Mittwoch, 8. Mai 2024

This bronze statue is from 2500 BCE ELAM, a praying woman, I say spiritual powerful woman. But it doesn't make any difference, Religious and spiritual behavior is God genes. To say to viennese subhuman is justified because 85% of atheist Austria say that religious behavior is crimes and inferior, people without vmat2

ایران من شاشیدم به کوس ننت، به کوسه ننه رژیمت به کوس ننه مردمت، به کوس ننه رهبرت، به هرچی که هستی، من کیرم تو کشوری که اسمش ایرانه مادر جنده ها، من شاشیدم به کوس ننه هرچی ایرانی

Today I met 10 Austrians, one sat next to me for 5 minutes and talked to me, I suddenly realized: he will soon kill my sister because of the illegal money, 5 minutes were enough to find out. the other 10 even worse than this one

ایران من ریدم به کوس ننت با رژیمت با ملتت با هرچی که هستی، من شاشیدم به کوست ایران مادر جنده


شده مملکت مادر جنده ها، مملکت خارکوسده ها، بابا سه تا چهارتا زلزله سنگین کمه، ده تا بمب اتم تو سرتون بخوره مادر قحبه ها، کوسکش ها بیناموس ها، لجن های بی آبرو

The poverty Iranian has been involved in this campaign since 1998. I've been writing for seven years and everyone reads like a piece of shit what Vienna has done, a piece of corrupt shit even in international courts, like a piece of dog shit

This is magic art, metaphysics photo and unique on an international level, since 1998 I have been exposed internationally with fake material because this sick subhuman, this animal and bastard race wants to bring my standards to zero, Viennese bastard Aryan subhuman race, dirtiest existence, Viennese Aryan son of the bitch subhuman bastard race

This city has a number of killers, the number is statistically 285,000 Austrians, 3rd and 4th generations of this bastard race, inferior subhuman race. They'll kill me soon, do you know why? Because the passive aggressive Nazis that call themselves leftists and greens and social democrats have given the green light: the coffers are full, we don't need anything more, we can't get any more money

No one in Vienna looks at thousands of photos, nothing happens in the Grail, everything is unimportant because you are subhuman, a bastard race. this behavior is subhuman. you thief, you looter, you scharlatan, you liar, you subhuman bastard aryan race

An Aryan Austrian is an inferior subhuman, a thief, a charlatan, a looter, a murderer of women, a child murderer. an inferior branch of evolution, inferior evolution origin, an Austrian is a subhuman

This inferior subhuman, namely Aryan Austrian, raised children as a grandmother until the late 90s. So also left-wing children, green children, liberals and social democrats. This whore, this subhuman bastard race, this Aryan Vienna has plans for the thousand year REICH, with other EU countries also with replacement of the gas chamber: cyber torture Stasi system, with scarecrow leftist, green, social democrat or liberals: NAZI CHILDREN SCUM

دیوونه کیه عاقل کیه جونور کامل کیه، آقا ما بریم، روز خوش

We are confronted with an EU and Austria and Western countries that torture and kill when they find biological presence outside the evolutionary circle

With the mass exodus of economic refugees, this illegal economic system is not sophisticated art, but cheap dirty politics. Poverty Iranians and others get 1100 euros in social money, with cybertorture online cash option 89 percent become perpetrators

Dienstag, 7. Mai 2024

I have to go to sleep, but even if I develop a blueprint, concept and system and implement it then it would be an even greater insult, for example showing an entire city from another universe through a gate. We live in 4th Reich EUROPE

This sick NAZI country has the urge like a jackal that tears a deer to say: three people he/she/the mother are not human. Sasanian artifact, before Islamic times

They used cybertorture, which is worse than the Jewish boycott in 1932 to ruin everything in my life and turn it into money. They don't want to take responsibility for anything, they don't want to give anything back and under no circumstances does this fascism want to be punished

This is the divorce letter from my mother, Nasser Farahani, who was convicted because he stole the entire company and family assets in the summer of 2002, and Vienna is paying the equivalent of 5 million euros for this statement: I financed his business and it was my business! LOL 2002 to 2006. bastard Austrian

If you read the History, the relationship between France and Vienna was always associated with great hatred, with enforcement of this system on an international basis against native Iranians there is a turn, love and sympathy on a large scale. Look at Strasbourg, the international judges and French officials....

خلاصه اینم روش، ولی زکی چرا آمار زیاد بالا نیست، آدم و آفرینش این چوب تو پاچش نمیره، به چهارصد هزار مجروح جنگی خورد دیگه؟ نه؟ ،

امروز همه اینها اتریش رو میپرستند، این سیستمی که جهانی شده از حمله شیمیایی به ما بدتره، جنایتکار ترن

I still live in the Stasi Nazi disenfranchisement system, with the justification: human rights are for humans, and not for this race! Darwinian bastard Nazis

Who the fuck are you and what the fuck is wrong with you? We are human history, history belongs to us and not to Israel

I give a meaning, I make a mark, I am great Persian Empire DNA origin. asshole bastard western countries and israel, fucking europe

خلاصه یه زن بهمون دادن اونور، پدر مادر خوبی هم داره، بینیم حالا با طیاره فضایی میان دنبالمون یا نه، اینور همه بی پدر مادرن مادر قحبه ها

Montag, 6. Mai 2024

i have to go, but such a journey

My nerves are on edge, the proof is my sensor, a spiritual rollercoaster journey with joys, sorrows, war and friendship. between zero zero and 8 a.m.

In the 90s I went to the coffee house at this time and was looking forward to Viennese melange and friendly conversations with the staff, I was a welcome guest, I have been doing without it for more than 8 years, I no longer see humane behavior, but animal behavior:He wants to take away our money supply, he wants to steal from us

A majority of Austrians are sick animals, animal origins, didn't you know? Mass murder contracts torture and humiliation contracts with a society is only possible in Vienna, sick inferior animals, genetic run-of-the-mill assholes. good night

A state that protects and rewards criminals talks about taxes, a state that maintains the disenfranchisement system and tortures even more talks about taxes, a state where no justice official works for victims talks about taxes. bastard animal austria. bastard scum austria