Dienstag, 4. Juni 2024
Since 2002, my main topic has been: reform politics Iran is the path to glorification of mass murder, ethnic murder and torture, persecution of minorities and secret murder. No scientific study or political scientist can sit in front of me and explain scientifically why Iran should take this path: change Iran with reforms. For 45 years, the reformers have not been able to show a single positive step, only more deaths.
آقا پنج ساله این گوله آنتیک صمغ کندر نگه داشتیم یک زره ازش رو روزهای خاص دود کنیم، نمیدونم چرا امروز یه تیکه خوردم و یک تیکه دود کردم... خاص بودن روز امروز رو نمیدانم چه بود ولی حس کردم همون روزه. البته حاجی صلوات و الله اکبر و چند سوره و آیه هم خوندم ها، بهت بر نخوره بگی: ایشون شعور کار ندارد... بیشعوری در غربت رایج است، این مردک حالیش نیست هیچی.
If you look at the 19th and 20th century textbooks for middle-class schools, it is mostly history and topics: fight and defeat. To this day, many people are very emotional about the fight between Greece and Persia. In short: the heart of Europe is the Vatican, insofar as aggression is justified in this way: we attack as Christians, a setback from the enemy is unacceptable, satanic forces must be stopped at all costs, defeat will not be tolerated.
Montag, 3. Juni 2024
the fact is that after the murder of Fereydoun Farrokhzad there was no more courage, he was moral and action: organizer.since his murder almost everyone has had their tongues stuck in their asses, and that because they are much more afraid of the CIA, European states and Mossad than of the Iranian regime
Between 2002 and 2010 there was not a single opposition activist or human rights activist who said: we don't need your help, or you are not useful, or your opinion is irrelevant. My Paltalk rooms and rooms in other portals were always full of users with me as the admin, up to the maximum capacity limit. The more important thing: students and young people from Iran were present. It's the same as: in surgery every hand is a functioning, urgent hand.
Between 2002 and 2010 there was not a single opposition activist or human rights activist who said: we don't need your help, or you are not useful, or your opinion is irrelevant. My Paltalk rooms and rooms in other portals were always full of users with me as the admin, up to the maximum capacity limit. The more important thing: students and young people from Iran were present. It's the same as: in surgery every hand is a functioning, urgent hand.
everything that vamt2 can do is not important, useless and not worth talking about. the skills are not of much importance! I ask: why then establish cyber torture system espionage, human experiments for centuries and attempted mass murder and torture? why stasi techniques for birth control and sterilization?
everything that vamt2 can do is not important, useless and not worth talking about. the skills are not of much importance! I ask: why then establish cyber torture system espionage, human experiments for centuries and attempted mass murder and torture? why stasi techniques for birth control and sterilization?
Sonntag, 2. Juni 2024
95 percent of capitalists (more than 5 million in capital) are killers with their small children and their big children, due to a lack of talent, inventiveness, potential and peculiarities, so to speak genetic run-of-the-mill. So it happens that everyone thinks like Bill Gates: we don't need any more vmat2 Tesla in this world, the vmat2 indigio children concentration camp prisoners in Area 51 and two others in Europe are enough.
I couldn't sleep and am currently reading an old book, 1922: the end of the world through black magic! My first thought after 30 pages: did Nikola Tesla read this book back then? Maybe Tesla meant: Michael (vmat2) defeats the dragon through technological progress. And the whore gets cancer in her uterus from sheer anger
what the gentleman is talking about and criticizing here, he describes this nationalism as harmful is Iranian Aryan nationalism. I call it European Gypsy Romano Aryan nationalism that is on the hunt and extermination of the Iranian, anti Iranian movement. preferred methods: we find all hidden Jews in the laboratoryhttps://iranwire.com/fa/citizen-rights/198/
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