Dienstag, 5. März 2024

I have to go to sleep, but this statement is a death sentence, mass murder and racial madness: we did everything, everyone knows it, but not for Barbad Rana and Zari. Nobody is filing criminal charges against us, and these three never will either

I don't know what more to say about this, in Vienna 20 year old girls walk past me with the look: Why don't you and your family die and spoil our business. This country is a racial biology and thought that can only be called:...

We Iranians are traditionally and culturally incapable of murdering our own children. Vienna had set aside ten million euros for my father and my relatives. 10 million euros

Since 1979, mass murder and torture, persecution and disenfranchisement of minorities have had a root, this action against us, the genetic minority, has a root: European/Jewish radicals hatred against Iran, and mass immigration from Europe

There is no shame anywhere in this world in saying: I am from Romania or I am Roma. Already in Iran, you have seen why

We allow the other race (Aryan race) to install secret cameras for cybertorture business is the beginning of the end of our race, there are millions in Iran and outside Iran that will kill us, without secret cameras, for less money than Azadeh Amiri got

نکات با اهمیت آداب و اصول صحبت کردن را به یاد داشته باشید: ۷. با دقت از شوخ طبعی استفاده کنید. شوخی بِجا و شایسته باعث میشود مکالمات از حالت رسمی و خشک خارج شود و احساس صمیمیتِ بیشتری بین شما و دیگران ایجاد شود، یعنی: جنده آپارتی هیچکاره خفه میشی یا نه؟ لجن صفر کیلومتر حسادت نکن چرا ما مثل آزاده نتونستیم میک بزنیم پول بیشتر گیرمون بیاد، جنده میلیونی ملکه شده، ما چرا عن شدیم؟ چون آزاده نبودیم آره؟ چون....

We are the Grail race from Persia, the fact that no one wants to register this internationally is: a plan for racial murder. I posted hundreds of smartphone photos of the Grail: no reaction

Iranian and Austrian governments are deeply black sick. cyber torture financial system has this meaning: incineration plant

From 1998 to today, not a single person has stood against minority torture, persecution, espionage, stalking and attempted murder. Today no one remembers what happened, Because of: 100 percent minority murder plan in hospital, 100 percent attempted murder with poison

In a country with 400,000 registered multimillionaires, are only the owners of three businesses und shops not humane? The workers and civil servants are only human towards these 3 people? asshole nazi country

دولت ها: ما با هر کسی این کار را انجام میدهیم آدم نیست، شما از ما هستید و آدمید....

more than half of this society is sick, regardless of nationality, So the imagination: psychological war against race in collective unity has become the sign of intellect and intelligence. In fact, a construction worker and street sweeper also thinks they know and understand why the state is introducing this system, and why we should prove our intellect and intelligence as members of this atrocity: we are human

Montag, 4. März 2024

We are the Grail race from Persia, the fact that no one wants to register this internationally is: a plan for racial murder. I posted hundreds of smartphone photos of the Grail: no reaction

With mass immigration from the 16th century and greater immigration from the 19th to the 21st century, we have become a minority, a handful: racial annihilation economy Iran in the 21st century: these handful are not human


I have to go to sleep, but in 2017 they wanted to kill us: because of the Jewish boycott system from 1998, one store belonged to my mother and the other to both of us

They are killing us everywhere, in 2017 I was almost dead, my mother and sister too, there they kill children in Iran, here women if they can, mothers and daughters

With promises of billions of euros in revenue, the Pentagon and VATICAN establish VMAT2 MURDERS on all continents, in Iran it is the worst

This system is intended for vmat2 the Christian race and tribe which also affects the Iranian race, demonstrably. My sister has become ill, my mother is suffering and I write every day. The Vatican State UN and Pentagon/CIA lead societies to mass murder with this system: VMAT2 MASS MURDER which you are currently seeing in Iran

This work of mine is quite novel, stone crystal combination and water.... tablet photo raw

حاج آقا، شونه چپ شونه راست، بالا پائین راست چپ آهاااااا حالا بیا.. دیشب چیز شد... نشد نشد نشد

Sonntag, 3. März 2024

مسیح بگو باری، بگو باریییی، ببین یه بار بگو باری و بپر تو گاری

Western science has even stolen the term psychonaut from our culture and turned it into confusing shit. I have to go and will come in the afternoon

Well, it was supposed to be 7 empty years, empty kilometers. because vmat2 has a lot of potential talent and gifts. For this, Azadeh was rewarded with 15 million euros for the fullness of her life.

I have to go to sleep, but one of the reasons why I see smiling and grinning faces every day is this: I'm not a religious Jew but I smell just as burnt as the Jews in World War II, mom's kitchen

It's not a good evening for the Grail turning, but what did you really think when you saw that child and goose and black bird last week? something is funny, just like this: a hitman arrives at his victims' house, As he was about to kill the woman, he suddenly smelled her roast meat coming from the kitchen, it reminded him of his psychopathic mother. That's how this case came about: he didn't kill her, he took her as a prisoner and cook, he locked her in the cellar... Mom's meatloaf and the $100,000 contract money was gone. The meat is quite expensive

Pentagon maybe I'll take photos today, I don't know, you'll find out the moment I take the first photo, but: you (new Huma) have a conflict with women, which women? my aunt Tara was one of them, old human, old ethnic group, old intelligence, also in Asia and Iran and Middle East: you have problems with old intelligence and intellect.I'll be back at 9 p.m.

anti vamt2 movement is paranormal, and the mass murder of the vmat2 alien. What was done in Vienna with my mother and sister is fascism but different from 1932-1946: international even priests, Vatican State, Qum and Jerusalem, Buddhists and others are silent. All networks support Jewish-Armenian genocides like back then: supporting Turkey on the way to Armenian genocides

Vienna is no different than Pompeii back then: absolute racial madness, god gene mass murder plan, and removal of traces. Vienna police say: There is no perpetrator or victim in the sense that there is no evidence, no evidence of cyber torture and no suspicion