Freitag, 23. Februar 2024

دو هفته کار: معامله های سنگین! بیناموس های پفیوز. عن تر از ناصر تابحال دیده بودید؟ .

For one minute of secret recordings of Masoumeh's sex life and intimacy moment, America would award 5 million euros in damages. Is Alinejad so important for Iran? A journalist who was a regular guest in my chat rooms from 2002 onwards, as a Khatami supporter, I was for military guerrillas fighting to stop mass murders. asshole CIA fuck from a village

Some of the pictures I take are 2 beyti or 3 beyti, LOL

هركس بد ما به خلق گویید ما چهره از او نمی خراشیم


ما خوبی او به خلق گوییم  تا هر دو  دوروغ گفته باشیم

(و زکی، گودیدی) 

12 years ago I gave it to my sister as a gift. what we are and what they are here. They know very well that without our testicles and uterus there would be no such maturity at Yale and Howard today! or is everything Greek?

I've been wanting to get out of the apartment for an hour and can't, I sense danger, a plot, and an attempted murder. I'm still waiting. The piece is from a Viennese collector, when I looked at the apartment, the library, other collections in the showcase and lifestyle I immediately knew he was a big bang NAZI. I had never felt deeper curiosity and hatred in any other apartment

Donnerstag, 22. Februar 2024

حاجی تکمیله؟ بگو جون من، تکمیل؟

آقا ما برویم، تقدیم به گوز مشنگ ها، روز خوش تا عصری

UN, is the dirtiest organization in the world, in that it was built like the second republic by former Nazi officers, with the help of the Habsburgs and even back then with EU vision: the 4th Reich.There have been more mass murders through UN intervention since 1950 than ever before, starting in Korea

haji, I'm still alive, younger and more beautiful than before. I use condom because of European fascists and your people, I'm a born project junkie,

“The most important selfies that amazed the world” the list of people is long. I am the hurricane, I am rebuilding what Alexander destroyed throughout Iran: Iran Gate, I am son Cyrus and Daraios the Great, I am Iran Gate. I call concept and project number 12 El Ninio, this hurricane in Europe will be a divine phenomenon

The tragedy: European immigrants have killed native tribes everywhere, what is so surprising in Iran? It's normal, Azadeh the tribes and others, what's not normal is the existence of vmat and shamans and dervishes

I have to go to sleep, but my Moqui Marbles will soon show a different connection to Mars and Saturn. oing oing oing stupid swine Amerikanskiy, a hundred million Indians killed you asshole Europe, because of what?

You hunt genes and dna? I have another 38 projects,where even Hollywood curses me with a finger in its ass

Why is storming this shop justified with secret cameras, secured by contracts and a law in the European Union? Why is boycotting a legal law at the international level?

حاجی با این موبایل به حضرت عباس، چهل یورو، من خوار این دنیارو میگام تو اسرائیل رو ول کن بنده خدا، تا بگم چی میشه

So, does anyone know the mythical creature, the old man with his daughter!?.My work requires a camera with a 70,000 euro camera projector

ببین چپ نما، فاشیست ضد ایرانی، آنتونیو گرامشی رو چهار ورق اولش رو خوندم ها که میتونم بهت بگم لجن خارکوسده، نگو این کشته ها آدم بودن تو آدم نیستی، اگر آدم بودی خودت رو میکشتی

The honesty and seriousness of Austria would be this statement: we collected 100 million secret camera viewers so that we can all let it be known: we don't want these genes DNA biology race ethnicity in Europe, in Iran we don't want this race at all

35 percent of the country's capital investment is based on gold teeth from World War II. millions of gold teeth, and the Nazi fascist and the capitalist claims to be an honorable citizen and economic genius, like this Nenaderthal Nazi, I'm back, I'll launder the black money for you and ayatollahs, hasata la vista barbad farahani. very brilliant: jew armenians vmat2 torture money

A Nazi capitalist is more dangerous than HIV virus, the grail is like a condom to fuck the networks. Do you think you can loot vmat2 property like in 1932?

another arrival, good expensive photo

the shepherd said: drink from the well and carry on meeeeeehhh. shitty fucking NAZI Austrian police and 3 secret services I'll keep going for a long time meeeehhhh

آقا امروز این موبایلی که از جام باهاش عکس میندازم رو با خودم بردم بیرون، خلاصه امر به ما واجب شد یه عکس از خودم هم باهاش بندازم، معمولاً با تبلت عکس میندازم ولی گفتم بینم با این جریان چیه، این شد: عجی عنی شدم، اگر هفت هزار عکس رو کولت نبود مینداخمت دور آشغال، البته مردم هم سر این عکس ها بیشتر با ما عنی شدن. بندازمت دور موبایل گور به گور، آشغال

I have to go, but when it comes to race and ethnicity, Vienna is a mess like no other capital.This heap of rubbish Vienna wants to know one thing first at the first business encounter: who am I dealing with, a Jew or a humane? where can I get genetic data from him!?

Doing secret race research, genetic and DNA research, and then disseminating the data among Turkish Arab, Iranian and Middle Eastern society is mass murder. what spö vienna has been doing for decades. fucking European fascism and anti-Semitism

Mittwoch, 21. Februar 2024

خوارت رو گاییدم جنده خانم، شاشیدی به دنیا رفته با این جاکش قحبه پیشرفته

smartphone photo last night, you have until the afternoon: what do these three characters mean? which mythological ones? what does arrival mean?

I have to go to sleep, read what I wrote today until tomorrow afternoon: current Iranian and Austrofascism is praised, glorified and motivated by the Americans and the EU

میگم بدبخت بیچاره ها اگر آدم بودید خدا این قوت رو تو کون شما هم میکرد صبح تا شب بخندید، انگشتم رو کردم تو پیریز اینترنت بینم شبکه بندی آخوندها چه خبره، دیدم دارن داد میزنن: به درک واصل شد به درک واصل شد مرتیکه جادوگر، آمریکایی ها هم گفتن ما کاری نمیتونیم بکنیم، جریان حل شدنی نیست، سندی از آخوند وجود ندارد. خدایا شکرت چی دادی بهمون. عکس های بعدی فردا.. شب خوش

I can capture some moments in the Grail a little better with a smartphone, then this statement: after 10 hours of Photoshop work, I can also create a bird shaman and cat illustration