Dienstag, 11. Juni 2024

Do you understand what I mean? This scum and filth has had freedom of action in Iran and in Western countries for 45 years. 30,000 government officials in Europe and America and tens of thousands more families and tribes

Today the immigrants have total control over Iran and are behaving like us 50 years ago: you are forcing us to kill you

what is today was also before 1979: we force you to kill us. mohammad reza pahlavi also became a victim of this iranian sinti and roma behavior policy: we force you to kill us

older immigrants are also traumatized: gral race vmat2 race dictatorship says: stay down and shut your mouth. that's what happens when they join together and feel power: stasi cyber torture crime vienna:, call for murder against us

7000 years of history was this face, deeply sick psychopathic non-Iranian, Persian speaking new Iranians say: Iran is and was our face, you are not Iranian or Persian, you do not look like us:, Indian/Pakistani/gypsy

there are tens of thousands of exiled iranian who want to wear the name amiri and gharib and suams with a brooch on chest, mostly political iranian with gene politics course

bastard origin, alien gene manipulated origin, basterd sick scum, bastard traumatized country, bastard genetically criminal society, bastard origin

This diagnosis was made in 1998 by an Austrian military psychiatrist: underdeveloped personality and authority problems due to severe childhood trauma. :-) a self-diagnosis mirrored on me?

I have to go, if the state as an authority presents the sexual life and sexual satisfaction of the enemy race as an attraction and show, then I am justified in saying: child country, traumatized Adolf's youth and children

isn't it funny? it should only be the Austrian constitution and it should work and it should only be the Austrian constitution and the assholes accuse me of: severe childhood trauma and disobedience. the traumatized child country, country Austria has been sick and unfit since the defeat in the Second World War and because of the liberation of the race from the concentration camp. You can see that even the politicians are insane and sick

I was in a deep sleep until 1 p.m., my left index finger kept me awake until 3 a.m., there was a spot on the tip of my finger that itched and burned, should I turn the grail? I have no idea, I didn't touch it until 3 a.m. God knows: even when I was in the military, the Nazis called me: underdeveloped personality with serious childhood trauma, resulting in: authority problem and disobedience: UNFIT

خلاصه، کی بو دنبال معنی عمیق زندگی بود؟

Montag, 10. Juni 2024

آقا ما بریم بخوابیم، ولی خداییش ما از سال ۱۹۹۸ تا به امروز بین ۳۰۰ تا ۵۰۰ خونه رفتیم خرید عتیقه کردیم، از خونه اروپایی هم خرید کردن کار حضرت فیله، خوب کوسکش به کیرم به تخمم تو نه خط خونش رو داری نه خایه حضرت فیل رو. بی خاصیت بی عرضه جاکش گدا گشنه. گوه بگیرن آشغال کله نجس رو

since 2002 I have had Stasi agents around me until today, salary people and sick jealous assholes. up to the present time and date, they sabotage, they spy, they ruin, they are Austrians, Iranian Turks and others. shame on you genetically sick stalkers, invalid brains and ape origins

از سال ۲۰۰۲ من با این بی ناموس آدم فروش خودفروش خودباخته نه تماس تلفنی داشتم، نه برخورد حضوری، نه جریان دیگه. این بی ناموس آدم فروش قرمساق رو از سال ۲۰۰۲ نه ما ازش پولی خواستیم، نه کمکی خواستیم نه پدری خواستیم نه کمک روحی خواستیم. من به کوس هرچی شاشخالی آدم فروش ریدم که با آخوند و حزب اللهی و اتریشی فاشیست همکاری میکنه، یکیش همین این مادر قحبه ناصر، برادران شاشخالیش و تمام فامیل های بیشرف نامردم. به کوس اول تا آخر کسی بگه بابات فامیلت یا عموت یا عمت. حرومزاده های آریایی فاشیست بیناموس

آقا ما بریم، ولی خوب جریان این بود: بپر تو آب بینیم، بپر تو آب خوارکوسده مادر جنده، بپر جاکش بی همه چیز، بپر بیناموس عوضی، سیاه پوست سیاه پوست راه انداخته تو مملکت ما، مادر قحبه عن بی خاصیت، پفیوز، بپر تو آب گفتم اوباش شاشخالی

Sonntag, 9. Juni 2024

hey israeli: can you punish non-believers with black skin? or only god can do that?

well in ancient Persian times there were no cameras, but live fuck! Hollywood has pointed out a few things: wells. so my comrades and I developed a system for a rotating flexible grail well, we turned it together, 12 people and threw unbelievers into the well, especially Aryan immigrants, racists and criminals, the punishment: they became black Africans

it's almost over a year since i caught this moment in my grail and i live in a city with proud academies of arts and tens of thousands of art experts :-) i think the photo had millions of views. Fucking terrorism fucking fascism, fucking Stasi bounty system

حاجی ما بریم بخوابیم، این روز ها مردم به کسانی که قدرت صدور حکم قتل دارند میگن ملکوتی، ما که رفتیم زیر خط فقر

The photo is from January 8th, unfortunately very blurry with a cell phone camera. I am something special and look who is standing in front of the cameras today: Austria has won, we have shown again that the special thing in us can win. The pure Aryan race has always been reasonable, loyal and convinced. Good Night

The Greens and Amnesty employees have profited more from the bounty and Stasi murder system than right-wing and far-right parties.

there is not a single party and politician that has not profited from bounty and has not laundered the Ayatollah/Hezbollah bounty share, all, even the smallest rats, the leftist parties

The elections today in Vienna: corrupt criminals are elected by an even more corrupt: the society. Criminal scum, citizens and race dealers, bounty hunters, Aryan killer race and criminals.

My cat was officially sentenced to death in cyber torture chat rooms and poisoned, so there is bounty on the head even for a medium cat. those who watched were the Aryan race international judges and Aryan race UNO elite. Aryan race in human rights costume

Have you seen the photo below? Look at this one: I have been afraid of this race since I was 3 years old, to this day, it is justified and rational behavior: fear of your Aryan existence and race. you empathyless criminals

simply explained: a Chinese woman gives birth to a Chinese child, an African woman gives birth to an African child and an Indian woman gives birth to an Indian child, but what does this uterus give birth to in Iran? Iranian child? In Aryan Iran? Europe and America have armies of networks and Aryan fascists in Iran! my uncle Reza, the brother of my mother

In the early 70s Roloff Beny travelled through Iran and photographed rare moments. I am fascinated by this piece, the base of the statue and the image of two women. It points to the womb. Today's bounty is set on this genetics, now in Iran outside Iran, Middle East or Africa. Today minorities in their own homeland

If the Austrian Nazi state will never be stopped (by whatever government) and the entire parliament will not be stopped, the bounty system will become an established illegal economic system. No matter if it is children, women, men, or young and old.

such dirty nazis and fascists, namely green party, leftists, social democracy, communism, liberal, right-wing parties, alternative and the entire political assortment that only one thing remains: political armed struggle registration! against racial extermination program with cyber torture: long-term strategy for slow death and sterilization