Dienstag, 30. April 2024

This is how my story began: Elami semit Mash Bagher, a cock in ass Aryan race and ROM, dirty son of the bitch Nazi blood

How does a stone produce an eye, how did it happen? and then the scene above with michael or gabriel or...

You understand, Indo-Pakistani society has killed masses in Iran, I therefore say Indo-Pakistani society because they never accept us as Iranian and humane. as new Iranians, they despise everything that is from old times, even artifacts, even old writings, even old documents . Iran archeology is infiltrated, manipulated and drawn into ridicule. even when translating old writings...

ترکمون شاشخالی رو ما سال ۲۰۰۲ زدیم در کونش پرتش کردیم اونور ببین ۲۰ سال پشت سر ما چکار داره میکنه با یک مشت فامیل کودن بی سواد بی ارزش بی خاصیت فقیر و عن تر از خودش: ما آدمیم ما ارزش داریم، مرگ این دو بچه هیچ ربطی به ما نداره. لول، میگم فصل بهار خوشگل ترم یا فصل زمستان؟

از ۱۴۰۰ سال پیش به اینور هم در ایران هیچ اتفاق خاصی نیفتاد، هیچ بنای گران قیمتی هم بوجود نیامد، ما رفتیم اسپانیا، مگه آدمید؟ امروز تو آدمی؟ تو عن خودت هی لول بخور... امروز هم پاسپورت اسپانیایی به ما بدن که شاید بدن غوغا میکنم، ستون فقرات اون جامعه میشم، آدم اون جامعه، میشم. مگه تو آدمی؟ کیر‌؛ ی عوضی

ضد اسلامیون بدانند، بی ناموس بودید، لر لجن بودید، لر آدم که دگر نبودید، ما هم با اعراب کیر هایمان را در دهان پدر هایمان کردیم و بعد رفتیم اسپانیا هالیدی پیشه بونیتا چیکیتای لولیتا... جاکشید دیگه آدم نیستید، ما عن داریم پدر نداریم همه هم چسبیدید به عن، آخوند خارکوسده

These projects were individually spontaneous and ambitious against murder programs and racial extermination. mineral stones with crystal and without crystal. Searched and found individually in the mineral stone shop and online shop

Montag, 29. April 2024

I've been writing for 7 years, this sterilization murder financial system is only used against VMAT2 in the West with suspicion of schizophrenia, the voice! As in the Soviet Union, all relatives and family members will be bought; those who cannot be bought will be eliminated from society

I've been posting this photo for 4 years, a successful project with a crystal in water, a stone and the silver mirror, Smartphone Photo. the reaction of the last 4 years: you're a crazy person with hallucinations, a schizopheric with delusions, we don't see anything.The grinning and laughing of people who pass me by has this goal: you are inferiorly ridiculous, you are nothing. This psychological war is taught by organizers to Stasi agents like Azadeh, Ali Gharib and her family, Iranian Turks, Arabs and Austrians, and they distribute it in society: behave as if he were a crazy paranoid with hallucinations

Even if I show the Grail event 100 times, namely the shaman's head cat and bird, the police beg society a thousand times: please don't pay attention to the Grail, remain untouched and show nothing. This is a psychological war because of hundreds of millions of euros of torture and a genocidal economy. For seven years all women have refused contact with me, no contact whatsoever, no one wants to become a target and a whore, every woman that approaches me will be insulted as a whore or will be targeted as such

Sonntag, 28. April 2024

Cyber torture with non-stop cameras is sterilization politics and Stasi economics, it means genocide. The European police can't complain: everything is gone, we can't prove anything, that's an announcement of race war, that means war against race in Europe

آقا ما بریم، ولی میگم لاشی حاضری یه دست نداشته باشی ولی مثل من مریض بشی؟ لجن، مخفی، کونی

What medication for compulsory admissions? the line is not very far from corona vaccination, am I right?

