Mittwoch, 12. Juni 2024

I have to go, but: I came to Austria when I was 10 and my Farsi is very very bad, my German too, my English too, please ask other Iranians what the point is!?

a cold-blooded poet like shampoo (shamloo) claimed: hafez and others were drunken, crazy stuff, he had put 3 to 4 ghafies together and then what? what's the point. that was the reason why ali khamenei never hanged him and sent him the best heroin for daily consumption so that he would become warm-blooded

There have been ideas and fantasies about alchemy and alchemists for centuries, almost 90 percent of Iranian poets in history were alchemists or shamans and prophets bloodline, magicians. with contact and conversation. can you live today without secret kamra stasi actions against us, you asshole?

آقا ما بریم بخوابیم شما هم برید خر مهران مدیری رو بگیرید که کدوم شعر و اگر شعری بود کجاش کد بود! از من چیزی نخواهید. من آریایی نبید اون آریایی بید، اونی که همه چی دانه بید، یکی یک دانه بید، همه ایران هم ماله او بید، ما که نبید او بید. ما گوشت تلخ نبید

one of my favorite photos: shams tabrizi the mystic has a coded poem in his diwan.

the people in this city sit at home and laugh happily: no matter what you say, what you write, no matter what you prove and no matter what you can do, nothing will ever happen to us, say a hundred times that azadeh had aids or that you were exploited and robbed. you dirty Stallingrad idiot Austrian. you sick suicide

that has billions of euros today and is afraid of HIV, I have no billions and am not afraid of HIV, hence this cyber torture financing and murder attempt


the events in my grail have a deep meaning, racially and tribal-related, these works and rituals as Magoi and Priest were very important. dirty nazis, dirty politicians and state officials still want to torture and kill me with hide evidence, with rabble and scum

shamanic tales elam luristan, the holy altar., where can you find an honest archaeologist today!? even the unorthodox non-state ones are contaminated with anti-creation history

Because of our great history and origins, no such filth as HIV and hepatitis can contaminate us; all Viennese doctors, hospitals and scientists know that.


In order to sterilize us all, to wipe out and destroy our race, the western states are holding on with both hands to the testicles of the Iranian fascist organizations and sects. which also affects the Iranian fascist government. Austria is in the foreground as an organizer: Barbad Farahani is an inferior Iranian native race, what human rights are you talking about!? Are the three human?

نژاد ما همیشه در ایران بوده و هست، ریدم تو روحت بیشرف ضد ایرانی اجنبی شامورتی... بدبخت بیچاره های نامحرم نوکیسه

I can do a hundred times more than what is written in this book, it is beyond your imagination, then as now, that is called genetic and racial superiority bastard nazis in europe and america

come on Viennese judges, who was alexander the asshole psychopath?, ouhum ouhom, a dirty asshole psychopath that hated persian superiority

I present spirit world in my grail, a drop of grail water has 80 to 187 spirits that fight their way through intestinal tract, renew genes and heal organs. but apparently nationalism and charisma and history and racial origin are a problem ... psychos

Of course the whole city is reading! I posted today again evidence of robbery, looting and fraud from 2008, the reaction: 7 out of 10 passers-by, almost all women, made signs with their eyebrows: no idea, no idea, we know nothing

I'm going out now, but this isn't a random turning of a grail, it's a calculated stone crystal water combination. If I were Aryan or at least someone without god genesthen they would call me an art genius and they would sign grants worth millions

Dienstag, 11. Juni 2024

آها راستی قبل از اینکه برم: شهین کابلی میگه که مینا احدی گفته زن منصور حکمت گوه خورده، خفه بشه بهتره! اینم از محصولات فاشیسم در اروپا، انقدر پول تو پاچش و آستینش ریختن که خدا رو بنده نیست دیگه چه برسه به رئیس مجالس‌

I have to go but: Today there is an even more sophisticated theft plan for a crystal and 4 balls, besides stones and other crystals

the night before the theft i drove to the warehouse and changed the warehouse lock with a 400 euro lock, the next day the neighbors heard loud electric sawing for two hours, so no investigations and criminal behavior. nazi state, filth and bastard. since then i have been insulted as a seer and telepath

the answer from my lawyer and public prosecutor for 180,000 serious theft:it was not possible to prove that there had been any criminal misconduct. my question was where are the two containers? who owns the goods? no answer because of 180,000 euros worth of antiques

In 2007, I posted this conversation with Azadeh Amiri that she was involved in theft in 2008. With her father and the police, they organized 180,000 euros of antiques theft. The money for two renovations of the house in Langenzersdorf near Vienna. Since 2017, the relatives say it's OK because you are not a human, the political Iranian, the exiled Iranian and the opposition parties: VMAT2 CARRIER IS NOT A HUMAN

God gene destruction program, they cause us mental and physical problems with this system and then they kill us, as you can see in Vienna all social classes are involved, with the unemployed as Stasi criminals, with the homeless as Stasi criminals with asylum seekers as Stasi criminals

the amiris and shams have brought three invalid sick aryan children into the world and for over 24 years this illness and psychopathy was supported, and today we are slowly becoming sick, my sister and I in this stasi system, and it says: we are normal, we live normally, you are sick

I have to go to sleep, but the statement: we do everything for money is the glorification of racial delusions, racial hatred and fascism