Montag, 24. Juni 2024

In sterilization stasi murder and genocide system there is no: we have done nothing. disenfranchisement with secret camera actions are sterilization of the race. GARBAGES NAZI VIENNA WITH GENOCIDE HISTORY

Vienna is a sick garbage since and before the second world war and mass murder thoughts and goals have increased even in the post-war period until today

this is vienna with international support with all human rights organizations support with geneva hague strasbourg il support: if VMAT2 JEWS dance around with evidence then we kill the family, by vienna i mean turks arabs iranian afghans and all other foreigners too. money is distributed, careers are promised, houses are promised, grants and support are promised, only for one goal: native race and VMAT2 mass murder through cyber torture

Nazi Austria, America and Europe want to arrest me with hide evidence and embezzlement of evidence, because of vmat2 crime. Supported by UNO international courts Amnesty International and all human rights organizations and journalists, who commissioned Iranian regimes in the 1980s for mass murder? UNO with Kurt Waldheim

CIA Austria Europe and America were the ones who commissioned ethnic cleansing under the pretext of "political activism". What is this bullshit about? He was not even in a cell for one day but in a VIP luxury villa

تواب یعنی از کون کیف، جون تو، ما ها چومبول زندانبان رو گاز میزدیم پرت میکردیم اونور و میگفتیم حالا بزن بکش مارو مادر قحبه، ما از کون کیف نمیشدیم

جاکش ا. مصداقی از کون کیف خوار کونده مادر سگ شاشخالی هم داره هفت سال فیسبوک مارو میخونه، میگه:، جازمن رو جدی نگیرید، ما بلدیم چکار کنیم، جاز من کی مطرح بوده؟ مگه ما خودمون پالتاک نبودیم!؟ دغلباز های کوسکش آدمخوار. جاکش تو بگو جازمن رو شما کی تونستید یک بار با خود رژیم کیر کنید بیناموس؟

New world order today sees vmat2 as a disease and mental disability. God-madness must die out, real God-madness with illusions and fata morgana.

I have 10,000 crazy Nazi Austrian stalkers in one network alone. 10,000 of them are below average and are constantly looking for new information and details about my life. All of them are equipped with microphones and cameras. There are dozens of networks with tens of thousands more of different nationalities who are looking for new sex material and intimacy clips.

University of Texas also confirms: many tribes in Iran are of similar bloodline to Jews and Armenians, more Jewish than Armenian

STASI NAZI disenfranchisement system with secret cameras NAZI AUSTRIA: AUSTRIA IS AUSCHWITZ STERILIZATION PROGRAM. you bastard amnesty international UNO, hague and strasbourg

STASI NAZI disenfranchisement system with secret cameras NAZI AUSTRIA: AUSTRIA IS AUSCHWITZ STERILIZATION PROGRAM. you bastard amnesty international UNO, hague and strasbourg

I don't need to write it, you've been observing it yourself since 2014: Viennese journalism is a fascist Nazi animal, a dirty scum Darwinist and a shitty existence. Viennese journalists.,, University of Texas also confirms: many tribes in Iran are of similar bloodline to Jews and Armenians, more Jewish than Armenian

University of Texas also confirms: many tribes in Iran are of similar bloodline to Jews and Armenians, more Jewish than Armenian. You shitty Austria have another mass murder plan with this disenfranchisement, with the help of the Ayatollahs......genocide NAZI, bastards, genocide junkies you bastard NAZI Austrians.

we native iranian, original iranian have common ancestors and origin with jews, with only one small difference: vmat2 is and will never be traitors. we never betray or kill our equals, but worship them. once betrayal always betrayal... you money worshiper

every Israeli, every Viennese Jew, every Mossad agent knew me as Jazz Man Paltalk, every Mossad agent knew my rooms with the theme: armed struggle and freedom struggle. all of them voluntarily participated in terror and bounties against my mother and sister!?

Iran is a dangerous country with 20 million immigrants, as are foreign "Iranians" who will kill all of us, the Iranain, native race, the Iranian VMAT2 race!!? just because of the money, take Vienna as an example, not a single Viennese Iranian is against what the Austrian government and ayatollahs order

I need another model of grail for 6 stones, with gold alloy. for turning

before i go: yesterday i found only 5 at the flea market, apparently the sixth one got lost, but i have enough replacements. sheep, white buffalo, shaman, gate

Sonntag, 23. Juni 2024

I have to go: imagination, logical thinking, shopping, six out of 300 in a mineral shop

helloooo i have a fairy king and bird in the grail, we are not of the same origin, why does someone give me or lend me equipment for top quality photos, or material for building a 3 meter water gate? oing oing oing nobody wants

98 percent of doctors in Austria are enthusiastic researchers. The root calculation astonished the doctors: robust humans, the extraordinary protective shield of these humans is the blood. The result: how can we weaken the body through gene therapy so that we all become equal? ​​For 120 years they have been working on neurotoxins: how can we reduce intellect and intelligence without leaving any detectable traces. With an IQ of 85 you can also study and become an academic. 120 to 160 is too much., Drawing: ALFRED KUBIN

خبر فوری: چوس مخ که شروع کرد بی افته رو خوش گوشت، دنیا شد پر از چوس کوس و چوس مخ و گوشت تلخ، خلاصه عجب شکاف عمیقی واسه ما جا گذاشتی فرازمینی

my last text for today: planned precise attacks against societies in Europe and America is the only solution to stop the mass murder of the vmat2 race, insofar as they are all motivated and supported by international police interpol europol international courts UN and all human rights organizations

Do you understand this text? The establishment of cyber torture is a worse crime than nerve gas attacks in Europe. The reason: strategic vmat2 mass murder plan, it affects millions of women, children and men

Do you understand my text below?If society hides from you for 10 years that your girlfriend is HIV positive because of your genes, DNA and origins, then there is no pity or empathy when thousands of people in this society die from nerve gas attacks

the american HIV fan community of azadeh amiri sees her as a tribal sister and heroine: we are all together we are one

there are a few thousand active american nazi satanist society in vienna, every time i post something they just grin: who takes you seriously god genes? i answer: even if nobody does, fuck your mother mother evolution ape origin. how many of you are sick with aids?

for me this scene was never bad or outrageous, it has been since 1998, since the world was taken over by ahrimanic and satanic sects. look at vienna society, that's what I'm talking about: zombies, consumer zombies and animals

So inferior animal is the European UNION: without violence murder death no answer, no human rights for vmat2, only in case of violence