Mittwoch, 6. März 2024

Highborn had a meaning in history, it meant special gifts and abilities, supernatural. Since the 12th century this term has been used in Europe, including in the Habsburg aristocracy of Vienna: mastering a craft such as carpentry, roofing, bricklaying. LOL, in any case: koskesh hammal o rammal

60% of the Nazi Darkforce in Greece were Austrians, Persians, even Xerxes never had as much hatred against Greece as Nazi Austria

I have to go, I am lineage of Perses like Hekate, I am the biological heir and son. bye

In 2018, Vienna looked at a lot of smoke photos with the altar at the Grail, the sheep and the sign of spiritual ascension, and waited for a foreign reaction, like today with the Grail photos. Waiting to react is therefore: Does anyone care if we kill? is anyone reporting something?Can we start again with genocide and holocaust without fear!?

In 2018 I symbolically started with frankincense myrrh and solar influence, no one was surprised in this Nazi country, some just wanted to call the fire department because of too much smoke and fire. djinn and anunnaki alarm in my surroundings

From mythology it emerges that: Perses was not only the father of the magician and gate opener Hekate, but also the father of Persian kings

I can do everything that Hekate presented, or even more so with expensive equipment, only the problem is I am a Persian, branch and tribe of Perses, and not a Turk, Greek or Egyptian

لکاته ما: هزیود پرسس را «در میان همه انسان‌ها، برجسته در خرد» توصیف می‌کند.[۱] او با استریا، دختر فوبه و کئوس، ازدواج کرد،[۳][۲] و از او صاحب یک فرزند به نام هکاته شد که توسط زئوس به الهه سحر و جادوگری مفتخر شد. در برخی روایت‌ها نیز پدر چاریکلو، همسر کیرون است

Austrian NAZI women are on course for mass murder and racial torture, you bastard internationale judges in Hague and Strasbourg. We all got sick in this city because of these Nazi pigs

Austria is a worse Nazi pig than 80 years ago, this time with the UN and international judges as allies, mass murder allies

so now I'm going, but hou hou hou my grandfather was a melchior, fucking nazi vienna

I have to go, you are not adem, you are hayvan, genetic satanic hayvan

My grandfather Bagher was also Elami Ethiopia Ari relatives, this world is a son of the bitch, they research your genetic data and distribute it worldwide: we have Stasi torture slaves, Sephardic Ashkenazic Mizrahi Ethiopian Jews Armenians. this dirty fucking Nazi Vienna

In our region, no one is comparable to Turks when it comes to racism, fascism, anti-Semitism and genocide, no one is even remotely prepared to commit atrocities like the Turks. The Kurds are close relatives and are ready for anything too. Iranian Kurds are worse than Iranian regimes if money is paid for racial extermination, see PKK, PDKI, KOMOLEH and others

از آخوند خارکوسده تره، نشسته وین میگه: مسجد پارا لازم..... اسکندری فاشیست جاکش

state secret camera actions and spying on citizens because of genes dna and ethnicity is torture sterilization and genocide, Every official and employee of the international and regional authorities has the duty to report it at the first suspicion, to keep the evidence of the moments and to respect the deadlines. Providing evidence and criminal charges is a duty

Dozens of human rights violations are not registered or reported due to the establishment of genocide and mass torture murder. This collective unity is today in UN, as employees gathered with personal opinions and statements, corrupt filth should be fired and arrested, it won't be. The world is confronted with a BEAST called the UN

I am sentimental about Karbala, it was about a collective psychopathy worse than World War II as it is today: messiah mania psychopathy, a collective unity of dozens of tribes: Jews, Europeans, Asians, Roma and Sinti, Iranians, Arabs, Babylonians and others. paranormal hatred, envy and greed

Sterilization by secret camera methods is fascism and genocide. satanic government of Iran/Austria

the assholes are well read and observe the signs precisely LOL

well, I started with nonsense 2019, let's get serious

Austrians are sicker than sick, sicker than in World War II. Strategically fighting the natural enemy (today the native Iranian) in this way would even be disgusting for Adolf Hitler. with Jews tribes Israel and Roma tribes to fight against Iranian Magoi race, or with Afro-Americans and Chinese, with Turks and Arabs support to fight against magoi race

The painted plate I posted below tells a story from history: race and persecution stalking mass murder. Iran, you bastard nazi Austrian, genocide Austria