Freitag, 10. Mai 2024

If a change happens in Iran and regime change happens then I will immediately give back this toilet paper (which concerns vmat2)Eu passport and do more important work in the name of Elam, genetic minority race and tribe: MAGOI race

آقا امروز داشتم به خودم نگاه میکردم و به یک واقعیتی پی بردم: جدی اگر یه زن یوگسلاو میگرفتم تاحالا قیافم شده بود مثل کامیون رون ها، زن یونانی میگرفتم قیافم میشد مثل سرایدارها و باغبون ها، زن ترک گرفته بودم مثل آشپز باشی ها،. والا برو یه زن یا حالا دوست دختر عن آریایی ایرانی بگیر ببین خدا به دادت میرسه یا نه، والا به داد ما که رسید شاید به داد تو هم برسه

In addition: I live in a garbage can austria with genetic Aryan garbage, you live in a swamp full of mixed unclean Aryan garbage, i.e.: yellow dog and jackal

Toomaj the Iranian rapper and his peers and colleagues have been idiots for 40 years, they allow themselves to be arrested so that they can be tortured and killed in a cell. I've been talking about this topic since 2002: kill 100 officers before you die.

If the police advance and want to imitate Hezbollah: "We don't know anything, nothing happened to you" and we have to take you into custody, then I'll post on Facebook and my blogspot. com the report of armed struggle against the Gestapo state of Austria

Today I was hit by two curses of lightning, LOL a man and later a woman, I ran back home and won't go out anymore, I have to clean myself. I think it's been practiced for a long time how they send curses through electromagnetic fields, the last photo as a reminder, maybe tomorrow I'll get thousands of wrinkles

For over 10 years, the Viennese police, judges and Austrian authorities have been receiving secret signals from Indo pakistani Iranians and gypsies: kill the son first then the two women, we are there and we will remain silent

The murder of 38,000 prisoners requires civilian courage, civilian help and strength, just like in Vienna in our case, Vienna has this Iranian army

Before the revolution they spied, persecuted and sorted out our race.The killer group (indo Pakistani/gipsies) were arrested by Revolutionsguard as political activists who worked as accomplices in mass murder, after being released from prison the TAWABS emigrated, today they want to kill me and my sister, with the Viennese authorities, with upholding the disenfranchisement and Stasi system

این عن، این کوسکش، این مادر جنده سر خواهر و مادر من نژادیی برخورد کرده، هیچی هم به رو خودش نمیاره، این عن این چپ، این توده ای اکثریتی و راه کارگر و این عن حزب کمونیست کارگری، این عن! این جاکش! این اجنبی ننه کوس لاشی

Donnerstag, 9. Mai 2024

امنستی اینتر ناشنال نه. ه. ه. ه. ه. ه، حقوق بشر نه. ه. ه. ه. سعید سلطان پور نه. ه. ه. ه.

Well, I have to go, apparently the CIA was also afraid that I would liberate Iraq after Iran based on genetic and DNA data

I said back then: there is no fratricidal war or murder in this case, we just have an Islamic fake show, inferior drama with Europe and America on POWER

The fact is: from 2002 onwards I had constant threats because of my political activism, I was a main pillar in organizing political rooms and promoted: civil disobedience, arming the people and storming all regime apparatus, politically and scientifically justified and enlightened! What came out: we are humane, you are not humane, we are Austria

I'm waiting for mail about the nanozoom I ordered, maybe I'll take better photos on Monday. good night

I have evidence and suspicion that even Hypatia of Alexandria was chopped up with mussels by Aryan women and Zion Nazi women. LOL in this respect the enmity and the fact that there were rarely women: they were murdered

Well, there is a page where he also says: I am not an enemy of women, but feminism and the feminist movement is hostile to women, and where in history was there a hint of creativity in a woman that she wants to achieve equality today!? Well, these criminal women's sects, the networks, the associations and syndicates in Vienna that take good care of perpetrators are just that: blood enemy against the creative.....

I'm currently reading a rare book: madness with the woman Paul Näcke 1894, there isn't a single page in this shitty book where the man doesn't try to answer a lot of things with history or racial mixing. It's the same when you watch a movie about Che: what was his history with Spanish Arabs Moors and Iranians in Spain. LOL how much jews blood armenia blood elam blood or japanese blood... LOL

When the film was made about the life of Che Guevara, I wanted to watch it too, I went to the cinema and sat down and was amused, not because of the film but because of the old women with red caps, red huts and red bracelets, I laughed the whole way through Time about this fake red whores: In 1449 we couldn't find you genetically in Spain and Portugal, you are the result of these weak times. today we find you all

ما رفتیم، ولی مادر جنده ایران و ایرانی، رژیم و اپوزیسیون همتون رو گاییدم کوسکش مادرها که همه شدین ژن فروش و نژاد فروش و دلال آدم. شاشیدم به کوس ننه این ایران و این ایرانی, من ریدم به کوس ننه ایرانی امروزی. شاشخالی های قحبه

Vienna police three Vienna secret services and the judges are a Gestapo office and organization against schizophrenia paranoia VMAT2 and Jewish Armenian bloodline. There is no one who doesn't take advantage of this situation to do business online with our private lives. Our murder and death will no longer be a major event: 5 billion euros is the motivation, isn't that a racial extermination program?

The inferior Iranian Aryan also has this virus: our lives are worth something, our health insurance should be special, the house should be perfect, and our standard should correspond to our race. Where is the money supposed to come from without creative power, ideas, inventions or talents!?

The Jewish spirit actually wants this: NAZI Austria and Germany, this Aryan race is not humane! With 500,000 euros of equipment I should prove it more. The master race of the 20th century is just a strange ape origin, subhuman, inferior

This is the best setting of the smartphone camera, I kept saying I need a 500,000 euro piece of equipment for two years. But the laughing man where I point the white arrow at him does it. That's the Jewish blood share and so this sympathy

Fornication is a foreign morality and is subject to criticism. well, it also burdens other universes: the dispute is over 5 billion euros, one site wants to give it to me, the other says: it means their early death

شدن 35 میلون، دختر داریم و پسر داریم و رد خون پیدا میکنیم و ژن پیدا میکنیم. یک دونه خونه کمه ما چهارتا لازم داریم و ما بلدیم و کارمندیم تحصیل کرده ایم، دانشگاه رفته ایم، زندگی ما حساب کتاب داره، حقوق ما زیاده، ما بلدیم. سنگ زیر خاکی وین منطقه ۱۰

Mittwoch, 8. Mai 2024

ما رفتیم، ولی مادر جنده ایران و ایرانی، رژیم و اپوزیسیون همتون رو گاییدم کوسکش مادرها که همه شدین ژن فروش و نژاد فروش و دلال آدم. شاشیدم به کوس ننه این ایران و این ایرانی, من ریدم به کوس ننه ایرانی امروزی. شاشخالی های قحبه

I send the smartphone photos to my tablet via Facebook messenger, originality is 100 percent. Shame on you EU America ISRAEL and fuck you

Ultimately my answer: one of us is worth 100,000 Austrians, therefore the income is hundreds of millions of euros, you sub-menech bastard breed

After 5000 years we get a birth certificate that is worth like the hair on a donkey's ass! We get a European passport as a gift for this Stasi Nazi action: these are our inferior citizens, Disenfranchisement is a right, human rights an unnecessary discussion because of this origin