Samstag, 16. März 2024

مگه میشه بدون کار موند حاجی؟ اینم از ما: هرگز نمیر مادر، خدا با ماست

آقا ما بریم بخوابیم، ولی حاجی خداییش امام زمان بیاد از شما سوال کنه:، مرتیکه قلابی چرا به جای ایجاد کار قربتی بازی یاد مردم دادی چی جواب میدی؟

Very few Iranians have such photos of their mothers: WORK and ELAM. Goodnight

جنده چپ نما: ۳۵ سال سابقه کار، جرین عن جندگی عیاشی چیه خارکوسده چپ نما فاشیست؟

Registering 600 patents doesn't stop jealous society from killing me, what did Prophet Muhammad say about women? Get away from politics, mosques, work and power, no one should become a civil servant. look at the steaming shit in vienna: 85% women

Freitag, 15. März 2024

In 2019 I wanted to present one of my inventions, but I ended up with this photo. Nikola Tesla was too optimistic... I'm for the end!the genetic mutation and progress has become rubbish. boom and away with you all.. what kind of world is this where the descendants of concentration camp prisoners become Nazis, vmat2 hunters for finance and make money!?

I have to go and come back at 10 p.m., but the Jews are more deeply hurt than Africans because of second world war humiliation, and these Jews want to say most strongly: We are human in Vienna, and you are not human in Vienna

I live in a country with very high xenophobia, that's why I never wrote about it: Arabs are worse than Austrians in this manipulative Stasi system, the Turks are worse than both and Africans are violent, with this statement: we are human in Austria, you are not human in Austria.

The fact is that the Austrian government is getting worse day by day because exiled Sinti/Roma Iranians are shouting louder and louder day by day we are Aryan and Iran was Aryan

The Viennese have become wild fascists with 1932 behavior because the Romano Aryan race screams louder and louder we are human, we are human, we are Aryan Iranian

کونده حالا دست بوس آزاده خانم شده، آی من ریدم تو اون دمپایی خونت جاکش، آخه فرح کجا این دختر دهاتی کجا پفیوز عشق پول

The fact is that the Austrian government is getting worse day by day because exiled Sinti/Roma Iranians are shouting louder and louder day by day we are Aryan and Iran was Aryan

All Iranians who have been passively and actively involved in mass murder for 45 years hope for action by the UN when it comes to our race in exile, mostly the asserting Aryan Iranian race

Donnerstag, 14. März 2024

I have to go, but riddle solution: an advanced modern cultured monkey stands in front of two pots one filled with water and the other filled with gold, which one does it choose?

I prove the grail with a smartphone connected to the internet, the anti-racial movement says Photoshop to keep the mass torture murder plan line

religious behavior rituals supernatural was registered in ancient times as a part of society, as: genes and DNA and biology given by God. i.e. an ethnic group, race and tribe. I prove UN still wants to kill

Austrians have a deep hatred against God genes, atheists, satanists, fascists, leftists, greens, right-wingers,actually from all levels of society. What international human rights authorities, the UN and international amnesty courts say about this is: it is better if the victims are forgotten and die, we will not damage the EU because of a gene

Vienna would have killed us with the UN employees if Nasser had died, without outrage and many media scandal reports, the reason why I never visited him and only insulted him is this: UN tried to kill him three times, in vain... the reason was: I never visited him. good night

ناصر بیناموس این آئین نامه بهداشتی یادته مادر قحبه؟ کوسکش تا زمانی قیمه خونگی میخورد و یک من ته دیگ ضد رژیمی بود، حالا شده کون لیسه آخوند... دهن گاییده عوضی قیمه ممد سگ پز بهت چسبیده گوه خور شدی

به جون تو اینها یه سفره هفت سین پنهان هم زیر تختشان دارند، از جمله: خون ما، سکه های طلای ما، شیطان نامه، دو ماهی نفس گرفته و از زندگی سیر و خسته در تنگ، دیگه چی؟ دو تخم خشک، و تخمدان های خشک شده، دیگه چی؟ آینه بخت سیاه، دیگه چی؟ شمعدان های نقره ای و شمع های ساخته شده از چربی و دمبه های ما، دیگه چی؟ حاجی حالا تو بیا، بقیه اش:....

به چه زبانی ما بگوییم شما ایرانی نیستید؟ کدوم ایرانی برای تهیه چهار دیواری روی به قتل عام دست جمعی میاورد؟ کدوم ایرانی اصیل اهورایی مادر و دختری را مریض احوال میکند، عزادار میکند برای یک سقف و چهار دیوار و یک باغچه؟ ایرانی رگ و ریشه اش میدونی چیه؟ انسانیت، رحم، نیکی وجدان. قاتل بیشرف سخیف و کثیف حیوان

The transmitter and receiver in this Stasi cyber torture financial system is when a Stasi state agent says this is "MY HOUSE" Then he means murder, poison murder, manslaughter, torture murder, gas chamber. 650,000 doesn't match a salary of 1800 euros.

محسن چاوشی گوش کردم.... قیافه ام شکککککسسست،. آتش پاره ای را دیدم گفت بیا به من بچسسسب...افتاده حالم چه خوشه حالم..

آقا به دفتر این مرتیکه رضا پهلوی نامه بنویسید که ‌آیا جاز من ترور شده یا نه!؟ باربد فراهانی رو که نمیشناسه شاید جازمن پالتاکی رو بشناسه.. بیشرف آدم فروش