Donnerstag, 11. Juli 2024

Salvator Rosa brought up the subject in the 17th century, but since it was about the Orient, Africa and generally Asia and Persia, nobody was interested. Did you read this one page of Brecht today? He was also very well informed and well-read.


I've been sitting at home for 7 years with no sex, no freedom, no freedom to choose a career, no freedom to choose a partner, no freedom to start a family, no rights to decide my own destiny, no right to start a company and no right to have children.

i walk every day in vienna's 5th district, in 6th and 7th district and in 8th district. green and leftist districts, i observe everyone on streets restaurants and sidewalks, i observe children teenagers and older women everywhere: everyone is on murder mode, torture death mode and poisoning the jews like in gas chambers. because of my sister these people are worse than in my case

Caritas organization is in murder mode, leftists are in murder mode, all human rights activists are in poison murder mode, with the statement and glorification: we need these funds. it is a lie, it is fanatical Darwinist national socialism, NAZI SATANISM and VMAT2 TARGETIZATION


we are actually in danger of being poisoned by the Green Party like in the gas chambers in World War II,

we are actually in danger of being poisoned by the Green Party like in the gas chambers in World War II, or of being stabbed by leftists, of being beheaded with knives by UN employees, we are in danger of being buried alive by the SPÖ/ÖVP and of being kidnapped and tortured to death by the FPÖ. All because of the vmat2 bounty of one billion euros per person and EU citizen

one presses on the back and one on the head to push more into the mud. society looks on and ponders over all that money... the money has long been spent, how much money does society think is left? there is no organization, authority, party, newspaper or journalist that has not been bribed. international and regional

آقا ما اصلا در کل برای خندیدن از ایران میریم بیرون، والا، از زمانی که ما نیستیم و غیب شدیم آخوند ها هم میرن کربلا پپسی کولا نوش میکنن..... لول: عجب قندی عجب پپسی تگری میدن به ما تو این گرما، خدایا شکرت... خیر ببینی الاهی پسر، خیلی تشنمون بود

there are women who smile from afar, they scream all the time: who are you anyway? what can you do anyway? only i can hear them. these are also women who helped jews escape for 10 years, with the implication: you only have us. this is a different type of killer, the gentle killer, very wet and pleasant over the years, slowly, but then the early death comes when you have become a nobody without having achieved anything

Brecht Bertolt would quickly and thoughtlessly write for me on scrap paper: The Grail Castle was built here but folly brought you back here, The folly. He went in. the foolishness went in, and you? you will sit in front of the doors forever, forever

Mittwoch, 10. Juli 2024

I have to go, but the archaeologists are even more anti-Semitic and fascist than others, they call the writing runic script, but the depiction of ELAMIC kings as an illusion and fata morgana

ولی خداییش ناصر در تاریخ ما به کیری بودن ضبط شده ای سنده تاپاله، بچه های اکرم و عباس و قاسم هم عن تر از تو روش، آقا ما بریم تا عصری

well, I've been doing that for 4 years, the stones from Bosnian pyramids and the shaman artifact both have the gate sign against scum

I stayed at home all day today and wrote, the result: the Viennese Mullahs and Ayatollahs: it is none of our business what you do with our hidden Jews, Jewish blood was never Iranian. This statement without fear of punishment has supporters, UNO elite officials

In today's circumstances, a salary of 1800 euros means the lowest of all classes, less than nothing, 2000 to 6000 is ridiculous. If your entire life and existence amounts to a million and a half euros, then you are only a third-class citizen. Cyber ​​torture, the Stasi financial system is a monkey theater system, created for racial murder. Who is someone? Who are you?

همه بدبختی مملکت رو پس رفتگی مملکت رو انداختن سر حمله اعراب به ایران، الاغ ما از زمان امام علی به اینور با ابوذر لاتی رو ماچ کردیم گذاشتیم بالا طاقچه، مگه نفهمیدی با حضرت عباس چکار کردن؟ عوضی، گوه، تو چکار بودی هی آریایی آریایی راه انداختی!؟ ما ول کردیم، ما رفتیم اسپانیا، رفتیم یوگسلاوی رفتیم فرانسه بینیم آدم میشی یا نه، عن! لول

for smaller version of the project i need exactly 560.000 euros, then you will become less than nothing. i do it as "son of cyrus the great" i am a genetic and DNA prince from the tribes

Israeli cultural community sends statistics of anti-Semitic attacks and crimes every year. But nobody reports that Nazi Austria is searching for hidden Jews in laboratories, as Iranian Nazis and fascists call them: hidden Jews

many women have ruined our lives since 1998, lived with extra money for a while and then these women died, these people set foot in this action as nothing and died as nothing, and today the children and grandchildren born as nothing are still active in this action

a well-taken photo with landscape, buildings, society and history costs over 500,000 euros. a woman who was born as nothing and will die on her deathbed as nothing gives her opinion on this: you are of no use, this is not art and science but rubbish. this is what millions of women in Austria think

Austrians are to be convicted of dozens, even hundreds of crimes, I have been writing this since summer 2017, but what is working in here is Austria, since 2022 I see every day: the VMAT2 Jew is here, everyone pay attention: VMAT2 JEW...

this sign and artifact only exists in persia: golden left-handed VMAT2! iran is the only country currently affected by unexplained child murders, murders of women and mass murder. luristan/elam, artifact: left hand tribe

This boycott, as in the case of Brecht's boycott, is the fault of fucking Americans and English and this wind is blowing from America. International courts, UNO and Geneva, Hague, Strasbourg, Geneva and elsewhere are dirtier European fascists than any other

Fascism and antisemitic behavior in Vienna is best seen where charitable work is being done or where people are working on human rights and civil rights, such as in Caritas, Amnesty International, Zara or elsewhere. Vienna owes us 20 years of our lives, the woman in here is crying over a statue, or a necklace, or an old bowl: will he make money from us? Have we overlooked something?

Austria is currently an 85 percent anti-Semitic killer race program, still mass murder oriented, even if they look at me with friendly faces and smile, no chance, you are with hide evidence a society of killers and women murderers

in the post-war period not a single former Nazi officer was "boycotted", only Brecht was boycotted

Five years after the massacre, nobody saw anything in the faces of Austrians anymore, Viennese had nothing left in their memories! Everything had become normal, only the post-war bureaucracy was suspected because they moved very slowly and worked slowly. The reason for this was: understaffing and lack of manpower. Only a madman wrote and wrote and wrote.

I say this from experience: the Austrians were the most inferior killers during the Second World War, a bunch of subhumans with a desire to be humane, but what is meant by being humane is to wipe out a whole village with thousands of people. Today's Viennese are no different than yesterday's Viennese. More than 69 percent of those involved in the mass murder on the Greek islands were Austrians, including thousands of women.