Freitag, 24. Mai 2024

والا، تا میومدم ایران برمیگشتم اتریشی ها میزدن مارو میکشتند، سر لشکرشون هم همون فائزه هاشمی مزخرف بیریخت رفسنجانیه که با یک اشاره به اتریشی ها میگفت رپته و ته ته ته تقت تق تق، نسرین ستوده هم مینشست کناره شیرین عبادی چپ چپ به مردم نگاه میکرد.. الکی یعنی که یعنی

آقا یکی از دلایلی که بین سال ۹۲ تا سال ۲۰۰۲ نه پاسپورت گرفتم نه ایران رفتم میدونی چی بود؟ دختر چرند ایرانی... سال ۲۰۰۲ زدم به سیم آخر و داد و بیداد و شعار مرگ بر رژیم و جنگ مسلحانه، بعد گفتم حالا خایه داری برو ایران..... چقدر چرندین چقدر عوضی چقدر جا.... ، مرگ بر جمهوری اسلامی با این چرندیات بعد از انقلاب

I have thousands of stalkers, sick scum psychopaths that are constantly spying on me, where I move, how much money I have, what I buy, what I'm looking for, where I go and whether I have anything valuable. Not a single perpetrator Iranian or non-Iranian has this happened in the last 7 years, despite the million euro illegal cybertorture economy

Since the 19th century, this country and Germany, generally fascism, has had the problem with God genes, God genes and now the whole of Europe, America and all Western countries because of VMAT2 research

the girl has eyes, houuu... LOL asshole inferior bastard, genocide killer race scum

The Viennese police, the Viennese secret services, the Viennese judges, state officials are more psychopathic than anyone else in this city: why can you do that? Why have you been doing this for 7 years, why can't we kill you and end everything

Since the 19th century, this country and Germany, generally fascism, has had the problem with God genes, God genes and now the whole of Europe, America and all Western countries because of VMAT2 research

Information about vmat2 research is freely accessible worldwide, there are thousands of internet sites, according to a sick 18 year old Austrian: What is not in my body should die in other bodies, or both should die together, gene and body

Why I say scum is justified: it's VMAT2 FAMILY MASS MURDER: if the victims screw up and die, we'll keep the money for ourselves. As long as the victims are alive, we won't move a single centimeter

Every scum international judge and UN employee knows: European fascism and National Socialism should have no position or opportunity to justify and glorify their actions, Vienna Gestapo network police secret service judges and prosecutors have it

My standard has been lowered to unemployed level, with cyber torture racial boycott system, I have 40,000 in debt because of robbery, exploitation, looting and illegal marketing of my private life. The Viennese say we didn't do anything and it's none of our business. That's what Vienna says as long as something terrible has happened

از بس به ما اتریش گفت جهود وادار شدیم لیکوید هیدروژن دام درست کنیم، کوسکش ها خیلی از پس ایرون دام بر میان گیر دادن به هیدروژن دام، با شماها نیستم ها با اینام. خارکوسده ها

Donnerstag, 23. Mai 2024

آقا ما بریم، خلاصه ایران آریایی بوده و ملی گرایی یعنی آریایی بودن و اینجوری ها، ما هم که همه پشم دم در کون خر بودیم

آقا فرازمینی گوگوشه یا من!؟ حس ملی گرایی و مردم سالاری در ما از بین رفت امروز صبح، اه. این چیه آخه!؟، نشنیده بودم تا امروز صبح.

There are a number of expensive paintings from the Viennese school of fantastic realism, what the contemporary masters and teachers say about this subject and photos: there is no hard work, study and ambition behind it, it is just a free gift, something innately given, all fruits given from god is not acceptable :-) SMARTPHONE PHOTO

I have to go to sleep, I just remembered I don't have any Völauer non-carbonated mineral water, I'll postpone it until tomorrow. Of course it also works with carbonated mineral water, the only problem is when the bubbles burst, hundreds of spirits jump out and my head doesn't have the capacity for hundreds of voices, it gets crazy. good night

حاجی غم نخور زیاد رفیقت رو فرستادن مدتی اینجور جاها، طرف بهشتی بوده این رو ما میدونیم شما هم میدونی. ولی سر دهه شصت اجازه نمیدن دست به چیزی بزنه، به حوری دست بزنه فرشته ها میزنن رو دستش، به دختر بچه پسر بچه دست بزنه میزنن رو چومبولش، دست به خوراکی میوه سبزی آبگوشت قیمه خلاصه دست به هرچی خوراکی بزنه میزنن رو دستش، بهش میگن اجازه نداری! بجون تو حاجی، بهشت هم خیلی خارکوسدست، تا ابد باید کف دست بزنه... ... :-) ما هم بهشتی هستیم شما ها هم بهشتی. خنده بازاریه جون تو بهشت

The song motivates me to photograph the Grail again after a break of weeks: che farghi dare baz bendaz, che farghi dare baz bendaz, to chetori? baz bendaz, to chetori baz bia bendaz, asan che foarghi dare baz bendaz

سه ماه دیگه یک سال از این عکسبرداری میگذره، یادم اومد صدایی که داشت واسم آواز میخوند خیلی جلب و ریاکار بود، هی میخواست مارو بکشونه به سمت و سوی سال ۱۹۹۴! چی بگیم دیگه، گفتم سرود انقلابی دهه ۵۰هی بلدی؟ چیه همش داری از اندی وکوروس میخونی کون گشاد، نمودی مارو با شش و هشت...

as far as eugenics fascism and dictatorship and oppression against vmat2 race: no country government authority network and group will be punished. The only case that happens: isolation death

It will soon be 7 years since I moved out of Vienna's second district, street theater hasn't stopped, manipulative techniques in society of whatever class haven't stopped, I'm 49, and 98% of the perpetrators are still alive. It's also been 7 years that I've been writing every day

حرومزاده: با ژن خدا پرستی اینها دعوا و مشکل روحی روانی دارند،شرایط قرن بیست را فراهم کرده اند و فاشیسم از جمله ژن پرستی و ضدیت با ژن و نژاد غوغا میکند! بیناموس بیشرف پول بخور مفتخور بی همه چیز، جنبش: عن جندگی رسوایی, سیاسی حزبی کوسکش

دنبال ساواکی میگشته، ساواکی کجاست، کجاست، پیدا کنید ساواکی را. لول

Mittwoch, 22. Mai 2024

I have to go and come back in the afternoon: but over half of all Persian artifacts point to the Grail, crime, mass murder and race and oppression. Greek Museum also: Grail water storage jug

American Austrian German eugenics fascism is old, how long do you think it has its roots in Iran!?

Calling this exil Iranian political a killer and worse than the ayatollahs is justified: the killers follow genetic politics according to American/European eugenics fascism patterns, linked and members european social democrat mafia europe

Where is a criminal record? a conviction since 1986? where has there been a single crime since 1986? what is this other than VMAT2 TORTURE AND MASS MURDER ESTABLISHMENT WITH CYBER TORTURE ECONOMY?

I grew up in Iranian political circles and opposition from 2002 onwards, I say from experience: 95% are trained killers, and 67% are tawabs and killers from the 80s, people who were directly involved in 38,000 political murders, as extermination commandos and poisoners

For 40 years, dozens of parties, associations and human rights organizations were founded, from third-rate normal 0815 people with only one ambition and hope: if it smells like chellokabab, will we be invited? or do we remain poor and hungry as always

There are three million registered trained murderers among Iranians, families with children, women, girls, boys that search for and kill us all for money. abroad and at home., statement: JAZZ_MAN_ Paltalk