Montag, 17. Juni 2024

this system is the work of NAZI subhumans, looters, exploiters, thieves, fraudsters and charlatans, no matter what nationality subhuman bastard filth. lots of money with what methods? how should one earn lots of money, you fascists subhuman?

Monkey statement from the Vienna police: we have had everything in front of us for decades, we cannot condemn this democratic network association, the movement is an absolute majority. We can only torture the victims or kill them as enemies of the state

an Austrian is a depressive deeply ill being that is incorrigible, even in the next 500 years. he should always be treated like a sub-human. always Austria and racial madness, this time the targets are shamans and vmat2 race, so torture murder sterilization and mass murder, torture

this sick bastard subhuman nazi don't stop with this system, daily grinning, insulting, manipulating, spying, boycotting. dirty country, dirty society, dirty sick animal, NAZI AUSTRIA. Scheißdreck huankind Nazi-Blut, du dreckiges, du Dieb du Scharalatan du bastard Scheißdreck du

there are Asian countries that have done so much in the last 80 years, that have achieved amazing things with hundreds of millions of population, this inferior NAZI country still says: we are the only master race, sick crazy inferior scum, sick dirty society

This country was until the late 1990s the most inferior bastard country because of Mauthausen and mass graves, it was the most inferior country in Europe because of human experiments, what is it today?

Europe, America, ayatollahs, Israel are driving us to psychosis, depression and death, and without exception all famous Iranian faces are chanting: we have had enough of this race, kill the family quietly with a syringe

mohammad reza pahlavi was aware that there was a constant act of revenge against iran, and that only because of origin. hence this festival. only mistake: wrong woman at his side, east european gypsy. 15th century immigrant

no oriental africans asians or people from the middle east play with words, they stab or they shoot or plant bombs. do you understand why now? because animal origin europe, proud sick evolution also sits in hague, strasbourg, the UN and hundreds of other organizations. stupid animal origin calls us radical islamism or terrorism. you can't confront the animal with words and it calls us terrorist

Iranian intellectuals, politicians, human rights activists, writers, journalists, environmental activists are all bought with bribes in the matter of VMAT2 native race mass murder, only we are not to be bought, we, me and few others. dirty America and Europe and Israel

هرکسی گفت: آریایی و ایران آریایی آشغال درجه سه از آب دراومد، آشغال تروریست درجه سه، شاخه درجه سه.... از جنس این مرد نبود! آشغال فرح دیبا بیشرف خامنه ای بیشرف، مریم رجوی بیشرف، آشغال درجه سه

animals will walk over dead bodies for money and prosperity, decoration needs money, masquerade needs money, do you know which one? that: we are not animals we are civilized intelligent honorable citizens

racial politics Europe America, can only be met with violence, words do not help, 7 years of writing is proof enough. they are animals, evolutionary animals

no oriental africans asians or people from the middle east play with words, they stab or they shoot or plant bombs. do you understand why now? because animal origin europe, proud sick evolution also sits in hague, strasbourg, the UN and hundreds of other organizations. stupid animal origin calls us radical islamism or terrorism. you can't confront the animal with words and it calls us terrorist

Austrofascism does not use any insignificant people for racial warfare and racial extermination and sterilization, but an even more underdeveloped Aryan race than itself.

تخت جمشید ن. ه. ه. ه اکباتان ن.. ه. ه. ه. میمون پیشرفته مهندس بوده نه. ه. ه. ه ساختدش، ن. ه. ه. ه. حمال ما بودیم نه. ه. ه. ه شما ساختین نه. ه. هوه

what do you want from me you asshole sick nazi austria, what do you want from a mother and daughter you biologically sick being Austria

it is biologically sicker than what is written in this book from the 80s

I have to go, last week I saw a Nazi spirit and being crying for a stranger's injured dog, that means empathy and love, right? So he feels, he carries something inside himself. So, how do they say: evolution can love, live in peace and be friendly. I say to that: that is the most disgusting, most perverse, most depraved being that has grown on my earth. This conversation on the photo is about: feeling empathy and love

all around concerned shahzadeh is a poem, a story, a message, unfortunately everything is blurry. can you translate this: Tashar bar rooye kir jib kahli kard darde tashar tokhman div dar jam micharkhanam shabha..gooyand: raghs bar rooye kirat ra didehAnd.. dar entezar marhami az ab kiret mandeAnd.. gofte boodand ab kirash marhami bood bar zakhmha.... rest later asshole american

Sonntag, 16. Juni 2024

Yesterday I only managed to get two halfway plausible photos. 200 others were lost due to bad light and poor quality tablet camera

بچه مرشد.... بگو جان مرشد..... بیا تا بریم..... میخوایم یک حرکت خفن بزنیم

I'll post photos tomorrow

At the Vienna flea market Naschmarkt there are Afghans, Turks, Arabs, Eastern Europeans, Africans and Chinese, this bastard is focused on me, why I am standing there because of my veins and blood: SPÖ DOES NOT LIE BARBAD FARAHANI IS A MUSLIM WITH JEWISH BLOOD, 89 PERCENT JEWISH BLOOD. Shitty inferior fascist pig

what about the photos from May 30th? taken with a tablet, without any special equipment. not enough? the reaction of the depressed neo-nazis was palpable at the flea market yesterday: the inferior behaves like this: you are a nobody. an inferior nobody stands next to me and behaves like this: you are and were a nobody! inferior dirty useless material, shitty nazi, mass murderer bastard

should I take photos right now? is someone waiting? do blind people wait for photos? is there such a thing? shitty country: I see nothing I see nothing asshole is waiting for new photos

راستی حاج آقا این دنیا به این الکی ملکی ها نیست ها، نمیدونستی بگم: هر گوهی آخوندات میخورن، بی خاصیت های ولگرد ارازل و اوباش آخوند هر کاری با ما کردن و میکنن این ها به من خبر میدن تا خدمتشون برسم. فقط زمانی افتادین مردین بهتون نشون میدم کی بالا سرتون وای میسه و نشون میدم به کجا شما هارو میبره، بزار دوربین بهتر بگیرم بعد...

I'll take photos of the grail in two hours, I think that makes more sense. :-)

Well, I don't have schizophrenia but too many guests in the house, unfortunately no better photos possible, they make themselves noticeable through smoke.... he comes very often and sits on my shoulder like Tina my cat

آقا ما بریم تا شب، امشب عکس میندازم. ولی میگم ما ۲۴ سال خودمون اومدیم خودمون به خودمون فیزیکال اتک بزنیم نتونستیم و ریدن کردن داههههم، این عن ننه ها هرچی اومدن زدن به ما و بمالونن به ما تحت ما چومبلشون خورد به سنگ، ما عقلا یه حالی کردیم، یه آه و واهی بود تو جریانمون... والا ۲۰۰۶ بیمارستان بودم دکتر سوال میکرد: شما هرروز با دوچرخه میرین اینور اونور؟ آب زیاد میخورید؟ چقدر سیر و پیاز میخورید در هفته!؟ سیگار از بیست دانه بیشتر هم میکشید؟... لول