Mittwoch, 19. Juni 2024

به جون تو هر خری دیگه بود رو سه تا قرص ترامال یه دیگ آب دوغ خیار میخورد سکته کرده بود مرده بود، موندم خدا از ما چی میخواد مارو زنده نگه داشته،... خدا خودش میدونه مردم شرف ندارن، ولی پروژه های بزرگ تر به درد کی فکر میکنه میخوره من نمیفهمم

For this system, the entire country believes in martyrdom, even with their small children they are ready to die for the illegal trade. without exception, the entire society

آقا ما باز یه سه تا دیگه رفتیم بالا الان، آی ریدم تو روحت ناصر، مردنی هم نیستی تو نه؟

عنی که خارج از کشور نشسته، در آمریکا نشسته داره زر میزنه ننش همینه، جد و آبادش اینه، عمش اینه، خالش اینه، مادربزرگش اینه، همین آکله پست فطرت، هیچی هم ندارن بگن جز این: ما ضد اسلامیم، ما اسلام سیاسی را محکوم میکنیم، ما اسلام را قبول نداریم، ما اسلام را از ایران بیرون میرانیم، ما بی حجابی را به ایران باز میگردانیم، ما..... لول... بچه های خود رژیم و سازمان اطلاعات ایران... والا ما فلان شق داریم اینها فلان سوراخ.. کی تا به حال با سوراخ برنده شده و برده؟ سوراخ سوراخه، چیز که نیست

Elam and Luristan never had anything to do with Judaism, CIA and Americans say: according to our DNA and genetic research, you are mostly Jews and then Armenians. Look at the situation of my mother and sister: international fascism closes all doors with the help of Iranian Nazi women: disenfranchisement and Stasi system for life

these old elami and luri signs have had the opposite effect: our children first, our children above has become an aryan slogan, this also applies to the fight for freedom and democracy: our children above, our children first! the result is? old advice has become the greatest evil, namely unhealthy radical racist competition fight

most iranian women in politics are national socialists, basement nazis. a sect and network founded before davood 1932, like mina ahadi, massih alinejad, googoosh, farah diba, the wife of reza pahlavi, nazila golestan, maryam rajavi, and many others

dirtier anti women movement and fascism is the Iranian origin, the Aryan fascist woman Iran. see for yourself the women from Iran in exile: denial, nazi denial

داره به رژیم پرخاش میکنه ها، سر حقوق زن، ولی سر مادر و دختر جریان ما حق داشتیم رو میخواد بذاره کف دست من. لول

the answer from most Iranian women about my mother: Zari is not one of us, the daughter is not either. by this they mean: gypsy, Roma and Sinti origin, generally European origin

Without a correct creation uterus there is no chance. Who can do that in Austria with a grail? smartphone photo raw

1.5 children were among 6 million murdered Jews, and liters of sperm were stolen. The madness: our children! We are the root race and Atlantis' origin

Nazi women's statement right now: a candy (bonbon) not chocolate. 26 centimeters Rate hole also has an opinion. swallowing my sperm once makes you 10 years younger, I can prove it medically. Didn't you have a tapping hose with a rejuvenating sperm fountain in Mauthausen?

I know many Austrians like Anton from the flea market who say this: Michael Häupl put a piece of chocolate in our mouths that slowly melts and amazing but true: this delicate sweet taste stays under our teeth for decades

do you understand? in Vienna is older and deeper than Roman DAN tribe Jew Adolf Hitler, 13th tribe Antichrist and black magician like Guido von List, friend of Adolf Hitler. that's why it is taboo and a death sentence if you dig

Finding these stones was a 5 hour walk in the deep woods of Vienna's 14th district, but I'm not athletic enough to dig 10 meters, a scepter and an amulet could still be found as evidence.

Targeting Moses at the age of three is a pre-programmed genetic behavior

بچه من مگه چند می ارزه؟ چند؟ شاشیدم تو روحت عن آقا، مادر قحبه بی ناموس ناصر. سنگ ها از زمان دایناسور هاست ها، بچه عمه های پفیوز با این دایی ناصر جاکشتون، بی ناموسیش از اون موقع تزریق شده و پیوند زده شده، گوه بگیرن همتون رو

حاجی ما بریم، دو بیت شعر هم در مورد فصل بهار پیشکش

هرچی عن و گوه شاشاخالی مثل علی غریب و حسین غریب و رحیم امیری و سرور شمس و آزاده نشستن تو اون مملکت کثافت زده ببینن علی خامنه ای چی دستور میده، ریدم تو اون ایرانی که دست شاشخالی ها افتاده، دست یه مشت اجنبی نوکیسه ولدزنا ضد ایرانی..

حاجی ببخشید، سه تا ترامادول فیل رو میندازه زمین ولی مارو کودن میکنه

آره خلاصه وقتی این نشست اونجا و آقای ملکوتی هم به حرف های ایشون گوش کرد، با سرعت نور خوار ما در وین گاییده شد. آخه ملکوتی از اونور صدا میشنوی، اینورحرف این رو گوش میکنی، آخر سر هرچی سر ما و مملکت بلا اومد تو کاتگوری خوار گاییدن بود... بدبخت شدیم دیگه اتریش ژن و دی ان ای آب کیر و کوس رو روش تحقیق کرده، اونور هم مثل اینکه گفته..... همون!

I have to go. david my guest since 2019

I just opened it and played with it, the black stone is lovely: good morning David how was your trip? I'm tired

That was at the beginning of 2019, before the grail project 2021, every day I searched for old stones in Vienna's 10th district. Apparently not pointless, all my movements and projects have a meaning. The result of a week's search was a totem: osprey

Dienstag, 18. Juni 2024

Austria Germany have signed hundreds of papers: racial MUTILATION and human experiments, racial slavery, the plundering of property of ethnicity and race, espionage and stalking of race means NS repetition and martial law, what the fuck are you getting upset about because of Sweden and international courts!? we live in a united Europe, created by Habsburg, the dream Austria: united Europe

I have to go to sleep. My mother was just telling me about Hamid Noori, he was sentenced to life imprisonment in Sweden, but he was released a few days ago and sent to Tehran. Did she want to know my opinion on that? I have no opinion anymore

دارم چیز گوش میکنم پشت سر هم، آها، معین زندی: مال منی لالای لالای لالال لالاالاللال، مال منی وای های های وای هرچی صدات میکنم بازم کمه.

well, two Photos, houuuu

I look at the 250 photos from last night which are prenable. A few photos with white balance option "cloudy"