Donnerstag, 4. April 2024

تاریخ ایران از زبان جنده های روحی فکری مغزی... آدم فروشان کوسکش، دروغگویان پفیوز، مفتخورهای جاکش

آقا رفتیم پایین سیگار بکشیم، دیدم صدای بلندی از آمبولانس داره میاد:، خجالت بکشید.... خجالت بکشید..... خجالت بکشید.... کمی تمرکز کردم دیدم اه اه اه این که صدا خسرو فروهره از آمبولانس بلا گوز داره میاد. خندم گرفت به این معنا: حالا تو بلا تر از گوز یا من بالا تر از گوز

These two are currently sitting together in the hospital room, one on the chair and one on the table: topic of discussion: honor! What is the meaning of honor for the high-born and what is honor for the rabble, the inferior!? Well, as a patient with no rights in Vienna, I have to take two hours of training from these two...

I have many faces in the water, actually something interesting for me to believe in myself: the voices are true and real, and I am something special and not mentally ill

Well, I now have a lot of time to sort through photos from my smartphone, this one is a djinn that I have known since my childhood, there was a secret abortion laboratory in Khanum Ghajar's house, twenty years before we moved in, Charlie registered and counted murder and sin

Ultimately, after six years, I haven't been able to cure sugar levels between 400-600. Pancreas is too damaged, after 15 years of permanent secret insulin poisoning,

خلاصه: وَلا تَحسَبَنَّ الَّذینَ قُتِلوا فی سَبیلِ اللَّهِ أَمواتًا بَل أَحیاءٌ عِندَ رَبِّهِم یُرزَقونَ، افتادیم بیمارستان تا دوشنبه

Mittwoch, 3. April 2024

حاجی میگم سر میز پوکر خدا باز هم بزرگه ها، سر میز با کارت دو سیاه و چهار قرمز ۱۶۰۰ یورو بردیم، تا خونه هم راحت رفتم و خوابیدم.. ترسی هم نداشتم یارو دنبالم کنه، والا، سر دو تا کارت آس باخته آدم میکشن، گفتیم توکل به خدا مارو نمیتونی بکشی

active occult satanism is anti-semism, national socialism and fascism, read hundreds of books about it, as it is written in the Viennese newspaper: Viennese satanism with its actions is a force that cannot be controlled, a secret society without access, actions: VMAT2 SACRIFICES

I try to overthrow Nazi regimes with work and sensations, I try to end the disenfranchisement with Grail, but no chance, Ayatollah regime, the white bastard house and UN support Nazis

I have to go to sleep without touching the Grail, you understand: this is about the disenfranchisement law, Nazi Austria's disenfranchisement law. nothing else

What concerns the human rights violations in the last two decades: it is the political Iranian all colors that confirm to Europe UN, international courts and the West that we are not humane, the same as in the 80s until today...

آقا این حزب کونده خوار توده یه زمانی هفته ای یک لول تریاک و ده گرم شیره یواشکی واسه ورشکستگان میفرستاد، البته تا زمانی که زر از استالین و لنین میزدن، کوسکش ها از زمانی که سوسیال دمکرات شدن بی دود و دم ورشکستگان رو به کشتن میدن. والا، هی میشینیم محسن چاوشی گوش میکنیم بدون منقل و تشکیلات، ای ریدم تو اون روح سوسیال دمکراتیکتون

Only anti-God-gene fascism in international courts and authorities talks about it: we pardon Austria and billions of euros in money income through racial trade and private life trade from EU citizens

Does anyone have an idea why my mother and sister, as the only women in the history of the second republic, have to endure this suffering? or is it not the truth: breach of contract and Nazi repetition with a gentle holocaust

an old photo vatican, well, apparently maria was the daughter of melchior like my mother zara and my dead aunt tara, or are you as racist and fascistioid as israel and shout: no negro, the color is god's punishment, no sensible person comes from from a negro, certainly not the prophets! LOL

Because of his fear of green goblins and red dragons, he had forgotten his name around 1510. He only left behind coded paintings: Jesus was of Elam origin. Tablet editing 2018

I don't have time to listen to your chat rooms and your nonsense: Since the Danube monarchy, Austria has been a country that...... blah blah blah. Since the 12th century you have been less than nothing, Renaissance barbarians is the right word, barbarians of the Renaissance

inferior dirt looks me in the face and laughs? The whole country is worth dirt, run-of-the-mill trash... what are you laughing at?

The asshole walks past me, laughs deeply in my face with two children as a companion, this invalid bastard animal is not afraid of psychosis or tantrums, he doesn't care about the safety of his children either, this deep psychoholathic invalid filth of origin just wants to look deeply at me then laugh in my face and walk past. Dirtiest bastard evolution branch, most dangerous animal in Europe. For him, the children are worthless in this whole story, animals are animals

The country is a genetically sick race, it has been proven many times. Austria is a mentally invalid being, what does cyber torture and family torture mean? or ruin VMAT2 existence? He could even MURDER CHILDREN en masse today. without remorse, mercy and pity. Genetic disease, no Adolf Himmler or Goebells, fucking sick biology does it with leadership or without leadership

In Austria there is social and unemployed welfare system, state of Austria: there is no evidence for the victims that they can prove crimes, only disenfranchisement!lives for free at the expense of Jews Armenians vmat2, sucks them dry and kills them afterwards

والا روسپی در روسپی خانه شرف داره به جنبش: عن/جندگی/آشغال بازی! مفتخور های خارکوسده، مفتخور لاشی

حزب جاکش مفتخور توده، کیرم تو جامعه مخفیت پفیوز مفتخور بیناموس اجنبی

Brecht couldn't distinguish between Chinese and Persian, we have 15 million fish traders with their whores, proof: Toudeh party Vienna, all other Iranian parties and the networks and tribes with Amiris Shams Gharibs and others. since the 1979 revolution in power and mass murderers

The Persian lyric below is an allusion to rare VMAT2, Jesus Christ tribe of Iran. Was Jesus a carpenter or joiner? Bertold Brecht:

حزب جاکش مفتخور توده، کیرم تو جامعه مخفیت پفیوز مفتخور بیناموس اجنبی