Montag, 25. März 2024

We live in a world with God gene mass murder program, more than half of the western population is involved in it, children are preferred victims, women and girls are beloved victims, men are hated victims because of counterattacks

Inferior NAZI bastard has drawn Arabs and Turks into this mass murder plan:If someone has special genes and DNA you can earn money through them. bastard mass murderer country

An Austrian is born a killer, this has often been proven, Austria is a killer society

I have to go to sleep, but inferior sick NAZI Austrians are born as murderers, it was proven in 1932, it is a genetic disease like their close tribal relatives in Iran, I see it every day in their eyes, animal monsters and killers. Nazi blood and meat scum

You see vmat2 children mass murder in Iran but also cyber torture murder system and financial economy in Vienna Europe, only a mass murderer Nazi sits at his workplace and says: we know nothing

devaluation of citizens, disenfranchisement and persecution because of genes and DNA and ethnicity is NS repetition and genocide, secret camera actions are sterilization politics

Iran sees VMAT from Elam as ballast, Vienna sees VMAT Elam as a resource because America reports us as a danger.

devaluation of citizens, disenfranchisement and persecution because of genes and DNA and ethnicity is NS repetition and genocide, secret camera actions are sterilization politics

What CIA is trying to do with Vienna out of my mother and sister: it's history, no one remembers, is interested or wants to know what happened to mother and daughter. both were forgotten. CIA politics 40 years of Iran with ALI KHAMENEI

Vienna has had networks in Iran for 150 years just like America, this action can only happen with eugenics fascist CIA and 35% CIA friendly Iranian: to disenfranchise mother and daughter and release them for lynching

خفه شو جنده چپاولگر پهن، جنده قاتل، خفه شو جنده قاتل، خفه شو جنده بچه کش، خفه شو قاتل، قاتل مادر و دختر، جنده چپاولگر قاتل

Shitty bastard European Nazi in international court: devaluation of citizens, disenfranchisement and persecution because of genes and DNA and ethnicity is NS repetition and genocide, secret camera actions are sterilization politics

you bastard society dirty inferior scum: VMAT2 BUSINESS IS MASS MURDER AND TORTURE


Austria raises children, educates children, look at the upbringing of the last 24 years, Aryan upbringing: it is better three corpses than 1 euro loss business. This statement is made by a police officer, he is 24 and is currently sitting behind the desk.

بینم قاتل خوار کونده، بچه کون، جنده چپاولگر، این تعلیمات شماها، این درسی که شماها بلدید، این سیستم حیله کلک و توطئه چینی رو این سیستم چپاول و غارت گری رو ننتون در سن سه سالگی لالایی میخوند یا پنج سالگی؟ زمان تی تی تا تا بود یا زمان لیلی لیلی حوزک؟ آقا ما دبستان کلانتری و مینو رو یادمون نمیره ها، پوره بچه خارکوسده بود، صبح تا ظهر هم از کنار ما رد میشدن و هی میگفتن خمینی ای امام خمینی ای امام خمینی ای امام خمینی ای امام، بعد پوزخند میزدن تو چشم ما

17th century Salvator Rosa, witches ritual and incantation. These genes and DNA of Messiah are dinosaur time old. hoom? LOL bastard society

Yesterday evening I watched an Iranian movie, end result: at the slightest opportunity, possibility and atmosphere, the Ajnabi is ready to kill, look at Vienna, Tehran, all of Iran, America and Europe today

So ladies and gentlemen, the voices have started again and are laughing non-stop. The recipe and medicine for cough, inflammation, sore throat and nose and shortness of breath was this tea in my mother's drawer. I have to go, I'm up to 75% healed and I'm hearing happy voices again

Yesterday evening I watched an Iranian movie, end result: at the slightest opportunity, possibility and atmosphere, the Ajnabi is ready to kill, look at Vienna, Tehran, all of Iran, America and Europe today

مردم منظور یعنی همون چوس روشنفکر یا سیاسی وقتی از شکاف عمیق و انشعاب حرف میزنه انگار از درز کپل و کون حرف میزنه و وسطش هم یک سوراخ کون، واسه ما از شکاف فیلم نسازید، ببند او سوراخ کونت رو مادر قحبه

not a single Domari Romani or other tribes say that they immigrated, the only thing you hear is: we are Aryan and children of Cyrus the Great, we are native Iranian, I can't kill a single Iranian because of political opinion, who does it?

Sonntag, 24. März 2024

آقا تو اون روحتون سگ برینه، دیشب این فیلم رو دیدم صبح پاشدم سینم چرک کرد، تف تو اون روحتون

I got up today with severe scratching and inflammation in my throat and nose, I don't feel a cold but I feel weak. Well, this is the moment where I have to ask the Grail myself: where is the miraculous medicine? so far no hearty voice, the voices are all gone, it's silence..

Iran has more problems/trouble than it thinks, 35% of Iranians are CIA friendly, like the Amiri family, they always say UN friendly, but still: CIA CONTACTS. These families (normal citizens) should remain below as workers and civil servants and employees, but they are being pulled up by our ruins and turned into elites.

چوس مثقال فرهادی، بلدی یه فیلم بسازی اسمش رو بزاری الماس!؟ بهزاد هم بنشون بغل دستت و از راه دور هم دستور بده به مهناز افشار لاو بترکون بریم بالا دوباره. محتوای فیلم: شورت خانم فاطی الماسی. کوس کش های مریض جاکش

My mother is my Elamite part, she has been suffering for 24 years because of 180,000 company debts, she was robbed by Nasser Farahani in 2002. Uterine envy remained silent for 20 years, and fascism rewarded NASER FARAHANI and those close to him with 5 million euros. for seeing poverty, suffering, debt and helplessness, the money is fascism and Nazi disenfranchisement. This is Viennese fascist women's networks taking revenge against: giving birth

The mass murderer thing says: It's none of our business what the water is or how the Grail works or what happens there, it doesn't interest us, we have an opportunity to stimulate the economy with this race, this race means prosperity, comfort and wealth for us.


Yesterday afternoon until lunchtime today, 4 out of ten laughed happily in my face, mostly young people: Gloschifteh Farahani's father doesn't know you either!