Dienstag, 12. März 2024

My whole life was ruined, my business was destroyed and typical cyber torture stalkers: he asks do you use drugs. So to speak: I am today's carpet dealer, one less Iranian Jew in business

30,000 are supported in Europe and America, of which 5,000 live with their families in Austria. Like Ali Gharib Hussein Gharib and Azadeh all work for CIA MOSSAD and MI6. all in vmat2 torture murder establishment

اینم مادر قحبه شناس بود ها ولی مثل اینکه دهات بزرگ شده بود، والا، گاییدن مارو با این علم

This wasn't one of 38 projects in 2019, but it was an instinctive project, a compilation and mixture of spices, frankincense, myrrh and other things: perfect result after five minutes

Mengele collective in akh hospital, what else can the vmat2 from iran do?Are my additional 38 projects a joke? my standard, life, existence, the right to form a family was taken away because of VMAT2 JOKES?

You won't find anyone in Austria who plays educated and uneducated, especially not in Iran. Borderline is survival for vmat2, I'm walking on a tightrope... Mengele is on a killing spree, there are around 500,000 bastard Mengele on the move in Vienna every day. I have to go. bye

Montag, 11. März 2024

بله، خلاصه عیسی هم گفت:، مگه جنده بده؟ چرا هی سنگ پرت میکنی؟ آواز هم میخوند ها حاجی: اینطوری: مگه من مگه من کیر ندارم جرا خودتو چوس میکنی، مگه من مگه من حال ندارم چرا هی زر میزنی

But for all of us outside the secret societies letter S most often show up in its traditional, cultural or religious context. In Christianity, the letter S is often used as an abbreviation for the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the Savior of the world. The letter S is also the first letter of the Latin word Sanctus, which means "holy" or "saint

Josef Rudolf Mengele was never punished; he fled to Argentina in 1945 and drowned in Brazil in 1979 due to a heart attack. Oh well...... goodnight

This American eugenics fascism model, with the help of EU Vienna and Israel Turkey and Arabs will kill more Iranians in the next 20 years than the Ayatollahs murdered in the last 45, because of genes DNA race ethnicity. see the indigo child murders in the last 15 years iran: order from austria germany america israel

Disenfranchisement through influencing and manipulating the masses worked once in this country, look at the second one

Azadeh Amiri had a state mandate from 2002: devalue everything he has, everything he owns or wants to sell, we are worth more and we should exploit his knowledge. The family received 15 million euros for 24 years. Our case is a mind control program that should move tens of millions to treat VMAT2 like 1932: disenfranchisement

This American eugenics fascism model, with the help of EU Vienna and Israel Turkey and Arabs, will kill more Iranians in the next 20 years than the Ayatollahs murdered in the last 45, because of genes DNA race ethnicity. see the indigo child murders in the last 15 years iran: order from austria germany america israel

مادر قحبه ها فکر کردین آدمین؟ به من غیر عادی بودن خودتون رو نشون میدین؟ من نبودم اون نبود این نبود ما نبودیم، عن ننه های شاشخالی... ناصر بیناموس، عباس و محمود فراهانی کوسکش، جامعه مادر جنده

black magic mafia EU vienna america israel are paranormal movement as far as race and iran are concerned, i show paranormality you asshole scum mass murderer

Do you understand? Iranian vmat2 political activists abroad, ancient genes and dna were killed in stasi economy murder system by cia europe america and israel and black magic mafia international. by the Austrian state and government. I said 2020: fuck yourself, I have the key to the chest

All Iranian political activists around the world know me, from Paltalk, even today the activists in Clubhouse know me, the question is why is everyone silent? I answer the question: because tens of millions were distributed into political clans and families, people who call themselves "radical regime change movements" LOL, artificial strategic enemies set up by the regime to eliminate us.

The Austrian government wants to register fascism in the EU with the cooperation of the mass murderer regime, after 45 years of mass murder: we, the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Republic of Austria have the right TO TORTURE AND KILL IRANIAN VMAT2

only a mass murderous psychopath believes that it did nothing, with the justification: we have a social welfare system and no longer a concentration camp: where was the damage?

Destroying my company and shop because of race and bloodline, turning it into ashes is a great crime, Nazi repetition and fascism. I was walking in the city: everything is irrelevant, because of international court passivity, UN staff aggression and amnesty internarional passive aggression behavior

آقا ما بریم، ولی خداییش یک لمپن سیاسی برگرده ایران چغاله بادوم رو با جادو گری بکنه کیلو صد تومن بهش رای آری میدهید؟ بدبخت های شکم؟ گرسنه شده های فلان بهمان بیق

My mother married her cousin, the Americans: once fornication is enough, we won't allow it a second time, Tara his aunt should die, there won't be a cousin, pur great creation blood is not allowed

Sonntag, 10. März 2024

حاجی کیر امامت هرچی بار اورده مردم دیدن، بکنم توش یا نکنم مردم چیز میز های دیگه ببینن؟ این همشیره هم دیگه کم پیدا میشه از بس کشتیش، کمیاب شده، مثل جریان صندوق شده آدرسش رمز داره. 22 هفصد و پنج یه ربع به پنج بگو جادو رو میخوام جادوی باری رو میخوام، کجایی بدبخت بیچاره مثل و مانند من؟

Whoever pays my relatives hundreds of thousands of euros in money for their silence, it also kills the children, even my children if I had any. Vienna and Ali Khamenei. My uncles and father would also kill Rana's children for 5 million if she had any. It's Vienna Ali Khamenei CIA contract

Viennese want to kill masses again, it is the Iranian regime people who are offering help today, Viennese Iranians. who kills the children in iran?

I turn the water grail with my left Elami hand, what does the Austrian Nazi doctor say to this day next to israeli? just that: what we don't understand we kill,

i have to go to sleep, but The plan to kill 1.5 million children can only happen like this: Jew against native Jew, against indigo genes and race. Today it also works in Vienna: only possible with Jews

nazi bastard austria, nazi heinrich gross academic networks spö övp are convinced: Israel helps us as it helped us during the second world war. The Jews were our best allies when it came to indigo people. current 9 million Wehrmacht Jewish families

I turn the water grail with my left Elami hand, what does the Nazi doctor say to this day? just that: what we don't understand we kill, we haven't done anything, we don't know barbad farahani. fucking killer race bastards

Austria is not only an inferior liar, but also an arrogant killer: what I don't understand I kill. The worst are the doctors, the students of Nazi doctor and child murderer Heinrich Gross. SPÖ MEMBER AND NAZI holocaust DR.