Dienstag, 16. Juli 2024

why am I being forced to prove that this inferior existence of Europe wants to kill us en masse, in America, Canada, and Australia or in Iran there are also sick blood European invaders.

Some judges are enthusiastic doctors and nurses protectors, the international judges talk about the spirit of these women and men. Caring people who have mother and father love for patients. Well, this shitty spirit, a 3 million collective, did things to patients during the second world war that only a few people are capable of, taking out the brain while they were alive, taking the heart and kidney out of the body while they were still alive and burning children. Today they do it with cyber torture: shitting in my brain, stabbing Rana's heart and pulling out my mother's intestines

There is no difference between 45% of Iranian women and Austrian women: historical VMAT2 hunters to put the life of the family in black ashes

I have to go, but at the same time when my mother got married the dowry was 5000 euros, my mother was employed in the Iranian Ministry of Culture and laughed and said only 4 dates are enough. Today it is between 30,000 and a million euros in gold coins

A main topic in the conflict that we have always had with immigrants in history and have today is WORK. Work is a foreign word for more than half of Iranian women. My mother worked ten hours a day in Iran for 18 years and restored textiles in Vienna for 10 hours a day

Montag, 15. Juli 2024

Viennese women: if we kill your mother will you be quiet? this is a warning: we will kill your sister next if you don't be quiet

Vienna police judge and public prosecutor: There was no evidence, protocols or files or criminal pursuit, there was no suspicion of illegality.

Acting out sexual fantasies with a baby is halal, enriching yourself and satisfying yourself sexually through other people's private lives is halal, says the Ayatollah, everything that Germans and Austrians did with the Nazi victims is also halal in Iran. Fascism in Iran says: Disenfranchisement of citizens is halal

today it is ali khamenei and mojtaba khamenei: a man is allowed to satisfy himself sexually (wank) if we decide which man we show his mother and sister naked, we install cameras in bedrooms, with allah's blessing

Since 1979, Iran has had the filthiest jinns and demons on power who tarnish the name of Ali Hussein Abbas and Hassan, a filthy darkforce army that only causes conflicts, establishes immorality, pollutes minds, and is responsible for millions of deaths: Ayatollah regime!

This moment was one of the most important days, I lamented: There are officially 7,700 Afghans living in Austria, I say over 10,000, the collective opinion: we kill iranian cyber torture victims and report nothing, we never had this action. 3 weeks ago I was at a Sunday flea market, the wife nodded to her husband and said in deep Afghan Farsi: Vienna is right, this family are bastard bastards, look what he buys, the man looked in my direction like a murderer and cursed in a whisper HARUMZADEH, (bastard) Harumzadeh... LOL

not a single country in the region and neighborhood does this to a mother and daughter, not even to their poorest women, only a dirty Iran on the orders of Austrofascism, CIA and European fascism wave

آقا افتخاری رفتم یه پوستر طلاکوب صدام حسین خریدم بذارم بالا سرم، جون تو اگر ایران رو میگرفت اونم با مجاهد های اون موقع ایران انقدر عن نمیشد یه گوهی میشد بهرحال، حالا مجاهد از عنم عنتر شده، ایران هم به گا رفته

The answer from Tehran: everything is overpriced here, we can't afford anything, if it is your blood and that of your family then so be it,

نمیبینه، نیست، وجود نداره... خارکوسده

Zalem founded the Imam Ali Mosque in Vienna, look what they are doing: we have to reduce the mother and sister to ashes and then kill him with the help of the Viennese. Was my mother political? Or my sister? Did she have a minute of political action? Rana?

Imamat is Iran's part not their part. Khadem not Zalem, which of you is not Zalem. What did Monntazeri say?

we are confronted with Khar Kose, Khar Kose was not a Zartoshti then and is not a Muslim today either, Kharkose and religion are incompatible. Khoramid and Mazdak followers were old acquaintances, brother tribes of Emam Hussein and Emam Ali. Iran's showbie claim was therefore justified, we are ancient creation tribes. do you understand Khar Kose?

آقا ما بریم تا شب: همینی که افلاطون میگه: میپرسیدن اسمت چیه؟ میگفت عباس خادم!

به جون تو این اجنبی ناپاک نامحرم که اومده ایران سر مارو با شمشیر داره پشت سر هم میزنه، فقط هم به این علت:، ما آدمیم ما مسلمانیم ما سیدیم! ما خواهرمون قبل از ازدواج کوس نداده، ما ننمون بعد از طلاق با جا نمازش هبو میشه که ما بتونیم خونه بخریم، ولی مادر ما دوست پسر نمیگیره، ما مسجد برو هستیم، ما نماز خونیم، ما سینه زنیم. کوسکش های شامورتی

Sonntag, 14. Juli 2024

Pythagoras, through both his legend and his doctrine, had great influence on Platonism, but Plato himself says little about magical practices. That he believed in astrology and other forms of divination is strongly suggested by the Timaeus, and it is reasonable to assume he believed in daemons from what we know of the Platonic School tradition. In his Laws (933a-e) he takes healers, prophets and sorcerers for granted. These practitioners existed in Athens and no doubt all other Greek cities, and they had to be reckoned with and controlled by laws. Plato does add that one should not be afraid of them, their powers are real, but they themselves represent a rather low order of humanity

I have to go. the universal task. next to the painting by Victor Brauner

This government of society is oriented towards mass murder, with precise gene and DNA research the empire of Adolf and Himmler presents the natural enemy. Final solution and final victory. Vikror Brauner 1947

In 2018 I started collecting stones, the story is old, mass murder does not stop below 500 victims. 500 to 2000

For ten years, from 2008 to 2018, the Viennese police, Viennese secret police and Viennese military calculated the Charlie Hebdo case and my case, years of research revealed a maximum of 15 victims. Because the Viennese population is alert, just like us. LOL

آقا سال ۲۰۱۶ مثل سگ از ما می‌ترسیدند...

I'll tell you one thing: even if I realize my 38 other projects, the Darwinist fascism wave and anti vmat2 movement will never stop with mass murder and torture. They even have UN blue helmet officers behind them, international courts behind them and all human rights organizations. All employees were selected according to their genes, DNA and origin for the total extermination of our race

what are these two characters in the water grail, how is it possible, like in hundreds of other photos that I took of the grail

the difference is we are pioneers and break all laws, bridges and gates, red border. no matter which branch. and you?

that was my last posting yesterday between 5am and 5pm. however, an Iranian jazz singer comes at 2:30pm and asks for a water jug. that is the result of Austrofascism, ayatullah islamic fascism, and anti-semitic society like this girl. a bunch of run-of-the-mill animals origin: EVOLUTION. dirty darwinist nazi movement