Montag, 26. Februar 2024

From 2002 onwards I felt obliged to reveal intrigues, with the emphasis: there will be no Iran left! My explanation of Iran and Iranian was a thorn in their side: what does Iran mean and what does it mean to be Iranian... how much Iran is left? we have been replaced. How many people still dream about tomorrow and know what will happen and who will cross their path?

آقا سعدی میگه: سخن میان دو دشمن چنان گوی که گر دوست گردند شرم زده نشوی: چشم: سبزی قرمه سبزی رو خشکش رو آدم استفاده کنه خوبه یا تازه اش رو؟ البته بابلی ها دست پختشون تعریف نداره، هاااا، رشتی ها نابغه ترن، ولی خوب......!

Native Iranians are targets everywhere, the children, the women, mothers and daughters, this Stasi mass murder program with gas chambers in hospitals only works with the silence and complicity of international judge networks and UN officials

Every European American general Western and Asian secret service searches my mother's cell phone. Nobody wants to acknowledge my special origins, ethnicity and race, because I'm from Iran, an Iran with over a hundred thousand murdered activists! Mass murder has gone unpunished for 45 years

Every European American general Western and Asian secret service searches my mother's cell phone. Nobody wants to acknowledge my special origins, ethnicity and race, because I'm from Iran, an Iran with over a hundred thousand murdered activists! Mass murder has gone unpunished for 45 years

There are many Stasi idiots, but there are also some idiots who have read the philosophical works of idiot Rene Descartes, to discuss with idiots that reading idiotism is like discussing nighttime rape with an insulted mule in the animal stable: why does the farmer come to me at night and doesn't go to his wife

Sonntag, 25. Februar 2024

For two years my grail project has not been recognized internationally, we are all suffering in a mass murder plot, a handful of old race among billions

i have to go: spirit shaman Cernunnos. Grail Smartphone Photo Raw

At some point Himmler came up with it: the Celtic god Cernunnos was actually a Persian with god genes. Well, at that time I was a god with my skills and projects and the electronic magnetic penis

Fascism and German Austrian esoteric society (current sects) is nothing other than political satanism. the conflict in the country since then or since the 18th century

I will go now and write again tomorrow, I will try to take new good photos today, but read the page: anyone who has dealt with ethnology and history and racial origins for centuries sees the lower topic and matter as race as a Semite. the reports are over 2000 years old. Hegel was an asshole, next to him Engels and Marx and Feuerbach and others

Anti-Semitism has two meanings in this country, hence this divide and conflict: between baboon, chimpanzees and gorillas

First an Austrian said Braun, as a new Austrian I'm a master copyist

It is not uncommon for capitalism to have expensive mushrooms in its belly, some highly gifted and blessed mushrooms that can even cure cancer like bitter cucumbers can cure diabetes. Have you ever had bitter cucumbers in your stomach? It doesn't matter what comes out is always brown and will always be brown like the European leftists in the belly of capital fascism as you can see: vmat2 is the cancer in the belly of the system, it keeps the color and never comes out

زنیکه فاشیست اطلاعاتی یه عن رو برده گذاشته تو دکوراسیون خونش فقط واسه این: تو پسرت عنه دخترت هم عنه، خودت هم آدم بودی با من ازدواج نمیکردی، تف تو شرفت ناصر با برادرات و فامیلات

Austrian government, Viennese officials and authorities have brought society to this level: we would rather die than help or present evidence, this is the same situation as in 1932: Jewish business remains closed., 1998-2024

Femicide statistics are above normal value, it will be tripled if uterus and vmat hate crimes will not be punished. 85 percent of the hate criminals are women

This dictatorship system that also includes all international human rights organizations and authorities is a justification for civilian armed resistance of the minorities: vmat2 minorities in Europe

It is actually forbidden for women and men over 60 to express an opinion about young people's sex lives, it is immoral. especially in a Stasi sterilization system. These statements: why are they making so much noise about sex, what is so important, what is it supposed to be?sick bastards, scum filth, psychopathic inferiority

آقا این سامسون میرفت بستنی دویست دلاری بخوره به کوسکشش چه ربطی داشته چند سانت چومبول داره، آخه پلیس خانم بیار کوسکش، رئیس پلیس مادر قحبه

Samstag, 24. Februar 2024

چی بودیم جون تو زمان هخامنشی: منطق استراتژیک و عقلانیت سیاسی (استراتژی نظامی و کنترل سیاسی)

آفتابه کجا بود، طرف شاعر هخامنشی بوده، میگه: این غاز با دهن گشاد همیشه دنبال کون گوهی هستن، مگه نمیبینی؟ شب بخیر ما رفتیم بخوابیم. با کون گوهی آب میچرخونیم خلاصه

With my daily discussions I ripped their asses off on internet platforms,They are still attacking my mother and sister to this day with the help of the CIA and America

آقا ما بریم یه سه ساعت استراحت کنیم، ولی ببین کونی: سپاه ماییم، کوسکش مرغ یه پا، مادر قحبه به اون یونیفرمت و درجت من ریدم کوسکش

جون تو ایران مونده بودیم و صد کیلو مواد خلاف میکردیم رئیس سگ ریش پلیس عن تهرون روت میشد حتی یه گرمش رو به ما ببندی؟ بعد میگن اینهمه مواد از کجا میاد. خودمونیم دیگه مادر قحبه، مرام داریم، آدم کش نیستیم، جوون کش نیستیم، بلدیم

حاجی خودت بزرگ شده لات خونه های تهرونی خداوکیلی، بگو جیگرتو بخورم سوسول، گوگولی باری نازتو برم دودول. لول

vmat2 has many secrets, what else do you want to see before you kill us all in Stasi killing and torture machine system?

between 2002 and 2010 I had 300 to 500 users daily, all well-known oppositional faces! billions of euros stasi pot are for financing the vamt2 genocide program. In Iran and outside Iran with the participation of all hospitals and doctors