Sonntag, 14. April 2024

The Amiri tribes, Shams tribes, Gharib tribes and dozens of other tribes are key figures in Iran's murder system, the women have a task, the men have other tasks and the children glorify the act. The way it worked in Vienna for two decades, just without Murder up to now, or let's say hanging on the gallows with a straw in the neck

Beheading is not possible without buying relatives with a lot of money, back then in the case of Cosmas and Damian and today because of the three of us. Tens of thousands in a chat room collect money, just in one chat room, for vmat2 murders

آقا ناصر بیناموس با زن عنش رفت کوبا هاوانا، نشسته بود تو یه میدون هی فکر میکرد: اینجا که مثل میدون شوش خودمونه، انگار خودم از بچگی همینجا بزرگ شدم، بدبخت بیچاره ها فقط زبانتون رو بلد نیستم چنتا تیکه بندازم بگیم باهم بخندیم. پس چرا من آدم شدم شما نشدید آخه من ریدم به این سوسیالیسم، آخه خوار این کمونیست رو من گاییدم من آدم شدم اینها هنوز میدون شوشی موندن.... کیرم تو دهنت چگوارا بیناموس ریدم تو روحت فیدل کوسکش مارو بدبخت کردی بیشرف.. لول

In Cuba, the operating costs for a house or apartment cost between 1 euro and 10 euros, if I am correctly informed, despite the bean soup and bread, the people there are happier than in Iran or Austria, before the Aryan invasion, Ahoora Iran was like Cuba, love and friendliness was not due to silver or gold. Today that is what Iran has become: money and wealth brings kindness, love, humanity and friendship, generally MOHABAT. You can see for yourself which money is meant

A Bible or Koran should be sufficient, just one book, the last book the Koran said: put garbage bags over your heads! trash bags! So no more garbage bags but alademic education and sophisticated mass murderers these women: prosperity through torture and murder for everyone

The educated Austrians behave more like primitive Neanderthals than the uneducated, which is why for many generations Khidr and Elias refused to allow evolution to go to school and unversity. Only Idris thought that with education and books he could save these creatures. With education they are more cruel and deadly than without education

The influence of world politics on Viennese Hans Franz Friz Helga and Heidi: Israelis have only attacked one embassy, the shitty Iranians are attacking the whole country, we have a shitty Iranian like that here too, we attacked his home and his mother and sister and he attacks the entire country of Austria, the tribes and our race

کی حوصله‌اش رو داره، به کی بر خورده؟ باز کنم؟ یا نکنم؟ فیسبوک هم قانون داره، میگه به یکی برخورده

The fact is that it was always the case that all three poles, fascism, satanism and atheism, declared vmat2 to be inferior,Because of human rights violations report, because of mass murder because of criminal charges report. It was always declared as a diminished and useless race in the West

My water and Grail damaged Jews and Israel more than Iran's attack on Israel, so much so that international data protection officers turned the international database into Swiss cheese

Samstag, 13. April 2024

type in google: water meditation, healing spirituality spirit soul, read. That's why my work is unimportant!, Mercedes Benz Audi and BMW are the cure

Wasser, Mondin und Heilung

Das Wasser ist auch das Element der Spiritualität. Es verbindet uns nicht nur mit mit unserem Unterbewusstsein sondern auch mit der feinstofflichen Welt und dem Universum selbst. So wie die Mondin unsere Ozeane bewegt und Ebbe und Flut erscheinen lässt, so wirkt sie auch auf das Wasser in unserem Körper und unseren Energiehaushalt. An Vollmond sind wir häufig so voller Energie dass wir nicht schlafen können. Das Wort “launisch” bezieht sich übrigens sich auf Frau Luna, die Mondin, die die inneren Wasser aufwühlt

romano aryan vikings revolution: even at the beginning of the iran iraq war one heard again and again: this was disappeared and stolen, that is stolen, thousands of tons of metal and iron have disappeared, cables for the supply system have disappeared, today one hears: the girl has disappeared, The child has disappeared, the son is missing, the mother's body has been found..... IN EUROPE ALL YOU HEAR: IT WASN'T WE, IT'S NOT US, IT WAS NOTHING

Brother Hussein Gharib will probably come next week and shake his ass

Austrofascism is the most inferior dirt in this world, a subhuman that says: Aryan Vikings are Germanic right against Iranian native Jews

