Samstag, 27. Juli 2024

بیا حاجی جون، همه هم خر رو میخوان هم خرما، ولی شما هم بز و هم موز، هی میشستی به ما نگاه میکردی موز میخوردی، یادم هست هااا. چقدر ما رو این پوست موز های شما با کون خوردیم زمین. اینم بز کوهی که خیلی خیلی دوستش داری...

حاجی وایسا دو ساعت دیگه انشاالله، ببین سنگدلی تو ما نیست ها، امروز هم یه انگشتر خریدم روش سنگ نیست، چوبه. بهش میگن ابن هولز، یعنی همون چوب ابرقدرت ها.. چوب خوبیه، واسه ماهاست

حاجی دلم واست سوخت، امشب یک دونه عکس واست میفرستم، از اونی هم که خیلی خیلی دوسش داری،، چکار کنیم.. از کون زایده نشدیم بی رحم بشیم،

I have to go, I'll take photos tonight and come back tomorrow. But: my red line is: when an inferior run-of-the-mill person stands in front of me and says cheekily "I" like many Nazi judges in Vienna or NAZI politicians or others... an inferior Nazi Christian comes in my direction every day and says "I" which for me means a piece of shit, a third generation Nazi pig

no matter how friendly some people are, you are dirty fascists, anti-Semites and racial murderers, especially when it comes to my mother and her daughter

The second Austro-Iranian fascism began in 1979 with the disenfranchisement of minorities, Jews, Armenians and other religious minorities. Today everyone is tested for their blood genes and DNA, even in Vienna as you can see. Iran has always been celebrated by Vienna but also by the UNO, EU and other countries.

Austria means Nazi history, and what you did to my mother and sister is NS repetition, what you do to me 1938 to 1946 behavior: disenfranchisement


you dirty bastard fascist and anti-semite in international court, darwinist bastard you dog you international nazi judge, nazi filth gang EU. fascist whore, garbage bastard

Pitiful these basement Nazis and Nazi society Austria, just 5 minutes ago an Austrian begged me to free him from his miserable suffering, I should take his life. today there were 20. daily annoyances and street crimes, daily begging, daily intrigues of the Greens and leftists. they are Green Party members, Amnesty International employees' families. the friendly face of Nazi terror Austria

Donnerstag, 25. Juli 2024

I have to go, but for the first time in my life I registered as unemployed in Austria in 2008, and it stayed that way. What would these bastards do at work as colleagues? I suspected psychological war up to burnout and psychosis: You are vmat2 inferior and have absolutely no potential, ambition and inventiveness or intellect, your intelligence and logical thinking is below 80 level. 5 hours of searching, finding individual stones and putting them together in a forest

In a Stasi intrigue in 2008, Azadeh Amiri, her family and dozens of other Iranians robbed me, the inventory was 180,000 euros worth of antiques. The response from the police, public prosecutor and police: no suspicion, no serious theft. I provided all evidence and the entire city of Vienna was a witness to the theft, everyone was waiting for armed retaliation. Complaint and objection handwritten by me, grammatically corrected by Azadeh Amiri. She has a master's degree.

I have to go, and tomorrow it starts again, there will be an Austrian sitting next to me: I am something better than you, today I bought a watercolor painting as an art connoisseur, do you know J. B.? LOL google lense idiot

I think I have posted over 500 photos of the Grail so far, further projects need over 500,000 euros. A lot is possible

Austria is particularly acting as a Nazi and fascist, since 2017 I have been to the public prosecutor's office 4 times, to the police office 17 times and to two judges twice, the answer: you are a nobody. You were a nobody and you were never important, why do you think we are a criminal organization against you? You are paranoid and suffer from delusions and suffer from schizophrenia. Dr. Michael Siegel 1933 (I am not one yet, I have never submitted my doctoral thesis)

Atheism is a special kind of fascism in Vienna: if we feel nothing inside us then there should be no one who feels it or claims it or shows it or annoys us with metaphysics

The antique dealers in the inner district of Vienna have known me since 2000, actually almost all carpet dealers and antique dealers. Today an atheist pig sat down next to me and asked: do you know who Powolny is? I have a sugar bowl. do you know what that is? this man is the deepest filth of Austria, this man is the prime example of the Austrian Republic, thieves, looters, liars, charlatans, mass murderers, anti-Semites, National Socialists and fascists...

nice day, I'm going now, a stone from the lady.

I have to go, but magic stones are a portal opener for conversation on the spiritual level, that they appear in the grail is no coincidence. the poltergeist is the result of putting 30 stones together, he was the neighbor in the favorites district, he always had these 4 stones with him

hey hongkong the austrians are not afraid of a poltergeist from my grail, but of an international lawyer

I look at my statistics once every 3 months, today I'm looking at it again. Is there an international lawyer with testicles in Hong Kong? A Bruce Lee or..... LOL

this pen in Europe that writes nothing, signs nothing and reports nothing is a genocide pen

I'm not feeling well mentally and nervously, it's also affecting my sugar levels, I'm confronted with a society that looks me straight in the eye every day and asks me at first encounter: what's your name and where are you from... so I also think that Vienna is still a mass murderer: woman died because of wrong medication dosage, child paralyzed because of wrong medication dosage, man kills himself and his family because of severe depression, or: unknown man stabbed a man in the chest, reason unknown