Montag, 18. März 2024

Ethnic bloodline genes and DNA in laboratories researching and targeting is part of second national socialism., second national socialism with hide evidence

The only place where children are shot directly on the streets is Iran, and the only place where cyber torture system and Stasi murder financial system happened is Vienna. think about it

آقا ما بریم بخوابیم، خواستم امشب یه دریچه باز کنم به اونور حاجی روح بچه هارو ببینه، همین هایی که کشته شدن، دیدم یکیشون داد زد: داریم فوتبال بازی میکنیم باری، فلان یک هیچ، وایسا تا سه هیچ. خلاصه جام رو گذاشتیم بالا تاقچه تا فردا. شب بخیر

You hear from most Iranians in Austria: There is nothing nicer than money for us. and from bastard western countries you hear: there is nothing worse than the old race, the VMAT2 native race in Iran

We have over 145,000 victims in the last 45 years, and EU America, Israel Turkey and Arabs show this: CYBER TORTURE MURDER FINANCIAL SYSTEM WITH IRANIAN VMAT2, brings billions of euros and home financing

a dirty lousy biology that cannot live without racial torture and mass murder. DIRTY SHIT NAZI AUSTRIA

Hiding evidence arresting the victims is disenfranchisement mass murder and 1938 conditions you dog you dirtiest animal Nazi Austria you endless bastard scum

Nazi Austria is a GHAHBE, GHAHBE means dirtiest dog in Europe with 50 years of interference in Iranian domestic politics because of mass murder, GHAHBE means dirtiest animal and dog that doesn't want to stop with racial torture and mass murder, a dirty scum animal GHAHBE

Right now the Vienna secret services are making this statement: we didn't have a real person or humane here, but something cheap. This is one to one what the Islamic Republic of Iran says about the victims. Vienna was involved in Iran's mass murder for 45 years

We have over 145,000 victims in the last 45 years, and EU America, Israel Turkey and Arabs show this: CYBER TORTURE MURDER FINANCIAL SYSTEM WITH IRANIAN VMAT2, brings billions of euros and home financing

آقا ما بریم کار داریم، ساعت ده برمیگردم، ولی ببین معصومه تو چه گوهی میخوای بخوری نامه اش رو قدیمی قدیمی تر نوشتن، یا فکر کردی نسخه پست مدرنه تو دستته و تو پاچه مردم کردی از آمریکا؟

چی بودیم چی شدیم، آی تو اون روحت مجتبی، خیلی جاکشی

We have over 145,000 victims in the last 45 years, and EU America, Israel Turkey and Arabs show this: CYBER TORTURE MURDER FINANCIAL SYSTEM WITH IRANIAN VMAT2, brings billions of euros and home financing

خارکوسده ها یه کاری کردن فقط کونده عاشق ما بشه، خوار این دنیارو با تو گاییدم آزاده امیری کوسکش که فقط کونده واسه ما باقی گذاشتی. زنیکه امروز عنم گرفت چجوری لبخند زد

I'm sitting in Carla and thought I should open a YouTube channel and say a few important words, then I thought forget it, the YouTube Americans will make you more ridiculous with two visitor statistics, even if you report from the Atlantis and the renewal of technology

Before I go: NAJES (dirty) word was originally intended for traitor and collaborator. It was not an anti-Semitic swear word, but in the Savavid era it was used anti-Semitic. The word has existed since Atlantis and before. in any case luri KIR

Sonntag, 17. März 2024

خلاصه حاجی ،کیر برخی لر ها جریانش اینه، ناصر یه عنه خارکوسدست ولی خوب چیکارش کنیم، انرژی لازم،

8 million antichrists are left, this branch, collaborator race and Wehrmacht soldier

I have to go, but after ethnic cleansing from 1932 to 1946, many Israeli women no longer have that: empathy, warmth, mercy, charity, faith in God and the love of life. So Zion has become worse than Vienna, even worse, the original has been erased and look what's left: Wehrmacht Jew and mass murder Israel

It is women who have declared the fight against vmat2, it is the women. VMAT2 uterus envy is mass murder like 1932 to 1946.

If the evidence from the last 18 years has disappeared and can no longer be found, then I will take action and get the evidence from the last 24 years and declare an armed political struggle against the Nazi regime Austria, against the Nazi parliament, the Nazi president and the Nazi authorities . Only with evidence I will officially register it

Cyber torture secret camera system in a Nazi country is NS reactivation, boycott system, disenfranchisement system. The Viennese girls and women want to fight against race to the point of ecstasy: WE DESTROY JEWS ARMENIANS BLOODLINE VMAT2.

Unfortunately there won't be any grail photos today, I thought I still had a bottle of Vöslauer mineral water, but I only have brand clever mineral water and light source mineral water. clever combines too clever, it is dangerous and light source is unsavory for this country and even more dangerous. Really in a country where statistically only one in six Austrians say they believe in God., CLEVER mineral water

Austria is a sign language, especially when frustrated. In the post-war period it was Bertold Brecht who drew everyone's attention to it: you show yourself in Austria with your sign language, what do you want from me, directed at women. Why do you think this flower stand is a gift? I think a flower was sitting on it without a "stand" and that's the result after a disappointed night: who wants something like that as a gift

I have to go and come back at 10 p.m. I will take photos today after a 4 week break

My country has become a ruin and a holocaust and this NAZI pig in Vienna stands in front of my eyes and says: I get a salary of 3500 euros, I am useful material

Do you understand what I face in this country? with this: my salary is 3500 euros, I am not useless material LOL

What is the order of the day in Iran has become this case in exile: we don't kill, it was an accident, we don't kill, he smokes 20 cigarettes a day for 35 years, it wasn't us, it was an unhealthy life. current photo from last week

Austria has set up an army, useless material iranian, but usable material for CIA Europe Israel and Turkey and Arab countries. historical enemies of Iran, and what's more: what the Mongols were yesterday and no longer are today, are the Chinese

The Iranian elite should consist of people with extraordinary potential ability and innovation, a mixture of superior race from different native tribes, everything else destroys the country!!!