Montag, 22. Juli 2024

In freedom of expression and democracy, not a single German or Austrian journalist has written about what society has done to us in the last 7 years, at least since 2014. Is this all normal?Are you not a paranormal tribe and origin? Robots, zombies, assholes, mass murderers

خارکوسده امکان نداره چهارتا آزاده و سی تا رحیم ایران نداشته باشه، اونم تازه ژنرالش این ها که وین سرباز هم نیستن، از دربون و کلفت و نظافتچی بیشتر نیستن

So if I were Iran and a Shah (king) was still ruling then I would found a secret state organization (man in black) and lead it.... this is all not normal

I just found a photo from last night, it seems to be bringing something caramelly and milky into the water from a fountain, the opinion: drink the sweet and die? I have diabetes. His facial expression and eyes are also in this attitude

کوسکش اجنبی عن اومده مملکت ما علی علی و حسین حسین راه انداخته، من ریدم به اون عمامه و عبا، من ریدم به اون جانماز من شاشیدم به او رگ و ریشت، مگه داوود فعالیت سیاسی داشت، مگه انقلابی بود؟ که این بلارو سر خودش و خواهرش و مادرش اوردی شاشخالی، بی نهایت بیشرم، محاربه کوسکش ضد اسلام، علی خامنه ای پفیوز، مجتبی خامنه ای غربتی جاکش

I was on a 3 hour trip in the city, I say it over and over again, it was confirmed to me today too: BEING ARYAN MEANS BEING MENTALLY ILL, mentally disturbed, an abnormal brain anomaly, psychopathy, sick killer and torturer brain. politicians, judges, police officers, prosecutors, secret service agents, social workers, human rights activists, journalists

آ محسن تو هم واسشون یه لب کوس شعر بخون بینیم

خط خون.. پایه شکسته.. گرداب و نشون گرفته.. ندونسته که این هیاهو سرشو ازش گرفته... آب و از چشمه گرفته کوزه هاش جایی ندارن...... ماهی هاش همه زیر خاکن.....از دست  اونی که گفته بود لاکن..... هی میگفت ماهی ها چقدر بی باکن..... 

Sonntag, 21. Juli 2024

حاجی من ریدم به اون انقلاب اسلامی که خارکوسده تر از خودت رو نشوندی تو ساختمون سازمان اطلاعات امنیت، آقا دستور دادن در شبکه بندی ها پخش کنید: لوله فاضلاب شکسته، لوله فاضلاب شکسته، عکس ها ریدمون شد. بفرما جنده گدا گشنه های شهر ما هم اول صبح دارن از کونشون صبحونه میخورن

I have to go, but if you ask me how this happens, the answer is clear, I have been feeling like Jerry Lewis for a few weeks. This is the effect of psychological warfare

when I was cleaning the grail last night the base of the grail broke, I took photos without the lower part. not a single scene in 300 photos. I have to put it back together today

I just read the news, many Iranian political prisoners complain of physical damage and illnesses, what surprises me: none reported on penis muscle damage and vagina damage due to sex deprivation

I will take grail photos today at midnight, I will post them tomorrow


I will photograph the grail again this evening, but as far as fighting against political Islam is concerned, it is about fighting against tribes and less against Islam, it is more about insulting tribes and less about insulting Islam, it is a racial madness and racial struggle

Only one to two percent of people in Iran, Arabia or the Arabic speaking world are offended by the prophet Mohammed caricature. So, almost no Turks! No Ali Khamenei and Ayatollahs, no Erdogan or Hezbollah and Hamas. No mufti in mosque or Afghan. Actually, only less than two percent of Shouwbie. Fucking VMAT2 HUNTER, dirty mass murderer

does attack on mother and sister, actually family honour, mean something different than, we want war against VMAT2 JEWS ARMENIAN RACE? we also buy father and relatives for millions of euros

The police, military and three Austrian secret services insist on street fighting: no rights until death. especially journalists, who are worse than all three state organs. radical criminal measures against vmat2 origin genes with foreigners and immigrants help

Samstag, 20. Juli 2024

I have to go. But for months now I've had voices in my head that sound like a fight and conflict over a woman, between Jerry Lewis, Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra... actually always, and that's the reason why Azadeh is still alive.

it says: people don't see anything that is of importance. well. what was interesting in our private lives? ruining existence, humiliating and disenfranchising. pig

حاج آقا جون تو دنیا رو با این آخوندات به کونده بازی و فساد کشوندی، والا، ما با دست جلق میزنیم زنیکه های شامورتی با چومبول شوهر هاشون به ما عشق میورزن. خاک تو سر همتون

well, i have to go to sleep. but this half pig and half human and his wild boar tell me dirty stories, half human pig reports to me as a spy: a third of the wives in this city close their eyes and think of you during sex with their husband, and 245,000 women generally think of you when they have sex with their boyfriend or others. good night

Symbol of wisdom, spiritual enlightenment, courage and freedom always tells me to shut up. LOL just today 5 times. I asked him: hey eagle I can't see the tits of the girls across the street clearly, are the tips pointing up or straight? I see really blurry. He replied shut up

Freitag, 19. Juli 2024

راستی این جنبش عن جندگی آزادی گوزیده و ریده و شاشیده که فکر میکنه مارو گیر یه خوشگلی بندازه و بعد یک دفعه از پشت به ما تیر بزنه بعد بگه:من یک زنم عن نیستم! مگه نه مهناز افشار عن؟، قاتل کوسکش جنده های خارکوسده‌

New Grail photos are useless I have nothing more to write until tomorrow except this: cyber torture system is the second national socialism and boycott system, and the Jewish target is always investigated and marked in hospitals and laboratories

Gypsy youth, Jewish youth, some of them are already driving luxury cars at the age of 19 and are making much more money per month than secret service agents and police officers earn in a year. Nobody cares because the enemy is now recognized in laboratories based on exact DNA and gene patterns and schemes

So I'm back, today's daily turnover: 45 euros. I'm classified as paranoid and severely depressed and have been retired. In addition to the pension, I can earn up to 6000 euros per year. LOL It also works with Vienna's Jewish boycott system: if I take jewelry worth 5000 euros with me, I sell 100 euros, if I take paintings worth 50,000 with me, I earn 300 euros, and generally if I take antiques worth 100,000 with me, I make a total loss of 140 euros (including parking fee and taxi fare). In any case, no one will touch anything at this panorama: 100,000 euros worth of goods

Donnerstag, 18. Juli 2024

I have to go. this is a newer photo, this time with my tablet.... it is the women who maintain national socialism and racial madness and gnocide, worldwide. with their vaginas and breasts the whores control the world. so the talk of whore Babylon and Jezebels

Austria, Iran and parts of Europe and America are in worse conditions with Nazi networks than in 1932, with this statement: as soon as Rana or Barbad will have children we will burn ourselves, or we will kill the children

Cyber ​​torture is sterilization stasi techniques, i.e. MASS MURDER. No human being, man or woman, approaches the target in terms of partnership, family formation, or marriage, unless he or she is paid by the state network society like an employee, as in the case of Azadeh Amiri and her family.

I have to go to sleep, but it was always women who filled the mass graves with women's corpses. Like today in Vienna or in 1988 in Iran, or from 1938 to 1946. So who or what is a woman? Does being a woman mean being human? In all cases? Or in a few cases or...