I keep saying: the Jew was never the target, the gene was the target. genetic research 2002

It is an EU and Austrian state that pays 5 million to the father and several hundred thousand to relatives so that vmat2 schizophrenia becomes a wreck, paranoid psychotic and suicide case

There are certain characters in Iran where we have certain names for these people: pire say: old dog or pirekeftar: someone who causes bad things or murder through rumors. 1979 revolution generation and 1968s intellegenzia. sick animal: why do you have a hard cock and I no longer have any blood in my cock

گریگوری در پیتی تو نبودی میگفتی قندش بالاست ولش کنید بزودی میمیره سند هم لازم نیست؟ ما مشکل ساز نشیم بهتره!؟ از دختره ایدز هم گرفته کارش تمومه!؟، پول به درد ما میخوره نه به درد این!؟ زندگی بدنو انسولین، کیر شق بدون ویاگرا، پیر سگ های مادر قحبه، پیر کفتار های ۵۷تی جاکش، پیر سگ، مادر جنده های روانی

برم بخوابم، میگم قندم رفت رو 217، یک بسته شکلات گذاشتم کنارم دو ساعت دیگه بخورم، دیشب از خواب با لرزش پریدم دیدم قندم رو 50ست..کار خدا رو میبینی توروخدا... میگه از امسال انقدر شکر بخور تا نمیری بچه، انقدر زر زدی اینم جوابت... لول

EU fascism is a sick creature, Austrofascism is a sick dirty animal worse than 1938, look at the Vienna judges: vmat2 schitzopherenia is guilty, vmat2 is the bastard and dangerous

Viennese police have not a single piece of paper evidence from any perpetrators, this is the mass murder system in Europe: lead schizophrenic VMAT2 people through state non-stop secret camera and constant persecution to paranoia and then lead them to psychosis. Accidental death from medication or other stories are routine

If you ask 80 percent of Iranian women and girls in Vienna: What is the reason for the hostility against Rana and her mother, then you will get this answer: We have too many of them in Iran, too many! We don't know what to do with this part of Iranian society! The hostility of the European gypsies against Europe is because of national socialism, fascism and racial hatred, because of atrocities and mass murder. hostility against native Iranian: Iran was Aryan, Iran was us. you were brought from Africa as slaves for work

علی دشتی رپته؟ خدا نیست و پیغمبر فلانو یا مؤمنان بهمان نو، بیلاخ علی دشتی، کوبیده رو عشق، قند خون رو عشق

آقا امروز سوزن ما گیر کرده رو مسیح و آرش، نروووو که تلخه حال و روزم، نروووو واست کی کم گذاشتم... کسی جز تو نداشتم.. خلاصه قندم اومده رو 68 از بس آرامش دارم، هی سیب میخوریم بره بالا باز میاد پایین، هی دوتا سیب میخوریم باز میاد پایین، خدا هم مارو با این سیب و مسیح و آرش سر کار گذاشته، بخور نخور چیز کن فلان کن... بابا بدون انسولین هفت روز دارم زندگی میکنم هی کمبود قند پیش میاد. سیب میخوریم دیگه هی سیب میخوریم خدا جون، چی بگیم

Forced admission to psychiatry means Nazi experiments with chemicals and medications: how can we kill something in you that we don't feel or have. Constant Stasi torture and cyber torture with secret cameras helps: you are crazy, we live in democracy and the rule of law, cyber torture secret camera system does not exist

I can write twice 1000 times, the answer is: bastard jew sick barbad farahani the voices come out of donkeys ass, we don't see anything, you're crazy

vmat2 mass torture and mass murder in EU: there is no Stasi torture and cybertorture in democratic EU, you are sick. our decision: Council of Europe continues to rely on compulsory psychiatry. VMAT2

Explain the behavior from 1998 to 2017, and then we know who should go to psychiatry with force and violence: Viennese Nazi monkeys and Ayatollahs sitting in the Iranian embassy and Emam Ali Mosque

Council of Europe continues to rely on compulsory psychiatry. VMAT2

I have always had this suffering and didn't talk to anyone about it, not even to my mother until 2018. Austria knew about it due to secret laboratory tests, every lie and act is a daily human rights violation. no matter which person, authority, rank or individual. Messiah madness and racial madness should stop

They all know me from 15 years of political Paltalk rooms, they know me as a speaker and admin: no one knows me as a Stasi and cyber torture target, no one knows me as an activist in Vienna