Mittwoch, 10. Juli 2024

for full scene and perfection I need a lot of equipment, I've been writing that for 5 years. Hardware, software, precision lenses, projectors and cameras. 85 percent nothing and run-of-the-mill Nazi bastards have this opinion: we are nothing and you will remain nothing too

آقا ما که امروز نمیریم کون لق هرکی بیرون رفته، والا ‌نمیاد بیرون که به ما بده، به یکی دیگه سر نخ میده. انقدر هوا گرمه آدم بشینه خونه برینه به دو قطب مادر جنده یعنی همون رژیم و اتریش بهتره

the women that work in carla caritas and church institutions have a dirtier attitude towards my sister than nazi women to jews 1938 to 1946. because of evolution and vmat2 origin

Austria is today an anti-Semitic 85 percent mass murder potential country with all its churches, bishops and priests. you fucking killer race, evolution fanatics fascists in Christian costume. Jesus was vmat2 and never a nazi meat and killer of mother and daughter

For anti-Semitic animal origin women, you fucking killer race, evolution fanatics fascists in Christian costume. Jesus was vmat2 and never a nazi meat and killer of mother and daughter

Austria is today an anti-Semitic 85 percent mass murder potential country with all its churches, bishops and priests

I'm talking about an anti-Semitic society with an 85 percent murder potential. I've been going to Carla Caritas 5th district every day for 3 years, the end result: by deepening the Stasi system we can get more donors and capital! We also invite the perpetrators, the Gharib family and Amiris, to take a walk here when he's here. We don't know any perpetrators or victims.

I have been living in Vienna since 1986, without any crimes, previous convictions or convictions. My crime is: I AM A VMAT2 POLITICAL ACTIVIST. If I were apolitical, the Viennese would have killed me long ago, in silence and quiet.

Our crime is: we are from native VMAT2 tribes of Iran

I have been living in Vienna since 1986, without any crimes, previous convictions or convictions. My crime is: I AM A VMAT2 POLITICAL ACTIVIST. If I were apolitical, the Viennese would have killed me long ago, in silence and quiet.

I live in a city where drug dealers are active in several districts, nobody cares, I live in a country where pedophile rapists are sentenced to 8 months suspended prison sentence, nobody cares, but the biggest criminals of all time in this country are VMAT2 tribes

Du Scheißdreck Du Müll Du Drecksau. Abschaum Nazi Schwein. Massenmörder Drecksau, Naziblut Scheißdreck

I have to go, but Hussein Gharib, Ali Gharib, the sisters and the children are a current example: they carry out all the orders of the CIA and Austria regarding racial torture and mass murder

When I use a certain type of speech culture in Persian, personal and domestic speech culture, the sophisticated cultured murderers come to chat rooms and say: we don't want to see anything like these photos of this kind of crap! Iran has over 40 million murder genes, consisting of several tribes. Everything has been planned and pushed forward over the last 45 years

Dienstag, 9. Juli 2024

زنیکه جنده، مادر جنده قاتلی که به این کوس کلک بازی افتادی، اجنبی شاشخالی

The fact is that anyone who is oriented to remain silent, even when it comes to murder and manslaughter or failure to render assistance, deserves death along with their children and family. The children are becoming worse than the parents. There are 16 to 18 year olds in Vienna who talk about us like robots, like cold dirty robots.

it will not be the Ark of the Covenant, but something that Vlad also received as a gift

دیشب این آب رو خوردیم و بعد به دست و صورت و سر مالیدیم و بعد رفتیم بخوابیم که یک دفعه یک صدای زن گفت: خاک برسر مرده شور جوونیتو ببرن با اون سر کچلت، نکنه فکر کردی مو هم رو سر واست میکارم نکبت.... خلاصه اینم از این در، و شدیم در به در. گیر جریانات خطری هم می افتیم...

آقا ما هم یه زمانی اینطوری بودیم ها، تا میدیدیم وضعیت همساده خرابه به مشتری قیمت بالا مینداختیم که مشتری بره پیش برادرمون یه حالی هم اون بکنه، اونم از رو معرفت سه روز کرکره مغازه رو میکشوند پایین ما یه حالی بکنیم، با مهاجرت این آریایی ها به سرزمین پر معرفت ما پاک ریده شده به سرزمین ما رفته

I have to go to sleep and prepare for the grail. I will send the new photos tomorrow. But today someone asked me: I have to go to a shoemaker, the one on Margaretenstrasse is closed, where else is there one? I answered wait at the Samarkand Jew, 400 meters further on Pilgramgasse there is an Israeli Jew. He then asked me why (he was Austrian)? I answered Samarkand is the 13th tribe and he absolutely wants to prove that he is more Jewish than the European Jew, in his shop you pay 35 percent more...(...)

I don't know if I have imprinted this message correctly, apparently it is SPÖ with its secret service, but honestly what is the difference between the social behavior of baboons and chimpanzees? Same tribe, same annoyance, same shit, same screaming

FPÖ wants to storm the apartment with the Viennese secret service LOL, LOL to loot grail stones and other things LOL with the reasoning: we can do anything in our homeland LOL. But in truth it's about this: if we have his things in our hands we can also open gates. inferior Nazi pigs next to SPÖ ÖVP liberals and greens and red fascists, Nazi blood bastards

understand: it is women who torture and even kill other women because of the knowledge about vmat2 uterus

Most VMAT2 mass murder orders are given by the Austrians as far as Iranian genocide is concerned, look at Vienna with foreigners: everyone gets orders from the state:do what you want with his mother and sister

a Yugoslavian woman, Serbian or Bosnian looked at me today in such an angry way that I almost wanted to insult her, this was the meaning of the look from a cleaning lady: the Amiris had the right to pull you down and pull themselves up. so, a 4th class citizen in dozens of human rights violations, Iranian terrorism and cyber torture murder system

این دیفار قدیمی میگه چی؟ چیز؟ میگه ببین ما هر چقدر هم عن باشیم از یه گله فامیل گوسفند خارکوسده حیوون بازم دوتا آدم میزنه بیرون. حالا از طایفه دو سه میلیونی شما به غیر از چهارتا سنده تاپاله بیشتر چی میزنه بیرون؟ اونم یکی میشه کاندیدا رئیس جمهوری و اون یکی وزیر نفت و یکی وزیر بهداشت و اون یکی هم مسئول محیط زیست و... یعنی چی این؟ یعنی هیچی، یعنی ریدمون، یعنی ترکمون، یعنی با این سنده تاپاله ها شدیم کیری ترین مملکت دنیا، آقا یه آدم حسابی از شما جاکش ها زده بیرون در این چهل و پنج سال گذشته که ما بگیم....