Mittwoch, 24. Juli 2024

these austrian men and women are all equipped with poison bags in their pockets today, worse than in 1938. origin and import of the poison: IRAN! against the indigenous race from Iran

She knows what I wish and want, this anti-race and anti-ethnic Europe should suffocate in shit for all eternity, and all occupied territories by the Europeans even more than the European countries. Get out of here, get away from this earth, piss off. European type "Human" only means dead misery and mass murder, no matter where it is.

I saw it months ago that she would come back, but I never believed that she would knock on the door again in blood and flesh.

If you're bored: Tina is back home as little baby Dina. She came by herself, without help. How did she find her way back to us?

this sign: don't write, don't sign anything, don't report anything, don't report anything is like a bullet in the head. silent death and murder, who is involved? Iranians, Arabs, Turks, Afghans, Africans, Chinese and Japanese, why? genetic education, ethnic origin confirmation, or setting up international hate networks, evolution against primal race

I am an Iranian grail gate opener, I have 12 Iranian DNA Grail Race native tribes background, so goat tribes, sheep tribe, antelope tribe, cow and bull tribe, horse and deer tribe and more. Europe is on a slaughter course alongside America and Israel, for 45 years with a fake Islamic Republic and fake Ayatollahs and religious scholars, Satanism in Islamic clothing

We are not afraid, concerns: VMAT2/God genes SPYING TORTURE PERSECUTION HUMILIATION AND MASS MURDER, AS YOU SEE IN THE CASE OF MY MOTHER AND SISTER. Without Facebook and the website we would have been dead long ago one after the other

All Viennese ANTI VMAT2 race networks knew about my political activism from 2002, and spied on my shop and life with the Iranian regime via secret cameras, with the support and care of all Viennese doctors and nurses

Not a single internet police or Viennese police officer can claim that they did not know me as a radical anti-regime political activist

آقا ما بریم، ولی لوله کردن شخصیت سیاسی که به قول خودش بیست سال آزگار کتاب خونده واسه ما کاری نداشت، رحمی که در دل ما بود نمیگذاشت سرش رو بکنیم تو کونمون در بیاریم بیرون. نفس کش بیا جلو، امروز رحم بی رحم مادر قحبه آدم فروش حیوون

between 1928 and 1946, 85% of the population in Europe said: we are not Jews and Africans and Gypsies, we don't give a shit, and today they say it because of VMAT2 DNA and ethnicity: we are new, they are old, it doesn't matter what they do with old tribes. we don't give a shit

Paltalk has been monitored, spied on and evaluated by the CIA/NSA since 2000. Until 2012, they never had a chance to belittle me, to make me irrelevant or to ruin me politically, insofar as I was always up to date with my topics and discussions. Then they started handing out money. And since then, no one knows me as an Iranian regime opponent, political activist and fighter.

NSA/CIA has its own gate openers, state orthodox scientists who are obliged to the state, we are being persecuted, marked and hunted. Look at the situation in Vienna

Write, write about it Viennese journalists: We are Charlie, VMAT2 IS terrorism. charlie is CIA on a global basis and racial madness, vmat2 critic and murderer, a torturer

Dienstag, 23. Juli 2024

When I opened the business in 2002, a man got up at 6 a.m. and went to work at 8 a.m. for 1750 euros a month. Look what he did with Iran and Austria, just because of that: we are someone, he is nobody

More than 85% of society is involved in the cyber torture system, everyone has problems in their own way and tries to get out of the victim role by humiliating target families, and money is the reward and dopamine. And when the state kills us, everyone runs away and knows nothing

I not only deal with Stasi agents, fascists and anti-Semites on a daily basis, but also with psychopaths with terrible childhood trauma: you have your mum, what more do you want in life, you have everything, I don't have a mum, she passed me on as a child like garbage, I grew up with a substitute parent. Or: you have know-how, you know about a lot of things, I have nothing, I can't do anything, what more do you want?

that's how I live, 5 books for two tits an hour! if the tax officials want to know exactly, putting something between the two tits costs extra for a paperback. that's why I'm against burning books when it brings so much joy.

Viennese are more fascistoid in terms of vmat2 genes and race from Iran than in 1932 towards Jews

to whom or for whom should we pay taxes? the country has illegal billions of euros in bounties, VMAT2 BOUNTY MONEY... the ayatollahs just as much

dutiful citizen, atheist movement and anti vmat2 fascists and nazis that were in this ali and azadeh gang for 15 years, are talking about taxes, tax office and trade license. what was it like in the last 15 years with cyber torture finance? you nazi adolf hitler child vienna, you anti vmat2 fascist and anti-semitic national socialist.

Montag, 22. Juli 2024

Fact is: since 2002 until today, the secret camera cyber torture and Stasi techniques are current, because of my DNA genes, vmat2 genes and origin from Iran. It only works with the Ayatollah regime and the majority of Iranian society, mostly no native Iranians and immigrants from Europe and India/Pakistan

آقا ما بریم بخوابیم، یه حسن شاش می‌شناختیم تا به ما میرسید اسمش رو میذاشت حسن ساز، خدا وکیلی یه ترک استامبولی دیدید با ما خوب باشه؟ جون تو سر همین کارخانه اومدن مارو خونی مالی کنن و۱۸۰۰ دلار پول 3 بطر شامپاین رو از ما بگیرن، منم چاقو گذاشتم رو رگ گردنم گفتم بیا بگیر، دیدم خودشه همون شاشه، میگه: من سازم آدمم نمیخواد بدی برو... ما هم رفتیم گفتیم تو گوه خوردی آدمی من آدمم... بیا بگیر اگر تونستی.... کوسکش ها گرفتن؟! مادر این دنیارو من گاییدم...

I think it's this one, but I can't understand these Rumi sayings either. They'll slaughter us all Mr. Rumi: “Find the sweetness in your own heart, then you may find the sweetness in every heart.”

توده ای کوسکش تو خروشچوف موروچوف رو که تا دسته خوندی که هیچی جاکش، ولی این رو بیشتر بلدی جریان چی بوده... حرومزاده شامورتی اجنبی غرب زده، خائن های نجاست، برده های سرمایه پفیوز