Donnerstag, 28. März 2024

آقا، آقااااااااا، پدر سگ مادر سگ، عکس جام ما با آلفرد کوبین یک به یک بودن ن. ه. ه. ه. ه. ه، زن ستیزی بودن نیست که، دنیا با این زن خارکوسده بودن ن، ه، ه، ه، ه

رژیمی ها خارکوسده سر شیر خشک بچه معلوم نیست چه جهود بازی در میارن بعد به ما میگن جهود، آی کیر تو روحت رژیم

آقا ما بریم بخوابیم، ولی تا گفتیم جهود مهناز افشار صداش تا اینجا اومد: تو یک حرومزاده بودی که ما باید با مسیح هر روز نگات میکردیم. لول.... شیر خشک بچه های ما نه. ه. ه. ه. ه. من نبودم ن. ه. ه. ه

Since 1998, the country has turned our blood, DNA and genes into identity: Jews. Thus, Iranian Arabs and Turks were very quickly drawn into the cybertorture system. it's vmat2 mass murder plan, bastard country i'm not jewish.

In 2008, the theft in Vienna's 8th district was psychological violence in front of running state cameras. With psychosis and stress attacks it could also have been this case: 157 dead Viennese Iranians within a very short time.It was about 180,000 euros worth of antiques. This is just one of many invoice lists

why I say nazi doctors nazi neurologists nazi hospital NAZI AKH, nazi psychologists: every doctor has the duty to immediately report bodily harm and file criminal charges. it's in the law. Psychological torture is more serious than a broken leg or arm and neck...

It is NS repetition with forced labor, disenfranchisement and gas chamber AKH hospital or gas chamber other hospitals

آقا دیدم صورت و تصویر کامل کامل گذاشتیم جلو هانسی فرانسی کمی از ما بترسن، بعد دیدم اه اه اه ایرانی وین داره هی میگوزه و میرینه: نترسید نترسید ما همه با هم هستیم نترسید نترسید.... لول

The only thing that happened during my smoking rituals in 2018 was: the neighbor complained about the constant smell of incense in the house. I knew then that the organizer was distributing money, a lot of money from a pot of billions of euros

حزب توده کیری ایران، اکثریتی جاکش تخمی، کدوم ماه و کدوم آقا؟ شارلاتان بی ناموس حرامزاده

so much effort and work precision and calculation to see AGHA, and then you have to realize it doesn't interest anyone but me that Agha exists. LOL

The criticism of my culture of speech and obscenity is pointless, insofar as I went to the police 17 times and to the public prosecutor's office 4 times, because of intent to murder and organized crime, the answer was: no suspicion, so: fuck you and die

My photo today, look at the DNA Jew.... he survived it, he wants to become the second ass fucker Israel with 38 more projects

In 2012, Azadeh was highly contagious HIV positive, this was hidden from all doctors, from everyone.

If I write: World War II brain matter, then you have to explore the depth of this pile of shit brain. The poor boy was turned into a beggar in the jews, ghettos and my electricity and gas bills were raised to an unmanageable level so that I could move to Azadeh's apartment

Vienna is shitty second world war brain matter when it comes to vmat2 mass murder in the 21st century, family murder and torture, or child murder through sterilization. second world war brain matter

I asked two powerful magicians: what to do with this anomaly? These brains have no right to exist, only in the jungle and not in any society. The answer was a black answer from a white positive corner...

The statement: "Nobody can force me to see something in the grail of a victim" is second world war mass murder brain, a dirty Austrian with the most disgusting biology. How dirty, how disgusting, how inferior can a country be. Dirty origins

Criminal behavior and hatred against individuals in society cannot be explained with brain research and biology research and gene and DNA research. It just means good genes and bad genes and brain scan: criminal brain. vmat2 research serves for more hatred and a subject for mass murder, so the non-killer person is a bad person, he fucks whores

I have to go, but the officials in international courts, human rights organizations UN and Geneva are even sicker and more criminal than Viennese brains: we wait until people die for evidence then we leave our workplace

Existence distillery system of the Gestapo second and third generation in 21st century in Europe is the satisfaction of mass murder desires, the whore also gets orgasm with 14 centimeters, but less satisfying than with 18 to 24 centimeters.

The last 24 years: I stay with him and you do your work internationally

Mittwoch, 27. März 2024

This is a good smartphone photo from last night: what this sick whore and biology brings to the world is serial killers, race murderers, torturers and stalkers, now you can call it productive positive psychopathy or unproductive negative psychopathy.Same shitty child, same shitty uterus

short version: we have to make productive "positive" psychopathy prosper in the West by all means possible

آقا تو زندان اوین هم با مغز مریض همین مشکل رو دارند، زندانبان سوال میکنه:، مگه یه بار نرفتی دادگاه قسم خوردی دست از کار سیاسی برمیداری؟، مگه نگفتی جلو چشمم رو دیگه خون نمیگیره؟، مگه نگفتی دیگه کار ندارم؟ زندانی: بله شما درست میگی! زندانبان ده آخه مرتیکه پس چرا باز میری وای میسی وسط خیابان به مردم شعار یاد میدی کوسکش، بیناموس مادر جنده... زندانی: راستش گرسنم بود، رفتم نون بخرم دیدم تا پس فردا پول نیست، هیچی نیست، کسی نیست، بعد خوب باز دیوونه شدم! خلاصه باز هم همون مغز مریض، مغز بیناموس! هم درون کشور ریده به راه مبارزه بر علیه نظام هم خارج از کشور. ببین دیگه، پول خونه نداره خانم مینا احدی یا حمید تقوایی، یا سوسول جوادی

مغز مریض خارکوسده شاشخالی کامله، به طرف میگی:، مگه قانون شهروندی رو نمیشناسی؟ مگه قانون شهری و بین‌المللی رو نمیشناسی؟، مگه قوانین حقوق بشر رو نمیشناسی؟ میگه چرا میشناسم، من لایق این کار خلاف بودم! سوال میکنی حقوقت چنده، زندگیت چقدر ارزش داره؟ میگه اونش به تو ربطی نداره ما لیاقت داریم! باز سوال میکنی: زنیکه ماهی چقدر حقوق میگیری مگه دولت لیاقت تو رو تشخیص نداده، مگه ارزش تعیین نکرده؟ باز میگه اونش به تو ربطی نداره، دولت به ما گفت لیاقت داریم مجازات نشیم و آزادی حرکت داشته باشیم.

I was out and about today, friendly smiles, exaggerated accomodations,friendly polite faces are: you will die soon. The city with sick brains and biology is in ecstasy.

Nazi disenfranchisement system must be ended, Stasi torture system must be ended, Ayatollah and Hezbollah terrorism must be ended, sterilization and non-stop surveillance must be ended and only sick brains talk and discuss, serial killer and mass murderer brains, against VMT2 family

Only defective brains employed in international authorities watch and do nothing for over 25 years

یعنی کیر باید به اندازهایی باشه که بخوره به ته لجن، لول. آره؟ آخه لاپاتون خیلی سالمه هی میلیمتر میلیمتر کیر رو واسش رمان و روزنامه من اومدم و من نیومدم مینویسید؟