Today gypsy Ali from the gypsy Ghazvin village danced around in front of my eyes, Brother Hussein will probably come next week and shake his ass. I will cause the greatest damage in the second republic with evidence that a bastard Austrian has never seen, bastard submhuman Austrian

آقا ما ماهی چهار تا آبجو میخوریم، قراردادی سر ساعت 3 روز شنبه، رژیم هم با برخی آخوندها از طریق دوربین مخفی های دولتی و ارتشی مثل وزغ هی خیره میشن به ما: امروز یکیشون به اون یکی گفت: دهنش رو باز کثیف کرد بیشرف، امیر المؤمنین فرمودند که چی؟ آخوند دومی: هر کس از دهان کثیف از من یاد کرد یا از دهان من حرف زد کشتنش واجب است! ببین من کیرم تو دهن تو با اون امامی که تو خارکوسده ازش حرف میزنی، کوسکش تو اگر امام علی شناس بودی که مهناز و شهناز رو قبل از اعدام بهشون تجاوز نمیکردی، اصلا درکل ریدنی که تو به مملکت شیعه کردی هیچ کافری از پسش بر نمیومد...

Freitag, 12. April 2024

Only sick Austrian mothers can turn human rights organizations into Holocaust organizations. I have nothing more to write until tomorrow

One of the main reasons for hide evidence: I always lived normally, without perversities or in immoral conditions, Austrians and ayatollahs used doppelgangers for 8 years, they used 3 people who looked similar to me with the intention of murder by lynching

This bastard shitty country is on a fast course vmat2 mass torture and mass murder, the son of the bitch American, the dirty bastard American supports these dogs like jackal, dirty American terrorist and Nazi, bastard America scum America, dirtiest animal America,, death America death over bastard nazi terrorist america, MARG BAR AMERICA

Today I observed the Viennese and Austrians again: without blood and cutting off the head, the Viennese do not provide any evidence because of: looting of existence, shop and business looting, attempted murder, forced sterilization, and persecution of minorities, racial madness and attempted mass murder

Donnerstag, 11. April 2024

I have to go, but anti vmat2 movement in larger masses started in Iran in the 19th century, it failed, today you see what's going on, these new Iranians are making Europe and Vienna more motivated and ambitious than before

These events in Grail will not be recognized until a different nationality and origin makes it: European type human

بله.. خیلی علاقه داشت، مهاجر آریایی کوسکش

ببین میرزا فتحعلی آخوندزاده کونده قرن بیست یک: ترقه و جررقه من رو ترقی خواهی تو و ملی گرایی خدا پرست رو ملی گرایی خداناباور، خلاصه یعنی کیرم رو کیرت کوسکش

These events in Grail will not be recognized until a different nationality and origin makes it: European type human

I wanted to take photos today, in addition to 6000 photos that I have, so 100 more photos, the reaction is: laughing on the streets or looking down in disgust, or looking angrily into the air, or aggressively pointing at: bumping into me and walking very narrowly past me

Breeding type three Helga and Heidi was a masterpiece in the Roman Empire: fuck me, fuck me, I want a child, I want a child, fuck me harder, you bastard Barbad, well, pedophile victims and infanticide history. long-term psychopathy wanking to the point of ecstasy

As far as Cosmas and Damian were concerned, there was also war between type two Azadeh and type one Simone, there was a real argument about who should kill the sister in front of Damian and Cosmas. Simone won

European tribes that moved towards Iran and the East knew our rough edges and abilities in advance. To this day, the immigrants know Iran and its history more than the natives... actually centuries before Alexander and his gang. The teachers that all the initiates were the Jews, they always caused superstitions regarding Iranian, like today as you see in Vienna

به جون تو اگر شرایط مملکت وضعیتش جوری میشد که صلاحیت خاص برای مهران مدیری ها فراهم میشد این کار رو میکردن: وایمیساد کنار جرثقیل و جوک میساخت: نفس بگیر نفس بگیر، حالا حالا ول کن، پای چپ رو تکون بده بیناموس پای چپ رو فشار بده ببر ببالا، مگه چپی نیستی، نکن با پای راست اینطوری اونطوری، گفتم پای چپت رو تکون بده مسخره... مارکسیتی بمیر بیناموس، چرا لیبرال میخوای بمیری، گفتم پای چپ، پای چپت رو بگیر بالا