to go to sleep, but children are being killed in masses by Iranians, who are these Iranians? What is the difference between these children and my mother and sister who are on the Stasi death list in Vienna!?

one of the reasons why we are still alive is my daily writing since 2017, I pissed on all the lies, rumors, fake clips with doppelganger material and hate campaigns. Every viennese Iranian woman or man was paid money to kill us, including to our relatives. To this day, the Iranians are planning murder for Austria, just like they did for 45 years in Iran

Austrian women were dirtier than German women when it came to child murders and femicides, today nothing has changed except for one thing: they sit in Amnesty Internarional, Zara and other human rights organizations, or they are left-wing and green party members

A business license and rental agreement is sacred in democracy and the rule of law, in Europe. Austrofascism has such a deep hatred against vmat2 from Iran that it is ready to die in masses.... this is a sick brain biology and race, this disease does not recognize a single point in the European human rights convention because of us

Austrofascism, anti-Semitism, race murder, racial torture, with the Ayatollah regime must be reported and punished in Austria, otherwise they will kill you all and international authorities and judges will jerk off on your corpses in Iran

اون سیاهی رو پیشونیت جای مهر نیست ها، تیرگی کیر طلایی آمریکاییه کونده.

Both states have been welded together in a blind knot since 1980 and American eugenics fascism is deeply anchored in between with a hanging golden cock pendant

With the founding of the second republic, the ÖVP and SPÖ promised never again to attack races and ethnicities or to torture and humiliate other races. In 1954, sixty-five percent of the party members were Nazi academics and Nazi officers, the rest were former silent partners. What I mean by that: a Nazi is a notorious liar, denier and a deep hatred, I hadn't done anything means: it was nothing. By nothing he means other race. It was nothing

Ali Gharib is from a Ghazvin village, he is a Zargari gypsy, ask Vienna:Why and for what did you pay millions of euros to Hussein and Ali Gharib?

Vienna has collected 15 million Iranian gypsy stasi camera consumers. 15 million against native Iranian. This has been a system of mass murder for 45 years

Revocation of civil rights, disenfranchisement, hide evidence, financial plan, mind control, lynching, mobiizing masses against ethnicity, race genes is a repeat of 1933

Montag, 12. Februar 2024

i have to go: Austria is a scum in collective and in complicity: mass murder in Iran

It wasn't me who began to describe Viennese women and girls as sick biology, but rather Bertold Brecht: this woman has a parasite and is biologically/mentally ill, collective parasitic sick biology

In Bertolt Brechts „Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder“ wird die Protagonistin als
rücksichtslose Kriegsgewinnlerin dargestellt, die zwar den Umständen
entsprechend, aber nichtsdestotrotz gewinnorientiert handelt und sich nichts
sehnlicher erhofft, als das Eintreffen des Kriegs. Die Figur der Mutter Courage, die bis heute die Vorstellung der Trosserinnen des Dreißigjährigen Kriegs prägt, wird dementsprechend als „Hyäne des Schlachtfeldes“

Austria is a scum in collective and in complicity: mass murder in Iran

Blind knotting Vienna Tehran for 45 years only refers to the racial problem in Iran. to this day they are looking for vmat2 political activists. many have been active for 40 years, Only activists in category VMAT2 were killed

Palace of Justice Austria has never been different than this, this level: you stick your cock in the ass of the Ayatollah regime? We put our cock in your mouth. in my case: vmat2 is a sad existence it has a short penis


I'm writing about something proven: sick biology in masses that killed masses and it wants to achieve it again today: what is a rana or a barbad or a mother?, it's about the economy and hundreds of millions of euros