Donnerstag, 2. Mai 2024

cybertorture is the second concentration camp, isolation and sterilization and gas chamber

این اتریش دیدش نسبت به خواهر مادر من این هست یا نیست؟ دو پاسپورت ایرانی. کوس جنده هنر پیشه که اومدی خارج از کشور، خبر نگار جاکش، گوینده اخبار پفیوز، روزنامه نگار جنده ننه، دید دولت اتریش و روش سیاستش این هست یا نیست؟

برین گمشین مادر قحبه های کوس ننه، بیشرف های لجن کوس لاشی اجنبی

یک سری جنده پرورشی فرستادن خارج از کشور، یک سری جنده پرورشی رو نگه داشتن ایران، یک سری جنده پرورشی همش رو هوا اینو اونور، شاشیدم به کوس ننتون که نه هیچکس مارو میشناسه، نه جنایت دیده و میشناسه نه نقض حقوق بشری دیده و نه آدم کشی. به کوس اول تا آخرت خندیدی که آدمی سینمای ایران

صحنه آخر فیلمنامه نوشته:، آشغال نریز تورو خدا تو کوچه باز موش ها جمع میشن اینجا ما مریض میشیم، آخر صحنه سوراخ موش ها رو نشون میده و بعد یاد اواسط فیلم میفتی: مار چجوری موش کثیف رو خفه میکنه و میخوره... سوگولی های زمان قاجار هم انقدر مموش نبودن، خیلی خارکوسده ای

International courts, along with the CIA, FBI, NSA, UN and all human rights organizations want to make me a killer with this black magic behavior: there is nothing, we can't find anything, there was nothing

biologically sick bastard race Austrians

no democracy and constitutional state no human can tolerate or justify or glorify what Vienna does, Vienna itself does it and the others: where is the evidence on the internet, do you have anything in hand? we find nothing. dirty fucking nazi subhuman viennese police, dirty fucking animal viennese

Kiwara come and talk in front of me about this topic: we only work with good ayatollahs and with no fascism! Then you will realize whether I am capable of killing your entire family and colleagues. You bastard subhuman Austrian, cheap race scum

What has been proven: Europe and societies are the same garbage in the case of disenfranchisement and decomposition as they were 85 years ago.

I have many fans but also fan communities, one of these branches are the soft Nazis, passive aggressive Nazis: As long as he is not humane, we stand behind him and won't let anything happen to him, if he finds Azadeh Amiri and kills the woman then his life really begins and he becomes too human, then we disappear and no longer support him

Society wants to investigate individual people with special characteristics, throw them on the ground and squeeze them, this sick behavior and criminality is what the government and all its officials call "normal human behavior" and not to be punished but to be tolerated

In democracy and the rule of law, no state function can describe sick and criminal as normal, Viennese judges and politicians do it, I say schizophrenia is magic and normal, it is not a disease, it has grown naturally for thousands of years.

I have to go. but There were German Austrian women who had been commissioned to hunt phenomena through expeditions, thousands of Nazi women and men. Here I am in the center of psychopathy, in Vienna, after 80 years, something you had never seen: the dog says wow wow in my head, the djinn hou hou, and the geisha: nakota chia hamo sia tanaka. I don't understand all three of them, I asked the geisha to leave signs on the bathroom mirror so that I can understand them with the Google translator camera

My sister's first panic attacks began in 2002-2003 and she was taken to the hospital. who didn't know? azadeh amiri? her mother? Viennese women? police politics and judges? The country is sick with Aryan Iranian, biologically sick. I prove: Aryan race has a high statistic of sick biology, wait until I finish 17 books

The mobilization of 500,000 active murderers, child torturers and child murderers to murder a million children began at the turn of the century. What do you think is it today? and what about international networks and Vienna? As far as VMAT2 and schizophrenia are concerned, with this woman? disenfranchisement system and criminal women

I'm currently reading psychological "ROMANS" written before the Second World War, I need two weeks to read through all 17 pieces: why the execution of crazy women and murderers is morally unacceptable. LOL

Mittwoch, 1. Mai 2024

ما بریم بخوابیم، ولی کیرم از پهنا خیلی تو دهنت سینمای ایران، ریدی با این طرح های سالم سازی جامعه، آدم فروش های کوسکش..

کوس شعر درست کردن، فیلم نیست که کوس شعر، ۴۵ سال فرهنگ سازی رژیم این بوده: تزریق اگوئیسم بی رویه در جامعه، رواج کوسکش بی حد و مرز در ایران. کونده طرف میگیره زن یارو رو میکنه هر کس هم از کنار علی رد میشه بهش میخنده، به این معنا: ناموس چیه علی آقا پول رو بچسب،، پول چجوری در میاد! ؟غیر از اینه کونکش با این ایرانی که درست کردین؟ مردم رو خر میکنین؟ که چی؟ ما هنوز معتقد و آدمیم؟ گوه خوردی بیناموس.

سینمای ایران، کیرم از پهنا تو دهنت، خارکوسده آدم فروش، میخونی یا نه کوسکش؟

زر مفت میدونی یعنی چی؟ یعنی این فیلم، اتریش با یه جنده بابلی تمام ایران رو گرفته زیر دستش، این کوسکش فیلم از دهات و پول و سرپرست و اعتقادات مردم درست میکنه: اجنبی و سرمایه و کار شیطنت میبره یا فلان و بهمان ما

وقت مارو باز گرفتن، میگم روغن نباتی چرا اینها درست نمیکردن؟ جا نداشت تو فیلم؟ سانسور کردن یا اگر روغن نباتی جاسازی میکردین توقیف میشد؟ تو اون روحتون این همه ما نشستیم بینیم آخرش چی میشه بعد دیدیم فقط روغن نباتی کمه

oriental vmat2 schizophrenia case VIENNA/AUSTRIA

Western science is a Nazi when it comes to phenomena and associated ethnic groups and humans. oriental vmat2 schizophrenia case

خوب ما از الان شروع میکنیم به لوبیا پلو خوردن تااااا ده شب حاجی، نه تو مارو کشتی نه قند مارو میکشه. چرا حالا توماج رو میکشی ولی عاشق من یعنی همون جازمنی خدا میدونه...

From 1938 to 1946 everything happened in disenfranchisement. society or worse“Science” did what it wanted in the disenfranchisement system. Today it is even worse: father uncles relatives are given so much money and luxury that they kill their own children, or Iranian society kills its own compatriots as you see in Vienna or the behavior of Iranian exile

Do you know a dirtier government sterilization policy? Not even in North Korea or China or Saudi Arabia will people be forcibly sterilized; in Austria it is a normal practice with secret cameras

The Austrian government and its Nazi politicians have left no place on earth for healthy relationships with other people, or for healthy building of social networks. especially not in Iran. I am confronted with societies that want money through manipulation and psychological torture because it goes unpunished

There is not a single dealer, collector or customer in Europe, America, Turkey, Iran and Israel that doesn't know me. through fake material clips, fake documents, false police and judge statements and secret cameras

This society and all its officials do not want to be responsible for the ruining of existence and psychological war and terror. from 1998 to today. I currently live in the Stasi and cyberterror system